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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


i hb been suffering from hyperhidrosis since last 15 years . i m 30 years old. sweats much. excessive sweats in all the season whether it is hot or cold . specialy sweats much in face and scalp. also sweating during sleep . lips become dry every time. also sweat lots when feel anxiety and nervousness specialy in public place and society . that's why i generally avoid those places .

heart bit, blood pressure , diabetis are normal . thyroid profile normal. blood routine test normal . one year ago i used a homeo medicine having the name like hyperhidrosis. but not cure. i hv forgotten the exact name of the medicine .

kindly help sombody.
[message edited by kalyan24 on Sun, 10 Aug 2014 11:40:09 BST]
  kalyan24 on 2014-08-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do you suffer from hyperhydrosis?
bapu4 last decade

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