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Increase Potency after healing crisis? Page 3 of 3
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Thanks Evocationer,
I can sense the wisdom of your posts. I learned the Herscu model of treating deeply sick patients before reading up on de Schepper and others homeopaths that deal with sensitives. Looks like I need a combination of both.
Stramonium 200c has been repeated every 2 months by me in the last 2 years while on the medication, and I don't think I feel much. Thats why I was thinking increase potency.
I am following Paul Herscu's model, as it has helped me get my eye contact back with people. It quite differs from any writing ever been done before about illness. I was in state of deep disease, where the struggle with the mental illness (and physical) made me retreat deep into my mind and left me brain fogged so much I did not worry.
I was then treated with 30c daily for 2 weeks helleborus and 200c arnica one time dose (both caused healing crisis)and they gave me back my cognition quite a bit, as well as eye contact.
An explanation of Herscu's model of treating deep multilayered illnesses:
"Next he explains The Map of Hierarchy ("a predictable order of remedies that a patient may need over time"), grouping remedies into four phases, based on the depth of pathology inherent in the remedy. "It was by observing the process of healing that the Map of Hierarchy came to me, not from philosophical reflection or theorizing. In a way, it shows us Hering's Law operating on a larger scale, with whole remedies (instead of merely symptoms) moving in a direction either toward healing or toward deeper pathology." This map is a clear and practical aid in understanding the remedies, as well as in prescribing. Stramonium is a transition remedy in Phase 3, a remedy at a crossroads. 'In first and second phase remedies, the new brain, the reasoning brain, keeps everyday life in some kind of balance between the conscious and the unconscious. But, in the lower fourth phase remedies, the unconscious rules, and logic gives way to old-brain passions, such as hate, lust, and uncontrolled appetites. Standing at the mid-point, Stramonium acts as something of a doorway to the unconscious and to the remedies that are ruled by it."
Most remedies share symptoms with other remedies, and Herscu's model helps us decide which to choose: "What if you give a remedy that was needed earlier (a healthier remedy or a remedy of an earlier phase) to someone who needs a later phase remedy? By giving the earlier phase remedy you get rid of some of the symp- toms but fail to address the more serious symptoms ... the colds and bronchitis are gone and what is left? Intense anger and fear and violence ... Giving the remedy underneath suppressed the case." If a patient shares symptoms with remedies of different phases, he advises us to give the remedy of the deeper phase. This will lead to cure instead of suppression."
Map of hierarchy below.
Anyway, my most peculiar symptoms on the mental plane are:
-Sense of duality, with fighting against my dark side and violent/strange impulses (to strike, spit, look upon knifes at times with flashing thoughts of violence)
-Fear of insanity, and entering into a "bad drug trip" feeling forever
- Dull cognition, loss of sense of self, feel like my soul is not in my body
-Head (or "Crown Chakra) has extreme excess energy and sensitivity, I feel electricity surging through it all day every day, causing extreme tinnitus and sensitivity.
- If relaxed, I can weep easily during movies (by myself) but never experience a cathartic release.
- Loss of feelings of love etc in heart (possibly just due to anxiety states)
- Changeable mood, sometimes I joke around a lot and say extremely goofy stuff
If stram doesn't fit these mentals, maybe cannabis indica, mancinella, you mentioned lyssin, and also anacardium. I smoked marijuana one of 3 times in 2010 and it gave me such a bad drug trip I had terror and was crying to my friends, I had flashes of nightmares that I had when I was 5 constantly come in my head for an hour, but also my brain has the same electrical shock feelings in the top of head I experience all day every day now, so that is peculiar. Similar to taking antidepressants with too high of a dosage, which I have also done.
On the physical plane, peculiars are:
-Post exertional worsening of mentals, physicals, and cognition, permanently.
-At the point a hot shower will make me exhausted
-1 mile of walking non stop makes my legs sore for days
-Muscle weakness and soreness indefinitely, for no reason
- Talking to people makes me tired
So yes, I would say my vitality is extremely weak, and my sensitivity is questionable. I have taken 30c in aconite daily and alumina daily for a week each with no reactions positive or negative.
