The ABC Homeopathy Forum
My 1 1/2 years old son cold & cough
On October 8, my son started coughing, specially when he s sleeping.On October 9, Dr gave him Pulsatilla 200, 5 pills every 1 hr for 3 days for 2 days.
Nothing changed.
Then he gave him phos 200 for 1 day.
Also nothing changed.
Then Drosera 200 for 2 days. It stopped completely the cough during the night but not during the day.
On October 19, cold: sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, wet cough from before, nasal discharge thin, white/ yellow. Not sleeping in the night from the congestion.
On October 20, dr gave him Nux Vomica 200 3 times a day for 2 days.
No more sneezing, was sleeping in the night, but till now same cough, stuffy nose with thick nasal discharge, nose full with white/ yellow mucous.
Dr gave him yesterday pulsatilla 30 3 times a day for 2 days. Nothing has changed.
What should I give now? He is a baby who likes hugging & kissing. He is a pulsatilla baby. He s also teething now. He is eating well.
[message edited by thereseazar on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 17:27:58 GMT]
[message edited by thereseazar on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 17:37:18 GMT]
thereseazar on 2014-10-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
i will say the doctor is taking this case lightly .He is changing medicine frequently which say he do not know what is the correct remedy just experimenting which is dangerous
specially as ur son is only 1 1/2 year .for now take in 200ml of hot water add 4 tabs each of nat mur 12x,kali mur 12x and kali sulph 12x mix it(u may keep the mixture in a bottle after it cool down)give about 50ml of mixture in every 4 hour (give only four dose like this a day) for two days and report back
specially as ur son is only 1 1/2 year .for now take in 200ml of hot water add 4 tabs each of nat mur 12x,kali mur 12x and kali sulph 12x mix it(u may keep the mixture in a bottle after it cool down)give about 50ml of mixture in every 4 hour (give only four dose like this a day) for two days and report back
gaintrox last decade
Why don't you give him what you just
gave your daughter as regards cell salts?
( I don't really like Kali Sulph- every person I have given it to , including me,
even if indicated- we get a bad headache.)
gave your daughter as regards cell salts?
( I don't really like Kali Sulph- every person I have given it to , including me,
even if indicated- we get a bad headache.)
♡ simone717 last decade
look simone i know what i am doing.
u are the best adviser in this forum but i request u plz let the patient take the medicine
[message edited by gaintrox on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 19:28:02 GMT]
u are the best adviser in this forum but i request u plz let the patient take the medicine
[message edited by gaintrox on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 19:28:02 GMT]
gaintrox last decade
due to cold, the immune system sends white blood cells called necrophiliacs rushing to the area. These cells contain a greenish-colored enzyme, and in large numbers they can turn the mucus the same color.By providing kali sulph salt it get cure.also during cold and cough
when blood comes with mucous kali sulph is help full.the yellowish dischare may be due to bacterial infection but it is not in this case.
when blood comes with mucous kali sulph is help full.the yellowish dischare may be due to bacterial infection but it is not in this case.
gaintrox last decade
Even if my son has different symptoms from my daughter, less frequent cough, more stuffy nose, thicker nasal discharge, the remedies you gave to my daughter can also help him? I forgot to mention earlier that he has the G6PD deficiency. Are all these remedies safe for him?
Gaintrox I prefer to try first with those since I already have them.
[message edited by thereseazar on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 20:05:16 GMT]
Even if my son has different symptoms from my daughter, less frequent cough, more stuffy nose, thicker nasal discharge, the remedies you gave to my daughter can also help him? I forgot to mention earlier that he has the G6PD deficiency. Are all these remedies safe for him?
Gaintrox I prefer to try first with those since I already have them.
[message edited by thereseazar on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 20:05:16 GMT]
thereseazar last decade
gaintrox last decade
is your son asymptomatic or does he
have episodic anemia from G6PD?
First- know that anytime you or kids
start to feel a cold starting, just take
Ferrum Phos 6x, 2 tabs for them, 3 for you-4 times a day. If you are quick enough to
notice it when it begins Ferrum Phos will knock it out.
I would try using the Mag Phos and the Kali Mur since you already have it and
not use low potency of anything Sulphur as Sulphur drugs can affect the genetic
condition ( there is some substance of Sulphur in the 6x, nat sulph, Kali sulph,
calc Sulph) I would get ahold of Ferrum Phos and add that in- 2 tabs 3 or 4 times
a day with the others and report tomorrow.
Sorry Gaintrox- I had just talked to her and knew what she already had on hand. I do not
doubt your ability and I am not by far the best advisor of the people who
volunteer on here.
is your son asymptomatic or does he
have episodic anemia from G6PD?
First- know that anytime you or kids
start to feel a cold starting, just take
Ferrum Phos 6x, 2 tabs for them, 3 for you-4 times a day. If you are quick enough to
notice it when it begins Ferrum Phos will knock it out.
I would try using the Mag Phos and the Kali Mur since you already have it and
not use low potency of anything Sulphur as Sulphur drugs can affect the genetic
condition ( there is some substance of Sulphur in the 6x, nat sulph, Kali sulph,
calc Sulph) I would get ahold of Ferrum Phos and add that in- 2 tabs 3 or 4 times
a day with the others and report tomorrow.
Sorry Gaintrox- I had just talked to her and knew what she already had on hand. I do not
doubt your ability and I am not by far the best advisor of the people who
volunteer on here.
