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Increase Potency after healing crisis? Page 2 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you are asking me, I would go to
Dr. J Ullman.
simone717 last decade

[message deleted by LifeisMagic on Thu, 22 Jan 2015 03:59:38 GMT]
LifeisMagic last decade
So after much thinking interviewing and thinking about my case I was prescribed androctonus (scorpion).

I really don't like this prescription. The only thing it has in common with me is it being the remedy with the some of most violent thoughts(wanted or unwanted). So they are close in the mentals when it comes to violence.

Other than that, I just don't understand it. I don't have panic attacks, I feel TERROR. My biggest fear is the lost of control of due to being in terror of the world (and then lashing out in violence towards people because thats what freaked out people do). I say freaked out, because "panicked" or "scared" doesn't justify the utter feeling of feeling like entering into hell.

I don't have a high self confidence, but extremely low self esteem and social anxiety. I never feel paranoia or suspicion like people are plotting against me. I trust people that I know. The only reason I don't trust homeopaths anymore is because I received 3 straight prescriptions that made my mind symptoms much worse. Why would any human not be very careful anymore? I was not worried about which homeopathic medicine I was going to be prescribed the first time I had it.

I think I was prescribed this remedy because I seemed extremely untrusting of the homeopath themself, which caused them to think I am like this with everyone....
LifeisMagic last decade

Why don't you do a new thread and ask Rishimba to take your case.

He is a homeopathic Dr. and he has found the correct remedy
for several people on here, who were not getting anywhere with

Your case has to be taken to give you any sort of opinion that
is worth anything.
simone717 last decade
So what I am going to do is follow what this homeopath says 100%. This person has a lot of experience and actually took a lot of time, so I might as well do my best and be open minded.

However, if this fails, I will follow my intuition and limit my options to stramonium for the current mentals of tendency towards frenzied mania of terror. I would only take the 1m potency after finding a homeopath who would agree and be able to monitor me.

This all seems like crappy ideas, but I think this current homeopath collaboration to my max extent is the best I can do.

If i feel like I am being hurt by the remedies and not believed (which happened with both homeopaths I saw before "oh this is a good reaction, the potency is wrong or the medicine is just not perfectly similar", yeah.... right) then I will have to abandon homeopathy, or try one remedy myself under agreed supervision
LifeisMagic last decade
Hey Simone,

I think I am done with internet prescribing. I would like a close relationship with a homeopath in person. I think God will either provide this for me, or not.

My case is too on the verge of being put in a mental institution for me to feel comfortable with internet prescribing I guess.

I am tired of going it alone. I want, and deserve, a personal relationship with a healer.

I thank you for your suggestion, though. I wouldn't mind doing online prescribing if I wasn't so afraid of a relapse.

Thank you.
LifeisMagic last decade

I will tell you that I really, trust Rishimba and Evocationer- they are

I have been using homeopathy for 25 years, and I have
been to world famous homeopaths in person for quite extensive

In my view, it would not hurt to get a second opinion from either
of them ( and I have been on this forum for over 4 years now
everyday- and have seen good results) or I would not say that.
simone717 last decade
Thanks Simone,

I will give it much thought, wish you the best.
LifeisMagic last decade
It hasn't taken too long for me to think that my prescription is way off. This is a mental disease that is trying to be treated, and my main symptoms are:

violent impulses

fear of insanity; Feels like always in a slightly bad drug trip, when exhausted or depressed I become manically terrorfied and have reached the brink of suicide or lashing out at others violently out of terror

Extreme fear of entering into the hellish mental state I was in for 8 months where I was on the brink of insanity

Fear of taking wrong medicine, because of bad drug trips and bad remedy reactions causing terror

dullness of imagination, intellect

feel as though my soul is not within me, I am constantly relaxing/contemplating and trying to regain my sense of self

lack of self confidence

Striving for enlightenment to cast away the darkness within

Trying to establish a relationship with God to save myself from my own dark self

These symptoms lead me to think I would point to remedies in this order:

Stramonium, Belladonna, Cannabis Indica, Anacardium

I don't understand androctonus, all it has is violence. It does not have a drugged up feeling, and it also has a high self confidence and lack of remorse/guilt.

