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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


when i was 14 i tried pot 3times,that was over 20 years ago and Ive never been the same since.fortunatly most of my life is fine but it seems every 8 years or so somthing happens to me that i call the thing,I cannot find any perfect words to describe only that i feel that life is not real and that someone or somthing is playing a trick on me and at thay very moment Im conviced that what is going on around me is in fact not really happening no one is real in the room yet the scenery around me has not really changed.but it like somthing says no this is life and it changes and says this is life and like Im being fooled.then i get really depressed when i come out of it and I cant remember the exact horrible feelings.this ony happened after i tried pot.not before.life was wonderful till i was 14
  roddy on 2005-11-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
the same thing happened to me and i am only 16, i tried pot like a month ago and ive never been the same since. i know what you mean, i have the same feeling. i feel forgetful and everything is unreal and i feel like im going crazy. but just try to keep your mind occupied and that does help. stop thinking about it so much and try to think about other things. i have it everyday/all day it seems like, like my life is a blur and i cant even vry about it anymore. my life was AMAZING until i tried pot a month ago. and i feel like no one knows that im going through, and ive been to a therapist but it doesnt seem to help.
renee1234 last decade
hyoscyamus 200 twice daily for five days and wait for 15 days report j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade

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