The ABC Homeopathy Forum
fibroids,pcos,hypothyroidism Page 5 of 5
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
puneet101 last decade
Hello dr khan/zady
Many thanks.
did you check my reports?.
Humble thank you
. Karam
Sorry I replied from my cousin profile as we r using same pc.she is also in this forum with same problem .
I will take care of that to avoid confusion in future.
Thank you
Many thanks.
did you check my reports?.
Humble thank you
. Karam
Sorry I replied from my cousin profile as we r using same pc.she is also in this forum with same problem .
I will take care of that to avoid confusion in future.
Thank you
karamjitkaur last decade
Hello Dr khan/Zady
i created only one profile with the name of karamjit .i recommend this website to my cousin as she has the same problem.she has hysteroscopy on 18 and she is looking for solution.As we are using same pc and mistakenly i write my post in her thread as her account was not logout.she is ready for surgery as she didnot find any solution
Why you delete your post for my case??? its bit confusing I would like to order the medicines .i did not note yet.I am very much serious about my condition as i donot want to go for surgery.
Please reply
Many Thanks
i created only one profile with the name of karamjit .i recommend this website to my cousin as she has the same problem.she has hysteroscopy on 18 and she is looking for solution.As we are using same pc and mistakenly i write my post in her thread as her account was not logout.she is ready for surgery as she didnot find any solution
Why you delete your post for my case??? its bit confusing I would like to order the medicines .i did not note yet.I am very much serious about my condition as i donot want to go for surgery.
Please reply
Many Thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
hello dr khan/zady.
Please study my case deeply and check my history and reports.
Its my kind request to you.
Waiting for quick reply
Pls dr khan reply
pls dr zady reply.
Many Thanks
Please study my case deeply and check my history and reports.
Its my kind request to you.
Waiting for quick reply
Pls dr khan reply
pls dr zady reply.
Many Thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
Hello Dr Khan/zady
Pls reply asap
I am waiting for your reply
Pls its a kind request to you
Are you handling my case???
Many thanks
Pls reply asap
I am waiting for your reply
Pls its a kind request to you
Are you handling my case???
Many thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
Hello Dr Zady
Dr khan is overseas. I would like to send you my reports .May i send you reports on your email add.Please reply asap.
Many Thanks
Dr khan is overseas. I would like to send you my reports .May i send you reports on your email add.Please reply asap.
Many Thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
Lycopodium 6C
Dissolve 1 drops/ 2 pills in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup or separate cup, stir a few times and drink. Do this thrice everyday for 2 days and update me. For ex 7am, 2pm, 9pm
Dissolve 1 drops/ 2 pills in 3 tablespoons water in a disposable cup or separate cup, stir a few times and drink. Do this thrice everyday for 2 days and update me. For ex 7am, 2pm, 9pm
♡ Zady101 last decade
Hello Dr Zady
Thank you for your reply.
I will buy lycopodium 6c from market and update to you on daily basis.
Do you need my reports?
Many Thanks
Thank you for your reply.
I will buy lycopodium 6c from market and update to you on daily basis.
Do you need my reports?
Many Thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
Hello dr khan and dr zady.
Apolozise for late reply as father was in hospital due to arithythma problem and he was in hospital.
I took lycopodium 6c as per dr zady instruction.i did get any pelvic pain and pressure is same whole abdomen got tender specially upper side of naval and lower abdomen .I feelpain to totouch it ...I am worried as I think my fibroids are growing as my stomach getting bigger.
Pls reply asap.i really need your help
Apolozise for late reply as father was in hospital due to arithythma problem and he was in hospital.
I took lycopodium 6c as per dr zady instruction.i did get any pelvic pain and pressure is same whole abdomen got tender specially upper side of naval and lower abdomen .I feelpain to totouch it ...I am worried as I think my fibroids are growing as my stomach getting bigger.
Pls reply asap.i really need your help
karamjitkaur last decade
Take Sepia 6C for 3 days n update
Dissolve 1 drop in 1 teaspoon water and drink. Do this twice everyday for 3 days.
Dissolve 1 drop in 1 teaspoon water and drink. Do this twice everyday for 3 days.
♡ Zady101 last decade
Hello dr zady and dr khan
I took sepia 30 last time it gave me very bad pain in stomach .please check the response of 2 feb .
Many thanks
I took sepia 30 last time it gave me very bad pain in stomach .please check the response of 2 feb .
Many thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
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