Stramonium actually has plenty of remorse/guilt in it if you read the experts massimo mangialavori and paul herscu. Plus I use the word teror a lot. I had panic attacks when I was younger. This is not that, I have experienced terror now.

I shall try to get Evocationer or Rashimba.
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Sun, 01 Feb 2015 12:19:27 GMT]
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Sun, 01 Feb 2015 12:20:26 GMT]
LifeisMagic last decade
Hi- to get their attention, do a new post.

Put what you have above on it. And list the potency
and doses you have had of Scorpion and what your
reactions have been.
simone717 last decade
Who prescribed this for you?
Evocationer last decade
It is always difficult to judge a prescription without seeing the entire case. There are many times I see a report of certain treatment plan and I can tell it is flawed, even dangerous. I don't hesitate to offer my opinion on those things.

It is hard to tell here why they gave it, so hard to say what it was aimed at and how likely it is to succeed. I think it is important to realise that you will often not understand all the reasons a remedy is given, and that remedies may have very specific uses in your case, targeting particular problems or issues, rather than everything.

A lot of the new remedies like Androctonos also have fairly limited published pictures at this stage, unlike remedies like Stramonium which have been used and written about extensively. As we use them, the picture slowly expands, and eventually you may see yourself in those pictures. Very often homoeopaths exploring the use of those remedies may themselves have pictures building up in their own minds, based on their experience, not on the available descriptions.

I will say, that it has often been my experience that people will not like the idea of a remedy for them, based on what they read about the mentals. This isn't meant to say I am agreeing with the prescription, only that such feelings might not indicate a bad prescription. Sometimes we can be threatened or disturbed by what we read (much like a homoeopathic aggravation). I remember seeing a patient I had prescribed Sepia pick up a book in my office while I had stepped out to make the remedy and start reading about it. When I came back she was crying, upset by the picture she read. I comforted her and fortunately she still took it, and it was a very deep acting medicine for her. It was almost as if reading about the remedy aggravated her - counselling can do this as well.

One of the things it is important to ask yourself about any remedy when looking at what it DOESN'T cover, is 'are those things important, distinct or peculiar enough to warrant looking at another remedy?'. You may also have to ask 'Does the remedy actually cover those aspects in some other way?'. Sometimes creative application of a remedy or remedy picture can have spectacular results. Remember that homoeopathy is an ART, as well as a science, and this means individual practitioners can use medicines in unusual ways to produce good results.

Let me show you a description of Androctonos you might find interesting:

"Panic-stricken. Fear as if something terrible will happen. Overwhelmed by terror, panic and fear."

It is extremely typical of Androctonos to lash out from fear - I have seen this in my cases as well. So it COULD cover that aspect of your case as well.

If the animal kingdom is an appropriate direction to be exploring here, I would probably be looking closely at Lyssin, which can look a lot like Androc in some ways. For myself, I would be trying to sort out whether your state is more Mammal or Insect - they have some distinct themes which differentiate them.

You certainly give many Animal kingdom themes - the concept of a dark self within is a very animal concept. The issue of duality, two selves, one primitive and violent vying with a more civilized human side, is an extremely strong indicator for the animal kingdom.
[message edited by Evocationer on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 01:12:51 GMT]
Evocationer last decade
Hi evocationer,

Thank you so much for the good and lengthy reply. Should I make a new thread or keep this one for my case? I would like some help and a second opinion, because I believe this prescription is dangerous.

I was prescribed this by a homeopath who did 4 hours of interviews (split into 2 sessions) and studied my case for 2 hours or more afterwards.

I was prescribed it in 1m potency, because it is a mental level illness she wants to address. I have a great agreement that right now I needed to be treated as a strictly mental illness. I think this layer is strictly mental illness and does not deal with my severe chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms, which would be able to be looked at much more clearly after this is cleared up.