♡ simone717 last decade
but long as i observe the forum i will say two person in this forum who have knowledge which make them best advisory and best doctor Simone and Evocationer
but long as i observe the forum i will say two person in this forum who have knowledge which make them best advisory and best doctor Simone and Evocationer
gaintrox last decade
The blood test result came 0.1. The normal between 4.6 & 13.5. I don't know if this answers your question.
So my son is coughing again while sleeping now. For the last week he was only coughing & congested during the day & he was sleeping all night. But his nose now in the night is really clear. No congestion, he s breathing normally but coughing.
Regarding the remedy, If I understood you right:
I need to give my son:
2 tabs of each of the following:
Mag Phos
Kali Mur
Ferrum phos also 6x.
Can I mix them all with couple of tablespoons of water & give it to him?
It s already 2:00 am now in Dubai so I ll start tomorrow morning. I will wait for your answer. Thanks.
So my son is coughing again while sleeping now. For the last week he was only coughing & congested during the day & he was sleeping all night. But his nose now in the night is really clear. No congestion, he s breathing normally but coughing.
Regarding the remedy, If I understood you right:
I need to give my son:
2 tabs of each of the following:
Mag Phos
Kali Mur
Ferrum phos also 6x.
Can I mix them all with couple of tablespoons of water & give it to him?
It s already 2:00 am now in Dubai so I ll start tomorrow morning. I will wait for your answer. Thanks.
thereseazar last decade
Yes go ahead and mix them and give now or in the morning-the reason for coughing is probably there is a drip going on in the back throat sinus passage.
Your nose can be clear and this can go on and that is how it gets into the chest.
I wanted to know and Gaintrox wants to know-
have all of you been tested for the G6PD?
Who has it and who does not have it?
Thank you.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 21:58:46 GMT]
Your nose can be clear and this can go on and that is how it gets into the chest.
I wanted to know and Gaintrox wants to know-
have all of you been tested for the G6PD?
Who has it and who does not have it?
Thank you.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 26 Oct 2014 21:58:46 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
GM. I only found ferrum Phos 12x. I also give him 2 tabs?
thereseazar last decade
Michael is still the same. I gave him yesterday 4 times. Today only 1time in the morning. Should I continue with the same remedies 3 more times?
Regarding the G6PD, other than Michael, none of us has been tested for it.
Michael is still the same. I gave him yesterday 4 times. Today only 1time in the morning. Should I continue with the same remedies 3 more times?
Regarding the G6PD, other than Michael, none of us has been tested for it.
thereseazar last decade
♡ simone717 last decade
in 200ml of hot water add 4 tabs each of nat mur 12x,kali mur 12x,calc phos 12x and kali sulph 12x mix it(u may keep the mixture in a bottle after it cool down)give about 50ml of mixture in every 4 hour (give only four dose like this) for one days and report back.
gaintrox last decade
thereseazar last decade
I gave him yesterday the combination that Simone you prescribed (since I Couldnt find the other 3 remedies).
Today he s much better. Can I continue with the same? for how long can I give it to him?
[message edited by thereseazar on Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:02:54 GMT]
[message edited by thereseazar on Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:04:26 GMT]
Today he s much better. Can I continue with the same? for how long can I give it to him?
[message edited by thereseazar on Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:02:54 GMT]
[message edited by thereseazar on Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:04:26 GMT]
thereseazar last decade
Please help!!!
My son has smelly green diarrhea but not watery since yesterday morning. He s doing 8 times a day yesterday more. In the night he didn't sleep at all but he wasn't crying. His appetite is good & he s drinking lots of water. Now it s 7:00 pm, he s very upset, he started having fever & he s crying. I thought he is teething because too many teeth are coming up in his mouth so I gave him chamomila 200 yesterday 3 times & today 3 times. But he s still the same. His brother & sister had the stomach flu couple of days ago with fever & vomitting. As for him he s not vomitting. I m not sure anymore if it s teething or virus. He is very upset!!!!! I just gave him panadol.
[message edited by thereseazar on Tue, 04 Nov 2014 15:29:30 GMT]
My son has smelly green diarrhea but not watery since yesterday morning. He s doing 8 times a day yesterday more. In the night he didn't sleep at all but he wasn't crying. His appetite is good & he s drinking lots of water. Now it s 7:00 pm, he s very upset, he started having fever & he s crying. I thought he is teething because too many teeth are coming up in his mouth so I gave him chamomila 200 yesterday 3 times & today 3 times. But he s still the same. His brother & sister had the stomach flu couple of days ago with fever & vomitting. As for him he s not vomitting. I m not sure anymore if it s teething or virus. He is very upset!!!!! I just gave him panadol.
[message edited by thereseazar on Tue, 04 Nov 2014 15:29:30 GMT]
thereseazar last decade
You gave him way too much chamomilla-which can cause green
diarhhea and make a person very upset- bc it is given for those
symptoms. So either he did not need it at all, or you gave too many
doses. A 200 c can last for two weeks- one dose.
Don't give him anything else and let it wear off.
diarhhea and make a person very upset- bc it is given for those
symptoms. So either he did not need it at all, or you gave too many
doses. A 200 c can last for two weeks- one dose.
Don't give him anything else and let it wear off.
♡ simone717 last decade
For my son's diarrhea, his doctor gave him podophyllum 200. He only needed 2 doses. It was magical after 3 consecutive days of severe diarrhea!
For my son's diarrhea, his doctor gave him podophyllum 200. He only needed 2 doses. It was magical after 3 consecutive days of severe diarrhea!
thereseazar last decade
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