If I am to be on my last layer of illness, it seems that a remedy that address the true underlying illness is at hand (multiple concussions). The ranking for remedies I would give that would cover every symptom I have would be:
Arsenicum: Covers some of my current mentals ok, but my mentals and physical quite perfectly that I had from 2006-2010
Vithoulkas quote on arsenicum and head injuries:"Also, a depression that is similar to that of Natrum sulphuricum may result from a blow to the head."
Natrum Mur: Covers head injuries, and also many mental emotionals
Nat sulph: Classic head injury case
By Herscu's model, if I am not at the place where a remedy can satisfy my whole condition, one must be given on the most current and deepest part of the illness (what you would call a partial similar). These remedies would be the ones mentioned before of cannabis indica, mancinella, you mentioned lyssin, and also anacardium, or any similar that I do not know about.
Anyway, arsenicum 12c water dosing seems like a place to start if I am truly on the last layer.
Finally, the healing model I have been using, but it can be thrown out anytime it no longer serves, according to Herscu.
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 22:56:01 GMT]
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 23:01:00 GMT]
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 23:03:19 GMT]
I can sense the wisdom of your posts. I learned the Herscu model of treating deeply sick patients before reading up on de Schepper and others homeopaths that deal with sensitives. Looks like I need a combination of both.
Stramonium 200c has been repeated every 2 months by me in the last 2 years while on the medication, and I don't think I feel much. Thats why I was thinking increase potency.
I am following Paul Herscu's model, as it has helped me get my eye contact back with people. It quite differs from any writing ever been done before about illness. I was in state of deep disease, where the struggle with the mental illness (and physical) made me retreat deep into my mind and left me brain fogged so much I did not worry.
I was then treated with 30c daily for 2 weeks helleborus and 200c arnica one time dose (both caused healing crisis)and they gave me back my cognition quite a bit, as well as eye contact.
An explanation of Herscu's model of treating deep multilayered illnesses:
"Next he explains The Map of Hierarchy ("a predictable order of remedies that a patient may need over time"), grouping remedies into four phases, based on the depth of pathology inherent in the remedy. "It was by observing the process of healing that the Map of Hierarchy came to me, not from philosophical reflection or theorizing. In a way, it shows us Hering's Law operating on a larger scale, with whole remedies (instead of merely symptoms) moving in a direction either toward healing or toward deeper pathology." This map is a clear and practical aid in understanding the remedies, as well as in prescribing. Stramonium is a transition remedy in Phase 3, a remedy at a crossroads. 'In first and second phase remedies, the new brain, the reasoning brain, keeps everyday life in some kind of balance between the conscious and the unconscious. But, in the lower fourth phase remedies, the unconscious rules, and logic gives way to old-brain passions, such as hate, lust, and uncontrolled appetites. Standing at the mid-point, Stramonium acts as something of a doorway to the unconscious and to the remedies that are ruled by it."
Most remedies share symptoms with other remedies, and Herscu's model helps us decide which to choose: "What if you give a remedy that was needed earlier (a healthier remedy or a remedy of an earlier phase) to someone who needs a later phase remedy? By giving the earlier phase remedy you get rid of some of the symp- toms but fail to address the more serious symptoms ... the colds and bronchitis are gone and what is left? Intense anger and fear and violence ... Giving the remedy underneath suppressed the case." If a patient shares symptoms with remedies of different phases, he advises us to give the remedy of the deeper phase. This will lead to cure instead of suppression."
Map of hierarchy below.
Anyway, my most peculiar symptoms on the mental plane are:
-Sense of duality, with fighting against my dark side and violent/strange impulses (to strike, spit, look upon knifes at times with flashing thoughts of violence)
-Fear of insanity, and entering into a "bad drug trip" feeling forever
- Dull cognition, loss of sense of self, feel like my soul is not in my body
-Head (or "Crown Chakra) has extreme excess energy and sensitivity, I feel electricity surging through it all day every day, causing extreme tinnitus and sensitivity.
- If relaxed, I can weep easily during movies (by myself) but never experience a cathartic release.