Anyway, I told her I was afraid of taking a 1m right off the bat, but would be willing to work up to it. So she said ok, we will do LM potency. I am fine with this. However, she gives me LM 5 (!) and directs me to use two drops per day with no dilution glass involved ! I've never read of LM potency being administered without a dilution glass. This sounds fishy to me and leads me to not trust. As I said before, 3 times I took a wrong remedy (twice 200c, once LM 1) and they made me get extremely weak physically and mentally and all my symptoms that needed to be treated just got exacerbated and I was on the brink of going to a mental asylum. Those three times I was saved by taking stramonium 200c, and within 24 hours I slowly calmed down.

Second is about the remedy. You talk about people not liking their remedy because of the bad things it may say about them. I am the opposite. I am afraid of a remedy because it does not say enough about how terrible my mental affliction is ! My psychiatric medication covers up these symptoms, for now... but they are slowly coming back after 2 years.

To quote an article on stramonium "Stram­onium deals efficiently with....shell-shocked traumatic state, which Harker enters into following his escape from Castle Dracula. When Van Helsing reads his diaries and tells Harker that he believes him, Harker states that 'You have cured me already',emphasis­ing the need for the victim to be believed."

My big issue is that since I am on psychiatric medications, I am not believed about the terror I went through. I did not feel as though the homeopath quite came to understand the state I was in that kept getting worse for 5 years. It is a state of ungroundedness. Where you feel a lost sense of self. And your adrenals feel raw and weak. And then slowly I started to feel like I was almost always in a "bad trip" on a drug. Both cannabis indica and stramonium are indicated strongly for these feelings. Androctonus not so much.

I was prescribed Androctonus for my suspiciousness of the remedy that would be given. But I think this is misunderstood. Wrong remedy prescriptions caused me to get so mentally aggravated I went to a mental hospital to be put on drugs. I was not afraid at all to receive the homeopathics in my first interview with a homeopath a few years back, but now I have every normal humane reason to be scared of getting a wrong remedy.

The only negative things I see in androctonus that I "would not like" about me is the described high self esteem. I have very low self esteem. I have social anxiety.

I understand an attraction towards animal remedies, but many articles I have read (as well as what my homeopath said) is that some plants are very animalistic. So limiting to remedy kingdoms is no good.

I don't know, its so hard for me, I would rather take a 1m of the remedy than lm 5 dosed "every day, 2 drops, straight out of the bottle, without dilution glass, succussed 2 times before each dose".

The big thing for me is i have taken both stramonium and hyos in 200c without ANY aggravation and they got me out of my most severe mania delirium "bad trip drug like state" I was entering into which felt like a hell I wasn't going to get out of.

I always asked, why would I not just take a 1m of stramonium and see if that reaches deeper into my being? My homeopath at that time was an amateur with no experience, and only had 30c and 200c, and would not give any other potencies.

Evocationer, through a personal message maybe I could do an online consultation and actually exchange lengthy question/answers and you could receive compensation for your devotion to your art?

I am very lost, I think if you tell me androctonus could be ok remedy for me than I will request the 1m potency because the homeopath humbly said she is more experienced with the C potencies.

All the thanks I have for now, God bless.
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 06:11:19 GMT]
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 06:11:45 GMT]
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 06:14:19 GMT]
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 06:32:14 GMT]
LifeisMagic last decade
Here are is an image, or more of a sensation, that came into my mind when I started to go into that hellish drug trip place. I actually gave it to my therapist to describe how bad of a state it gets if I get weak enough physically to let this darkness/fear inside me take over my mind.

It is a demon hound from hell that was in the movie ghostbusters. I assume I get this image because the movie scared the crap out of me when I was 6 years old or so and spawned my first nightmares.

(This post contains an image. To view the image, please log on.)

