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depression and morning erection Page 7 of 8

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dear simone,

today i was alright till evening. after evening i started feeling little depressed. but after dinner, my breathing problem is just worse and tough to stand with
morshed last decade
dear simone,
any luck with finding any solution for me. for the last few days, i am feeling sad sometimes (specially after evening and in the morning). breathing problem is less intense

morshed last decade
Hi M,

Sorry it took so long to get

Please get Nux Vomica 30c.
Take 2 doses of this, mix 3pills or two drops in a couple
teaspoons of water and take a
teaspoon as a dose. Hold in your mouth for 20 seconds.

Take them on two consecutive
days after sunset. Then let me
know the reactions on day 3.


simone717 last decade
dear simone,

for the last few days i am having headache at the back of my head, immediately after waking up from bed. you want me to do something ?

morshed last decade
Have you started nux vomica yet?

Where is the headache? top of head, occipital

What are the sensations of it? pressure,
pounding, like a band, like nails etc?

What helps it?

What makes it worse?
simone717 last decade
dear simone,
i haven't taken nux vomica yet because i was not home during sunset. i have a query about nux v. do i have to take nux v. immediately after sunset or anytime sunset.

my headache is at the occipital area.

i think the sensation is more likely to pressure.

i haven't found anything that help or make it worse. but i have some other feelings associated with it. i have a feverish feeling inside. even in the morning i have aches in my body which happen during a fever. even i feel my head light. but i dont feel any high temperature in body.

recently i have a constant sad feeling and i take deep breaths. recently breathing problem is very subtle
morshed last decade
dear simone,

i am still having that morning occipital headache. my skin has become very sensitive. temperature is normal. but feverish feeling is there.

i am having mouth sores. they are very painful. what should i do with the sores ?
morshed last decade

1. When did the mouth sores begin?

2. Where are they located? on gums, tongue, upper palate?

3. Describe how they look?

4. Does anything make them feel better?

5. Does anything make them feel worse?

6. Are they increasing in number?
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i am sorry i am not being able to up-to-date with the thread. the sores are starting to heal. but they have pained me this time for a long time.

can we please concentrate again on the depression thing. i am still not getting any enthusiasm for life. i am passing very gloomy time all day long. i really dont get what i should do to get out of this loop. i really dont have any happiness. what i feel is not depression. but no happiness in life

morshed last decade
Dear M,

You are thinking of homeopathy as being focused
as one remedy for no happiness ( or apathy)
another remedy for lipoma, mouth sores, digestion,

It does not work like that. What you are saying
is what they call, " Give me this.. for that."

Homeopathy works by knowing all the things going on,
mental, physical, what makes things better, what
makes them feel worse- that is how the remedy is
chosen. When it is correct, it matches all these
things. Then the body will reject the "match" bc it
will not let what you have and a new "similar"
thing be there at the same time.

Your body reacts by boosting your life force to

In order to see if the path the remedy is taking
is correct, I need all the information. I am getting
parts of information from you, and new information
that I did not know before- and this won't work right.

Please answer the questions about the mouth sores.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

sorry for my behavior. i am answering from your last post:

1. mouth sores began a week ago. (i sometimes have mouth sores)

2. there are three in number. one is between the joint of lower gum and vestibule area. the other two are on mucous membrane.

3. it looks similar to this image:


4. cold water make them feel better.

5. hot and spicy food specially soup ones kill me

6. they are not increasing in numbers.

morshed last decade
Hi M,

You don't have to be sorry for
behavior, you just did not
understand how this works.

ok, did the mouth sores show
up BEFORE nux vomica dose or
after nux vomica?

And are they going away faster
than normal?
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i did not take nux v. i asked you in a post about taking nux v. i am not home immediately after sunset. so till how many hours can i take nux v. after sunset?

have you already replied somewhere? i am sorry i have not seen it or i was not clear with my question probably.

morshed last decade
Sorry, I missed that post about
nux vomica.

Nux vomica has best results
when taken in the evening-
So any time after the sun is
down is ok.

Please go ahead and take as
I described earlier.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

no need to be sorry. i am sure its not your fault

sun has not set yet in this land, so i have not taken nux v. yet. but this whole day, most of the hours i have faced breathing problem without any noticeable change in my daily life. now generally i dont face breathing problem too much. but this day was an extreme exception

[message edited by morshed on Fri, 13 Feb 2015 11:12:48 GMT]
morshed last decade
dear simone,

this is third day since nux v. i have less breathing problem but i do have. i take deep breaths because i have that nervous feeling, which is continuous but less severe than the last few days. dont feel happy. feeling less gloomy

morshed last decade
Hi M,

Keep taking it at evening for 3 more nights-
then report again.


simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i have taken two doses. this morning, since waking up i am feeling very nervous and mentally exhausted. felt very lonely and again little depressed last night

morshed last decade
Hi M- Stop the doses now.

Wait two days and tell me what is happening at that time.


simone717 last decade
dear simone,

this is second day i have not taken nux v. today i did not feel that bad. i was alright. but almost whole day i had breathing problem. intensity level 60-70% (100% is the worst case i faced). my stomach is hot, while i am trying not to take any outside food. 2-3 days ago i took something outside but minimal in amount.

morshed last decade
Dear M,

You need to be taking a good probiotic everyday
for digestion. At the very least, a cup of natural
yogurt a day to rebuild your gut flora.

Are you doing either of those?

Report tomorrow again on the nux vomica reaction.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i am sorry i am not taking any probiotic. i will buy some yogurt today.do you suggest something else/more? or when should i take the yogurt(like after diner/ in the morning) ? today my breathing problem is less intense. i will again update in the evening

morshed last decade
Dear M-

I would have the yogurt in the morning-get natural
yogurt that is plain and have a cup of it- you can
put fruit or whatever you want into it.

Google probiotics- get an 8 strain one. I don't know
if they have probiotics in stores there. You start
out slow with one pill a day and see how it works
with you. There are many brands and what works for
one person does not work well ( gas, bloating) for
another person. You need to do this and yogurt for
2 to 3 months to get the gut flora up to normal.
simone717 last decade
dear simone,

i am having yogurt and probiotic. i am recently feeling a little better. breathing problem is less intense. i have that nervous feeling in the morning but that is not eating me like before. i feel lonely at night but not always i hate that. i have just little happiness(not enough yet). i am having better morning erection.

morshed last decade

Report after 3 more days. The remedy is acting and
we have to see how long it keeps working.


simone717 last decade
dear simone,

my previous mouth sores got cured. but again one is growing fast. what should i do?

morshed last decade

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