The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Need help for elevated liver enzymes
I am 51 year old female. Last week, I had my blood work done. Everything else is normal, but I have slight elevated liver enzymes, which has gone up little from last year checkup. The doctor said that the reason is alcohol and medication, and I don't take both. I only take homeopathic medicines for treatment, when needed, not even tylenol or aspirin. Is it serious, and do I need to go for further diagnosis to determine the reason of elevated liver enzymes. Can somebody please suggest any homeopathic remedy for this.Thanks for the help.
suna711 on 2014-12-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is better to avoid fried food items. Cut down fats in other forms too. You may eat papaya or take papaya juice. Chelidonium 6x or Hydrastis 6x 3 pellets twice a day may be taken for a week.
♡ kadwa last decade
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