LifeisMagic last decade
An image I received when I got a "depossession" from a shaman. I had had like 4 spiritual people try them on me and I just didn't feel anything.

I was advised to go to this shaman by my naturopath and spirtual mentor who said he trusts her as a legitimate one. Well, when I had my depossession ceremony I expected nothing to happen. Nothing did, except at the very end this face came into my head for 5 seconds straight or more, and it was actually vivid and not a static image. It was a real experience.

This happened a few months ago. The demon also visited me earlier in a dream on a broom and scooped me up while laughing, I woke up scared.

I don't see Androctonus covering these deep terror filled feelings of hell hounds and demons.

(This post contains an image. To view the image, please log on.)

LifeisMagic last decade
Basically, I think my mental complex right now is that I have been given wrong prescriptions that worsened my feeling of being in a detached, dark, and drugged up feeling and scary place.

So, I am very scared to take a remedy that does not talk about being put into a "drugged up state".

As such, I have been given 2 solanaceae remedies stram and hyos in 200c with good effect (stram much better fit than hyos in my feeling). The most important is no aggravation.

I feel as though my life is on the line if I am given the wrong remedy, as when I was weaker before I was on psyche meds I was on the edge of going absolutely psychotic a few times by letting the fear take me over. If the fear got intense and I did not focus on staying present and being in reality, I would have gone psychotic. When I reached a point where my will could not deal with it, I went to the mental institution by my own choice for 3 days.

If thrown into a hellish state again, I would probably give in to it. I had dealt with it with such incredible will that I give up to it if it comes back. Hence, if a remedy is wrong and sends me to that bad state of mind again, I will probably just go to the mental institution again, and this costs thousands of dollars, and every bad mental occasion weakens the will to recover in the long run.

I guess with all this information I have thrown out, the only question I have is:


Wow, I am ranting, sorry and God bless, thanks.

- Rob
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 07:31:44 GMT]
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 07:34:14 GMT]
LifeisMagic last decade
bump for reply
LifeisMagic last decade
I will see how I go with my patient schedule today and try to give you a more complete answer.

One thing I have to point out though - no aggravation = no cure. This is one of the most basic aspects of our philosophy. Controlling aggravation, managing it, of course is one of the most important aspects of applying the philosophy.
Evocationer last decade
Thanks for the consideration Evocationer.

I have experienced 2 positive homeopathic aggravations under arnica 200c and helleborus 30c daily for 2 weeks. I know what they feel like. Bad mental states and physical brain pain, yet an increase in energy underlying these feelings.

My concern is with a lot of homeopaths dogmatic approach that ANY aggravation is positive. My homeopath doesn't seem to consider that in a person with a sensitive mental state, a wrong remedy will produce an aggravation that is not similar to the remedy, but rather similar to the current state. Thus the remedy selected was nothing but weakening. I specifically asked her about this, and she said those remedies that made me weak (merc, calc phos, hell 200c instead of 30c that worked) were all "good" and touched on layers, just not perfect matches. I was like, "give me a break..." in my head. Any aggravation should be followed by an increase in vitality and improvement in symptoms, these remedies did nothing but make me worse.

I do not hear about this being a scenario, but I have had this happen on medicines where they did nothing but weaken my vitality with no improvement. Homeopathy can hurt. Whatever has the power to cure has the power to harm.

Thank you,

[message edited by LifeisMagic on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 22:02:57 GMT]
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 22:07:19 GMT]
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 22:07:47 GMT]
LifeisMagic last decade
You are quite right - an aggravation can come for many reasons, not all of them beneficial to the patient. By saying no aggravation means no cure is only to define how we know cure is actually taking place, NOT that we know why aggravation is taking place, if you understand what I mean.

There are different kinds of aggravation, since an aggravation is just a triggered worsening of symptoms, and this can happen for all sorts of reasons. What we do to determine what we are seeing, is look closely at two things : The hierarchy of symptoms, and the direction of cure. As long as we keep these two things in view, we can usually prevent mistakes being made.

