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Hello Dr Khan
Thank you so much for your quick reply.I didn't find any concerned doc for their patients like you.
Will that possible i can do the post on daily basis and you can reply when you come back after three days???
Best wishes for your journey.
Many Thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
Hello dr khan

Current problem:
Periods duration from 19feb to 25 feb.too much flooding,clotting,mucus like leucorrea and pain.My stomach looks bigger after this periods as my mom notice it even i feel tight in my pyjamas which is giving pressure on my lower abdomen. Now i suffered from milky leucorrea,pelvic pressure like everything will come out.i feel something is there pressuring outside and continuous urge to urine and toilet.Very sharp continuous pain in left ovary side then spotting start.also pain from naval to the lower part.Pain in pubic area and sacrum.Difficult in sitting and lying down.

too much morning sickness and too much pain and pressure on my feet when i walk and while wake up in the morning
Hyper acidity in stomach like burning coal in my stomach .itching in my eyes,body feel too hot ,burning feet.
After taking hypericum 200 i got very bad headache and irritation in my behavior.
My pain in lower abdomen increase.so i stop after one dose.

Waiting for your response
Many Thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
hello sir.
I know you are travelling abroad but i would like to inform you on daily basis.
i got very bad continuous headache,tightness in head, no energy,cannot open my eyes in daylight,feeling congestion in my head,mind is full of clouds ,and very heavy too much pressure on my eyes just want to hold my head very tights pain in the back of ears like there is wounds.
my lower abdomen pain and pressure on my pelvic thighs and feet dragging me deep in depression.i am continuously lie on bed my whole body feel so weak and down.
i have feeling like i am completely finish and cannot stand on my own again.
please help me come out.
Many thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
Pls take cimicifuga 30 as below if Nawaz bhai agrees. This is just for ur help.

Dissolve 2 drops in 3 tablespoons water, stir a few times and drink. Do this every 2 hrs for a total of 5 times in a day. For 1 day only.
Zady101 last decade
Thanks Zady101, Yes, please go ahead with the remedy as suggested.
nawazkhan last decade
Thank you zaddy101.i will buy it tomorrow.
Dr khan pls check your mail and my previous post as well its a kind request to you.
By the evening today my head was completely blasting feeling dizzy and vomiting and feeling freez. I been to local doc and he said bp is too high165/110first he gave alpermazolam but it doesnot gave any effect.after 2hours he gave me propranolol 10which gave me bit relief.My bp comes back to 135/95feeling tired and eexhausted. My headache is 50% down but not completely gone.
Please advise.
Many many thanks.
puneet101 last decade
Thank you zaddy101.i will buy it tomorrow. 
Dr khan pls check your mail and my previous post as well its a kind request to you. By the evening today my head was completely blasting feeling dizzy and vomiting and feeling freez. I been to local doc and he said bp is too high165/110first he gave alpermazolam but it doesnot gave any effect.after 2hours he gave me propranolol 10which gave me bit relief.My bp comes back to 135/95feeling tired and eexhausted. My headache is 50% down but not completely gone.
 Please advise.
 Many many thanks. 
karamjitkaur last decade
Hello dr khan
Waiting for your reply.
Many thanks
karamjitkaur last decade

Sorry for the late reply due to the INTERNET problems over here.
I am still unable to check my email.

Please follow the orders of your current Doc regarding BP and headache.

Also, take the remedy suggested by Zady Bhai.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello dr khan
I took medicine by zady.cimicifuga 30.as per his instructions. I got very bad pain in right side in lower abdomen it rediate towars navel and down towards leg .i cannot fold my right leg .feeling too much pressure like everything will come out.pls advise urgently.
karamjitkaur last decade
Hello dr khan/zady101
I took medicine by zady.cimicifuga 30.as per his instructions. I got very bad pain in right side in lower abdomen it rediate towars navel and down towards leg .i cannot fold my right leg .feeling too much pressure like everything will come out . frequent urination. Pls reply.
pls advise urgently. 
karamjitkaur last decade
Pls take a single dose of Sepia 30

Dissolve 1 drop in 3 twaspoons water in a disposable cup, stir a few times and drink. Do this once only.

U will b alright. Don't repeat. Only one dose
Zady101 last decade
hello dr zady/khan.
i have sepia 200 can i take that as if i order today i will get by wednesday.
please advise
thank you
karamjitkaur last decade
Zady101 last decade
What to do ?
Please review my history.
Waiting for your reply
Many Thanks
karamjitkaur last decade

Please get Sepia 30C asap and take.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello dr khan
I got sepia 30 in liquid from another city.i took one dose.
Will let you know today by this evening.
Many thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
i took sepia 30c one dose.leucorrea becomes heaviour than before.
pain in right side of the naval and lower abdomen become tender and pain right lower abdomen side is bit bigger than left side.too much constipation.pain in pubic bones and lower back pain.
Please advise.
Many Thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
Hi Dr. Zady, Please advise.
nawazkhan last decade
Pls advise what to do. Am I curable
Thank you
karamjitkaur last decade
Pls list all current symptoms in details. What happened to past issues like headaches, genital area swelling, etc etc. Are they still valid? If you can give all current symptoms, i will be able to help you.
Zady101 last decade
hello dr khan/zady 101.
I would like to know who is handling my case.
Current symptoms:
brain fog,not interest in life.
headache,irritation,stomach burning,too much pain and swelling in lower abdomen and genital area,heavy leucorrea,pelvic pressure ,pressure on thighs and feet.pain in sacrum,pubic area, constipation.tenderness and pain in lower abdomen.feeling tired and always lying on bed no energy at all.Frustrated ,confused,puzzel.

Waiting for quick reply
karamjitkaur last decade
Nawaz Khan is handling your case, and he is doing it out of consideration for you. I just gave my suggestions on the case, and prescribers do work with each other.
Zady101 last decade
Thanks Dr. Zady, Please help this lady as I am still out of country. There are a lot of Internet and electricity issues over here.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello dr zady101/Dr Nawaz khan
Thank you so much for your quick reply .A humble thank you.Please review my history and let me know what should i do?
I apologize ,i am bit panic as i am feeling, i am out of treatment or my case is not considerable except hysteroscopy.
Humble thank you that now two doc is considering seriously my case.
Looking forward your reaponse for my problem
Many Thanks
karamjitkaur last decade

[message deleted by Zady101 on Wed, 04 Mar 2015 03:57:32 GMT]
Zady101 last decade

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