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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Regarding kind of fistula

>I had a blister like swelling at the right side of the anus which i left it uncared and it bursted one day. I showed local practitioner and took some medicines and ointments.

>I left it uncared for about three months without giving serious attention to that but visiting practitioners when my pain aggrevates, and have medication(tablets/ointments)

>Finally i seriously consulted a practitioner when the pain and puss more aggrevated. He advised me for a surgery.

>I have undergone surgery in september 2004 which involved a cut in between my things and in between the anal opening and the testicles to remove the infection.

>The opening slowly is recovering still not fully covered, as i am a vegetarian ill not have any non-vegetarian items. After my doctor insisted me to have eggs i m now having it as frequently as possible.

>The opening during surgery was about 4cms in length and about 1.5 to 2 cms in depth. Now it has become only 0.5 to 0.8 cm in length and about 0.2 to 0.4 cm in depth. But the healing is very slow(i dont know, i think)

>Recently i again got the same kind of blister near the anus again, but this time i showed it immediately to my doctor who had a slight cut at the blister and removed the infection. Will it repeat??

>I also have bleeding from the place where blister was present (but i find no opening there, its like a semi-permeable skin) when i use my lavatory(when i discharge my wastes/stool). The bleeding is not part of stool but besides the anus and i think exactly at the place where the blister was present.

>Please suggest me any homeopathic remedy for this which should help me in avoiding further surgery and relieve me from pain.

I hope this is consice enough and has optimal details of my illness.

Also i have a doubt that people say
"While using homeopathy it first aggrevates(increases) the illness and then only it will eradicate it"

Is that true???????????????
  vvskum2k04 on 2005-11-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Last first --- NO!

Fistula should never be operated on.

The body will ALWAYS make a new fistula , because this is the way it has deceided to relieve the deep rooted problem.

It is always useless to treat the surface symptom and leave the deep rooted problem unsolved.

Find a homeopath -- by personal recommendation-- and deal with him-her.
walkin last decade
Walkin thanks for your instant reply. I'll go and meet any homeopath as soon as possible. I have also enquired about the saying i have heard from many people that
"Homeopathy medicines first aggrevate the illness and then only heal it"

Is that true??????

Also if possible please suggest a medicine so that i shall use it in the mean time before i go and meet a homeopath. Please suggest me this.
vvskum2k04 last decade

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