I am always saying exactly what you are saying - homoeopathy is powerful, it needs to be treated with respect and used carefully, and it certainly can harm if not applied properly. There is a lot of rubbish on the internet, unfortunately spread by some practitioners as well as various people selling products, stating homoeopathy is 'harmless'. Nothing that can create the miracles homoeopathy can create can be harmless.

You are clearly an ultrasensitive though, and for you the path laid out by homoeopathy will be difficult, until that aspect of your case is also cured. Many of my most difficult cases have been the ultrasensitives - everything aggravates, remedies seem to have lasting impacts on them, new symptoms can arise. Worst of all, many homoeopaths themselves don't believe the patient, don't seem to have a deep belief in the power of their own medicines.

On top of that - it is really difficult assessing such cases! You need an experienced, skilled homoeopath who knows the advanced dosing methods in the last edition of the Organon (which Dr. Luc Du Schepper has also expanded on in his books) and this is not always easy to find. A lot of people just haven't got the patience, or confidence, to work through these situations.

There is an issue here - a serious one. I suspect that an important aspect of your problem with homoeopathy is that your Vital Force is very low - that is the main reason people have so much trouble with potentized medicines. They are simply too powerful for you.

This is a well documented problem, and Dr. Kent spoke about it in his '12 Observations' (prognosis after observing the action of the remedy).

I will quote some of what he says (this is from Kent's Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy).

'The aggravation is of two kinds; we may have an aggravation which is an aggravation of the disease in which the patient is growing worse, or we may have an aggravation of the symptoms in which the patient is growing better.'

'First of all, the patient should be the aim of the physician, his whole idea should be centred upon the patient to determine whether is he improving or declining. We have to judge by the symptoms to know this is taking place. Very often the patient will say "I am growing weaker", and yet you may know that what he says is not true; so certainly can you rely upon the symptoms and their story, which is more faithful than the patient's opinion. Many times the patient will say "Doctor I am much worse" and yet you examine into his symptoms and you find that he is really doing very well.'

'By the symptoms, also, you can tell when the patient is really weaker, and if the symptoms are taking an inward rather than an outward course you will know, even if he is encouraged, that there is no encouragement for him.'

'Another general remark that needs to be made, namely that we should know by the symptoms if the changes occurring are sufficiently interior. If the changes are exterior, the physician must be acquainted with the meaning of them, so that he will know by that whether the disease is being healed from the innermost or whether the symptoms have merely changed according to their superficial nature. Incurable diseases will very often be palliated by mild medicines that act only superficially, act upon the sensorium, act upon the senses, and through the hidden and deep seated trouble goes on and progresses, and is sometimes made worse, yet the patient is comfortable. So that by the symptoms we can know whether the changes that are occurring are of sufficient depth, so that the patient may recover. The direction the symptoms are taking is sufficient to tell that, especially in chronic disease.'
Evocationer last decade
'This then will be the FIRST OBSERVATION - a prolonged aggravation and final decline of the patient. What have we done? It has been a mistake, the antipsoric was too deep, it has established destruction. In this state the vital reaction was impossible, he was an incurable case. The question immediately comes up, what are you to do? Are you not going to give the homoeopathic remedy in such cases? The patient steadily declines. If you are in doubt about such action of the remedies and making the patient worse, you will probably have an undertaker's certificate to sign before long.

In incurable and doubtful cases GIVE NO HIGHER THAN 30TH OR 200TH POTENCY, and observe whether the aggravation is going to be too deep or too prolonged. There are many signs...in such cases to make a physician doubt whether he will give a deep remedy when organic disease is present...the remedy has been given too late, and it has attempted to arouse the economy, but turned to destruction of the whole organism. Then begin, in such cases, with a MODERATELY LOW POTENCY (suggests 30th)...'

