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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Does Homeopathy really help in Psoriasis

I am suffering from Psoriasis from last 1 year. I used allopathy medicines for a while but now have been using Homeopathy strictly for the last 5 months. I have effects in scalp, both knees,back of arms. I am taking medicines from Dr Manus Homeopathy from Hyderabad.

I do trust the treatment but sceptical because I have come over to UK and the issue is not controllable. So asking whether the wait and patience is actually worth it or not.
  ashimavtar on 2014-09-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Please look at this link. Scroll down
to the images of the psoriasis case.

You might benefit from a second opinion
from this homeopath (fyi Psoriasis is
not easy to treat and can take a long time)
simone717 last decade

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