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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Question about potency

hi there I have been on here for a while and still dont understand what is the highest potency. say silica granules for instance, is 10M higher concentration than 200C? thanks for any help.
  hotty198 on 2005-12-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The potency question is paradoxical.

ALL - except mother tinctures -- are diluted.

X equals dilute by 10
c .................100
m .................1000

but from a homeopathic point of view the higher dilution is the more powerful.

However for the power to act the choice of remedy must be very accurate .

The lower potencies are "Broad Band" and will act across a wide range , not covered by a high potency.

Sometimes 2x-3x-6x are more EFFECTIVE than the higher potency .

A collegue of mine built a very good practice round the use of mainly 2x remedies.

Hope this helps.
walkin last decade
would, for example, 6x or 3x silica be better than 30c for improving acne scars?
hotty198 last decade

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