'When the patient does not seem to be quite so bad as the one I have just described, you get him a little earlier in his history before the trouble has gone quite so far, and then if you administer this same very high potency in the same way you will make a second observation. Though the aggravation is long and severe, yet you have a final reaction, or amelioration. The aggravation lasts for many weeks perhaps, and then his feeble economy seems to react, and there is a slow but sure improvement. It shows that the disease has not progressed quite so far; the changes have not become quite so marked. At the end of three months he is prepared for another dose of the medicine and you see a repetition of the same thing, and you may know then that this man was on the borderland and had he gone further, cure would have been impossible. It is always well in doubtful cases to GO TO THE LOWER POTENCIES, and in this way go cautiously, PREPARED TO ANTIDOTE the medicine if it takes the wrong course.'

Then the SECOND OBSERVATION is, the long aggravation but final and slow improvement. If at the end of a few weeks he is a little better, and his symptoms are a little better than when he took the dose, there is some hope that finally the symptoms may have an outward manifestation whereby he will attain final recovery, BUT FOR MANY YEARS YOU WILL GO ALONG WITH PROLONGED AGGRAVATIONS. You will find in such patients there was the beginning of some very marked tissue change in some organ. We may know by observing the action of a remedy what state the tissues are in, as well as know something about the prognosis of the patient.'
Evocationer last decade
'The aggravation is of two kinds; we may have an aggravation which is an aggravation of the disease in which the patient is growing worse, or we may have an aggravation of the symptoms in which the patient is growing better.'

This quote by Kent is one that I came to know 2 years ago when initially treated by homeopathy, because I wanted to know why I aggravated on medicines with no beneficial effect, and sometimes with beneficial effect. So far, every homeopath I have seen does not believe this simple statement by Kent. Because of this, how can I trust any homeopath treating me?

Anyway, I had a talk with my therapist today. He told me to go with my intuition. 200c Stramonium is the only medicine that:

A) addressed my mental state and calmed me

B) did not aggravate at all

So, by logic, I have a strong want to try a 1m Stramonium to see if I get a more positive response on my mental sphere.

I know that boxing me as a hypersensitive may make taking a 1m seem a bad idea, but I would rather think I am just sensitive to wrong remedies, and that my homeopathic similar should resonate well.

It seems a much better idea right now to take a 1m of a medicine that has worked decently to moderate my mental state, than to take a 1m of a medicine that I have never taken before.

(Kent) The more similar the remedy, the more clearly and positively the symptoms of a patient take on the peculiar and characteristic form of the remedy, the greater the susceptibility to that remedy, and the higher the potency required.

[message edited by LifeisMagic on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 01:34:58 GMT]
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 01:45:01 GMT]
LifeisMagic last decade
I just saw your second post in a row where you talked about the aggravations and 30th and 200th potencies.

How can I reconcile Stramonium acting the best on my mental sphere at 200c, with no aggravation?

How can I know that I do not have a mental illness that needs to be addressed with a high potency remedy, followed by a remedy that needs to be administered in low potency because it will address tissue changes?

There certainly can be a disease model where someone can be in a manic delusion state and needs a high potency for mentals, yet after healing from their mental affliction they have another underlying disease that is the cause of their deepest physical complaints?
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 01:56:29 GMT]
LifeisMagic last decade
[message deleted by LifeisMagic on Wed, 04 Feb 2015 17:26:55 GMT]
LifeisMagic last decade
I am very careful to refer back to Kent in any of my difficult cases. So much damage can be done to a patient if you are not clear on what is happening.

"How can I reconcile Stramonium acting the best on my mental sphere at 200c, with no aggravation? "

If it only acted on the mental sphere, then the remedy is a 'one-sided' one. Hahnemann talks about one-sided diseases, and he particularly talks about them in relation to mental disease. The remedy is only a partial similar, the rest of the case is either hidden or has not been understood properly to find a true simillimum. Partial similars can still edge patients towards good health though, as long as subsequent partial similars are chosen properly.

But it does concern me that there was no aggravation. I have never seen that happen if cure follows, and I have worked a fair while as a homoeopath now.

