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Arnica Montana:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

arnica 200

I started taking arnica 200 for neck pain twice a day for one week and I am getting symptoms like headache, nausea and sleeplessness.
never had sleep issues before
anyone had reaction to arnica
  dneil on 2014-07-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Look at the top of the forum-remedies store. Click on Arnica and read on
headache, sleep, abdomen and see
the symptoms listed. When people have
too much of a remedy they often get
other symptoms that the remedy is
indicated for. This is called 'proving'
the remedy..

You have overdosed yourself with 200
potency. One dose of 200 can last for
weeks. Stop taking it and see if these
symptoms start to fade out by themselves.

When a remedy starts making things worse or better you stop
taking it and see what happens, what kind of action it is having.
If things get worse then better, you only take another dose when
symptoms return.

The other issue is whether this is a sudden neck pain due to injury or
if this is a chronic problem. The remedy has to match your symptoms
if it is a sudden acute problem. If chronic it has to match more things
unique to your totality. You need supervision on chronic issues and
to have someone guide you in correct remedy choice.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 27 Jul 2014 03:25:15 BST]
simone717 last decade
Thank you for your response
Please suggest antidote and also remedy so I restore my sleep
I never had sleep issues before
dneil last decade
Sorry I wanted to add more info so u could guide the the correct antidote
Neck is chronic problem
Now after taking arnica
Inflammation is better but now I can hear bone cracking noise when I move my neck
Before due to inflammation there was limited motion
dneil last decade
Wait a few days and see if the effects
wear off. Or you can google
Aggravation Zapper by Elaine lewis
and this is a watered down dose of
what you took that can lessen the

It could be that after effects wear off you feel better. if not then
someone has to take your complete case with what is left from
Arnica and find something that matches all of it.

Or you could try Camphor mother tincture-Take Camphor Q 5 drops with a tea spoon of Sugar 3 times a day for 3 days before 30 min from meal. It the the medicine which can neutralize 90% homeopathic medicines effects immediately.This is from
Dr. Showrav, however you can overdose on this too- so I would try a couple
dose and then wait and see what goes on.
simone717 last decade
can nuxvomica 30 c act as antidote for this?
dneil last decade
Antidotes listed are
Camphor, Arsenicum, Ignatia, China
and Ipecac.
simone717 last decade

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