- Loss of feelings of love etc in heart (possibly just due to anxiety states)
- Changeable mood, sometimes I joke around a lot and say extremely goofy stuff
If stram doesn't fit these mentals, maybe cannabis indica, mancinella, you mentioned lyssin, and also anacardium. I smoked marijuana one of 3 times in 2010 and it gave me such a bad drug trip I had terror and was crying to my friends, I had flashes of nightmares that I had when I was 5 constantly come in my head for an hour, but also my brain has the same electrical shock feelings in the top of head I experience all day every day now, so that is peculiar. Similar to taking antidepressants with too high of a dosage, which I have also done.
On the physical plane, peculiars are:
-Post exertional worsening of mentals, physicals, and cognition, permanently.
-At the point a hot shower will make me exhausted
-1 mile of walking non stop makes my legs sore for days
-Muscle weakness and soreness indefinitely, for no reason
- Talking to people makes me tired
So yes, I would say my vitality is extremely weak, and my sensitivity is questionable. I have taken 30c in aconite daily and alumina daily for a week each with no reactions positive or negative.
If I am to be on my last layer of illness, it seems that a remedy that address the true underlying illness is at hand (multiple concussions). The ranking for remedies I would give that would cover every symptom I have would be:
Arsenicum: Covers some of my current mentals ok, but my mentals and physical quite perfectly that I had from 2006-2010
Vithoulkas quote on arsenicum and head injuries:"Also, a depression that is similar to that of Natrum sulphuricum may result from a blow to the head."
Natrum Mur: Covers head injuries, and also many mental emotionals
Nat sulph: Classic head injury case
By Herscu's model, if I am not at the place where a remedy can satisfy my whole condition, one must be given on the most current and deepest part of the illness (what you would call a partial similar). These remedies would be the ones mentioned before of cannabis indica, mancinella, you mentioned lyssin, and also anacardium, or any similar that I do not know about.
Anyway, arsenicum 12c water dosing seems like a place to start if I am truly on the last layer.
Finally, the healing model I have been using, but it can be thrown out anytime it no longer serves, according to Herscu.
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 22:56:01 GMT]
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 23:01:00 GMT]
[message edited by LifeisMagic on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 23:03:19 GMT]
LifeisMagic last decade
Ok if you have used Stram 200c that often, it is likely finished for you, or as you said, perhaps the potency is finished. However, my experience with the situation of the potency having 'run out' is that there is a relapse the longer you go without moving to the next potency. Has that happened?
I didn't realise you had had so much of the remedy.
I also am now getting an idea of how well read and educated you are about homoeopathy. I often start this discussions at the lower level of interaction, but we are moving quite high up now. That is actually a kind of a pleasure for me on this site.
I do also need to say, though, this might be a problem for you. My experience over the years is that patients who know too much about remedies, prescribing, methods, systems etc. are actually quite difficult when trying to take their case. The natural language is distorted by this knowledge. This makes homoeopaths extremely difficult patients too, and you may not know this, but a large number of homoeopaths go untreated for most of their life. It is a serious issue in our profession and is often discussed.
I know in my own case, I had to nearly die to be in a state where I was expressing myself naturally, rather than constantly speaking in a particular slang unique to homoeopaths. It was a hard lesson for me, but one I finally learned well and I am able to talk in my own language now. At least most of the time, and I can hear when I am not so can pull myself up.
Herscu's concepts aren't new of course. The idea of connections and relationships between remedies is an old one, observed quite early on in the development of homoeopathy. A lot of people have created various systems. I like many of his ideas - agree with many in fact. His approach of trying to expand the boundaries of homoeopathic treatment is definitely one I support (and enjoy). This is where we really try to be healers, and not just mechanics, something orthodox health practitioners usually cannot grasp. Any attempt to do this, to push us beyond the role of technicians is admirable.
Dr. Tinus Smits had a similar idea with his concept of Universal Layers, where certain remedies would deal with a particular issue common to all human beings, and which everyone would need at some point to move them further on through their process of healing.