However, if you are that certain that Stramonium fits you, what you should do is repeat the 200c. I still feel that your case shows signs either of advanced tissue changes OR low vitality, and that 200c is as high as you should go. If you tolerated 200c Stramonium then perhaps this is exactly the right potency of THIS remedy in particular (this will not necessarily be the case for all remedies).

Always repeat the last remedy that helped - that is the very first step in any case where progress has stalled or relapsed.

"(Kent) The more similar the remedy, the more clearly and positively the symptoms of a patient take on the peculiar and characteristic form of the remedy, the greater the susceptibility to that remedy, and the higher the potency required."

This guideline applies only AFTER considering the strength of the vital force. A well selected remedy can still harm ore even kill a vitally weak patient, even a perfect simillimum.

"How can I know that I do not have a mental illness that needs to be addressed with a high potency remedy, followed by a remedy that needs to be administered in low potency because it will address tissue changes?"

Low potencies are quite capable of treating mental symptoms/diseases. I have cured a lot of patients whose problems centred on their mental plane, often with lots of peculiar delusions, with potencies as low as 12c or 0/1. It is true WHERE the disease is focussed is a consideration for potency (Dr. Rajan Sankaran has a whole system of potency selection based on this) but again the other THREE PRIMARY considerations rank higher in importance:

Degree of tissue change
Strength of vital force
Sensitivity of the patient

I would also add to this, from my own experiences, that the amount of medical suppression in the case also requires lower potencies to ensure a safe level of aggravation. Medical suppression may be done by herbs, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, ayevedic, tissue salts, bach flowers and other therapeutic systems.

Palliation and suppression weakens the vital force though, so in a way this is related to vital strength and just a way of helping to determine that strength.

"There certainly can be a disease model where someone can be in a manic delusion state and needs a high potency for mentals, yet after healing from their mental affliction they have another underlying disease that is the cause of their deepest physical complaints?"

Such a prescription will only palliate, it won't cure. You can palliate those mentals to allow the patient to continue the search for a deeper more complete remedy, rather than ending up in a mental institution. Hahenmann was very clear about this mode of treatment - you can do it, and often NEEDED to do it, but then you must quickly continue trying to find the MIASMATIC remedy to prevent the mental condition from reappearing.

I would also point out that usually these episodes of mental disease actually cause the normal chronic disease to become quiet. As such, the old chronic symptoms do not become as important for prescribing, just as with any acute condition. However, just as with the treatment of true acutes, you must then deal with the chronic state using a remedy that suits the historical disease, and this will usually not be the remedy you just gave.
[message edited by Evocationer on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 03:58:32 GMT]
Evocationer last decade
Thanks Evocationer,

I can sense the wisdom of your posts. I learned the Herscu model of treating deeply sick patients before reading up on de Schepper and others homeopaths that deal with sensitives. Looks like I need a combination of both.

Stramonium 200c has been repeated every 2 months by me in the last 2 years while on the medication, and I don't think I feel much. Thats why I was thinking increase potency.

I am following Paul Herscu's model, as it has helped me get my eye contact back with people. It quite differs from any writing ever been done before about illness. I was in state of deep disease, where the struggle with the mental illness (and physical) made me retreat deep into my mind and left me brain fogged so much I did not worry.

I was then treated with 30c daily for 2 weeks helleborus and 200c arnica one time dose (both caused healing crisis)and they gave me back my cognition quite a bit, as well as eye contact.

