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Posts about Hyperhidrosis

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Child w/ Hyperhidrosis

Hello, I think my (almost) 10 year old daughter may be suffering from hyperhidrosis (HH).

I noticed odor coming from her underarms about a year ago on several occasions which is when I had her start using deodorant.

Despite showing her how to use it, I reguarlly smell a sweaty odor coming from her underarms, especially after shes been playing outside.

Wee tried several antiperspirant/deodor brands and we switched to natural kinds the last several months.

After a few uses of each brand, I start smelling odor again.

I think its important to note that I suffer from HH and my mother did before having children.

Can you recommend a protocol for her to follow?
  acpowe on 2024-06-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give him Calc Crab 30c, twice a day for 5 days and update
drsajid 2 months ago
Hello. I took the prescribed remedy and I haven’t noticed any odor coming from my daughter’s underarms. Would you recommend we keep the regime up? Thank you!
acpowe 2 months ago
Yes give her Calc Carb 200c, 1 dose weekly for a month.
drsajid 2 months ago
Thanks. Change from Calc Carb 30c to 200c?
acpowe 2 months ago
drsajid 2 months ago
acpowe 2 months ago
Hello. I’ve followed the regime as prescribed. I’ve noticed odor coming from my daughter’s underarms about six times over the last month.

I’ve noticed the odor mainly after she’s been inside; not necessarily after she’s been outside (maybe a time or two).

Thank you.
acpowe last month
PETROLEUM is the best remedy for this case.
HealthyWorld last week
Thank you. Can you recommend a dosage, frequency, or length of time to take the remedy?
acpowe 2 hours ago

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