I think something that is important to acknowledge here is that such systems ONLY work for practitioners not for patients. Disease and health is not so well ordered that you can open up a map and just follow it to cure. All of these systems are just ways to try and organise the GIGANTIC amount of information and the staggering number of remedies (over 10,000 now). The problem with just following a system, is that if it is wrong for you, the consequences will be dire, possibly resulting in eventual incurability.
My experience in clinic is actually that when the patient surprises you with the remedy they need (in other words you can't predict it) it will almost certainly be an excellent remedy for them. I teach this to my students too - wait for the surprise, the surprise means you have reached the point of being the objective observer, because none of your own bias is influencing the remedy you are seeing.
The idea of a predictable order of remedies unfortunately, to me at least, represents a kind of bias, and bias always leads to problems in prescribing. As homoeopaths we should be trying to avoid any kind of bias, as much as that is possible for human beings. As soon as I see a hint of bias in a system (knowing the remedy before you see the patient and their state/symptoms) I become very wary.
On the other hand, if a system is just trying to make suggestions on the basis of connections seen clearly by the symptoms of the patient, then there is no immediate problem. The only problem occurs when this selection of a remedy starts to become mechanical - I have given remedy A so now remedy B follows. OR when it begins to restrict your search only to remedies you know or those mentioned within the system (this is a huge no-no when it happens). These things occur most often with patients trying to self-prescribe, students and new homoeopaths who have little experience with prescribing, and with non-homoeopaths trying to find an easy way to use our medicines without having to study properly.
[message edited by Evocationer on Fri, 06 Feb 2015 01:30:00 GMT]
I didn't realise you had had so much of the remedy.
I also am now getting an idea of how well read and educated you are about homoeopathy. I often start this discussions at the lower level of interaction, but we are moving quite high up now. That is actually a kind of a pleasure for me on this site.
I do also need to say, though, this might be a problem for you. My experience over the years is that patients who know too much about remedies, prescribing, methods, systems etc. are actually quite difficult when trying to take their case. The natural language is distorted by this knowledge. This makes homoeopaths extremely difficult patients too, and you may not know this, but a large number of homoeopaths go untreated for most of their life. It is a serious issue in our profession and is often discussed.
I know in my own case, I had to nearly die to be in a state where I was expressing myself naturally, rather than constantly speaking in a particular slang unique to homoeopaths. It was a hard lesson for me, but one I finally learned well and I am able to talk in my own language now. At least most of the time, and I can hear when I am not so can pull myself up.
Herscu's concepts aren't new of course. The idea of connections and relationships between remedies is an old one, observed quite early on in the development of homoeopathy. A lot of people have created various systems. I like many of his ideas - agree with many in fact. His approach of trying to expand the boundaries of homoeopathic treatment is definitely one I support (and enjoy). This is where we really try to be healers, and not just mechanics, something orthodox health practitioners usually cannot grasp. Any attempt to do this, to push us beyond the role of technicians is admirable.
Dr. Tinus Smits had a similar idea with his concept of Universal Layers, where certain remedies would deal with a particular issue common to all human beings, and which everyone would need at some point to move them further on through their process of healing.
I think something that is important to acknowledge here is that such systems ONLY work for practitioners not for patients. Disease and health is not so well ordered that you can open up a map and just follow it to cure. All of these systems are just ways to try and organise the GIGANTIC amount of information and the staggering number of remedies (over 10,000 now). The problem with just following a system, is that if it is wrong for you, the consequences will be dire, possibly resulting in eventual incurability.
My experience in clinic is actually that when the patient surprises you with the remedy they need (in other words you can't predict it) it will almost certainly be an excellent remedy for them. I teach this to my students too - wait for the surprise, the surprise means you have reached the point of being the objective observer, because none of your own bias is influencing the remedy you are seeing.
The idea of a predictable order of remedies unfortunately, to me at least, represents a kind of bias, and bias always leads to problems in prescribing. As homoeopaths we should be trying to avoid any kind of bias, as much as that is possible for human beings. As soon as I see a hint of bias in a system (knowing the remedy before you see the patient and their state/symptoms) I become very wary.