An explanation of Herscu's model of treating deep multilayered illnesses:

"Next he explains The Map of Hierarchy ("a predictable order of remedies that a patient may need over time"), grouping remedies into four phases, based on the depth of pathology inherent in the remedy. "It was by observing the process of healing that the Map of Hierarchy came to me, not from philosophical reflection or theorizing. In a way, it shows us Hering's Law operating on a larger scale, with whole remedies (instead of merely symptoms) moving in a direction either toward healing or toward deeper pathology." This map is a clear and practical aid in understanding the remedies, as well as in prescribing. Stramonium is a transition remedy in Phase 3, a remedy at a crossroads. 'In first and second phase remedies, the new brain, the reasoning brain, keeps everyday life in some kind of balance between the conscious and the unconscious. But, in the lower fourth phase remedies, the unconscious rules, and logic gives way to old-brain passions, such as hate, lust, and uncontrolled appetites. Standing at the mid-point, Stramonium acts as something of a doorway to the unconscious and to the remedies that are ruled by it."

Most remedies share symptoms with other remedies, and Herscu's model helps us decide which to choose: "What if you give a remedy that was needed earlier (a healthier remedy or a remedy of an earlier phase) to someone who needs a later phase remedy? By giving the earlier phase remedy you get rid of some of the symp- toms but fail to address the more serious symptoms ... the colds and bronchitis are gone and what is left? Intense anger and fear and violence ... Giving the remedy underneath suppressed the case." If a patient shares symptoms with remedies of different phases, he advises us to give the remedy of the deeper phase. This will lead to cure instead of suppression."

Map of hierarchy below.

Anyway, my most peculiar symptoms on the mental plane are:
-Sense of duality, with fighting against my dark side and violent/strange impulses (to strike, spit, look upon knifes at times with flashing thoughts of violence)
-Fear of insanity, and entering into a "bad drug trip" feeling forever
- Dull cognition, loss of sense of self, feel like my soul is not in my body
-Head (or "Crown Chakra) has extreme excess energy and sensitivity, I feel electricity surging through it all day every day, causing extreme tinnitus and sensitivity.
- If relaxed, I can weep easily during movies (by myself) but never experience a cathartic release.
- Loss of feelings of love etc in heart (possibly just due to anxiety states)
- Changeable mood, sometimes I joke around a lot and say extremely goofy stuff

If stram doesn't fit these mentals, maybe cannabis indica, mancinella, you mentioned lyssin, and also anacardium. I smoked marijuana one of 3 times in 2010 and it gave me such a bad drug trip I had terror and was crying to my friends, I had flashes of nightmares that I had when I was 5 constantly come in my head for an hour, but also my brain has the same electrical shock feelings in the top of head I experience all day every day now, so that is peculiar. Similar to taking antidepressants with too high of a dosage, which I have also done.

On the physical plane, peculiars are:
-Post exertional worsening of mentals, physicals, and cognition, permanently.
-At the point a hot shower will make me exhausted
-1 mile of walking non stop makes my legs sore for days
-Muscle weakness and soreness indefinitely, for no reason
- Talking to people makes me tired

So yes, I would say my vitality is extremely weak, and my sensitivity is questionable. I have taken 30c in aconite daily and alumina daily for a week each with no reactions positive or negative.

If I am to be on my last layer of illness, it seems that a remedy that address the true underlying illness is at hand (multiple concussions). The ranking for remedies I would give that would cover every symptom I have would be:

Arsenicum: Covers some of my current mentals ok, but my mentals and physical quite perfectly that I had from 2006-2010
Vithoulkas quote on arsenicum and head injuries:"Also, a depression that is similar to that of Natrum sulphuricum may result from a blow to the head."

Natrum Mur: Covers head injuries, and also many mental emotionals

Nat sulph: Classic head injury case

By Herscu's model, if I am not at the place where a remedy can satisfy my whole condition, one must be given on the most current and deepest part of the illness (what you would call a partial similar). These remedies would be the ones mentioned before of cannabis indica, mancinella, you mentioned lyssin, and also anacardium, or any similar that I do not know about.

Anyway, arsenicum 12c water dosing seems like a place to start if I am truly on the last layer.

Finally, the healing model I have been using, but it can be thrown out anytime it no longer serves, according to Herscu.

[message edited by LifeisMagic on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 22:56:01 GMT]
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 23:01:00 GMT]
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 23:03:19 GMT]
LifeisMagic last decade

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