On the other hand, if a system is just trying to make suggestions on the basis of connections seen clearly by the symptoms of the patient, then there is no immediate problem. The only problem occurs when this selection of a remedy starts to become mechanical - I have given remedy A so now remedy B follows. OR when it begins to restrict your search only to remedies you know or those mentioned within the system (this is a huge no-no when it happens). These things occur most often with patients trying to self-prescribe, students and new homoeopaths who have little experience with prescribing, and with non-homoeopaths trying to find an easy way to use our medicines without having to study properly.
[message edited by Evocationer on Fri, 06 Feb 2015 01:30:00 GMT]
♡ Evocationer last decade
I know you came here looking for advice on what to do, and I may have instead engaged you in a long discussion about philosophy.
Very typical for me :)
The Art of homoeopathy is fascinating - and there are many Artists within our community. Sometimes, trying to emulate that art can result in something ugly, and sometimes something beautiful. Sometimes we need to find that creative vein within ourselves and give it expression, rather than trying to mimic another. Arguments arise amongst people trying to determine which form of Art is best, and yet this in itself is never resolvable. What works for one practitioner will depend on so many individual things, and without those characteristics, perceptions, behaviours, skills and experiences they will not have the same success.
I see homoeopaths using Herscu's map in creative ways - skipping stages, going back and forth between them, even adding in remedies as they go.
I know that I work with well with seeing the client, listening to the pace of their language, watching their body language, reacting to changes in the energy and direction of their descriptions. Sometimes the way they are speaking conjures up a kind of picture or image for me. None of this is something I can teach. When I work through written description of symptoms as is done on the forum here, the difficulty of finding a deep acting remedy ramps right up.
This means I can find my way to remedies that are new, poorly known, perhaps even unknown (using systems based on the periodic table or on natural classifications of animals and plants for example). Systems like Herscu's can restrict me in those instances, because I can't find my way to remedies like Fire, Lion's milk, Scarlet Macaw, Electricity, Moonlight, Chocolate etc.
Just more thoughts for you to digest :) :)
Very typical for me :)
The Art of homoeopathy is fascinating - and there are many Artists within our community. Sometimes, trying to emulate that art can result in something ugly, and sometimes something beautiful. Sometimes we need to find that creative vein within ourselves and give it expression, rather than trying to mimic another. Arguments arise amongst people trying to determine which form of Art is best, and yet this in itself is never resolvable. What works for one practitioner will depend on so many individual things, and without those characteristics, perceptions, behaviours, skills and experiences they will not have the same success.
I see homoeopaths using Herscu's map in creative ways - skipping stages, going back and forth between them, even adding in remedies as they go.
I know that I work with well with seeing the client, listening to the pace of their language, watching their body language, reacting to changes in the energy and direction of their descriptions. Sometimes the way they are speaking conjures up a kind of picture or image for me. None of this is something I can teach. When I work through written description of symptoms as is done on the forum here, the difficulty of finding a deep acting remedy ramps right up.
This means I can find my way to remedies that are new, poorly known, perhaps even unknown (using systems based on the periodic table or on natural classifications of animals and plants for example). Systems like Herscu's can restrict me in those instances, because I can't find my way to remedies like Fire, Lion's milk, Scarlet Macaw, Electricity, Moonlight, Chocolate etc.
Just more thoughts for you to digest :) :)
♡ Evocationer last decade
My opinion is that you take
his case in detail and see
what you come up with as a second opinion and also with
the info on what other medications he is using.
I have to speak up on the Tinus Smits theories,as
one of his "layers" was Carcinosin and he took
higher and higher potencies of that, thinking he
was evolving somehow and then he contracted the
disease and died a short time later.This is not
homeopathy and there have been people on here from
time to time that were trying his layers-
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 21:50:02 GMT]
My opinion is that you take
his case in detail and see
what you come up with as a second opinion and also with
the info on what other medications he is using.
I have to speak up on the Tinus Smits theories,as
one of his "layers" was Carcinosin and he took
higher and higher potencies of that, thinking he
was evolving somehow and then he contracted the
disease and died a short time later.This is not
homeopathy and there have been people on here from
time to time that were trying his layers-
[message edited by simone717 on Fri, 06 Mar 2015 21:50:02 GMT]
♡ simone717 last decade
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