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Boiron Sinusalia ®:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I am a 40yr old male.Fit and healthy, and work as a Orthopedic nurse.I have a deviated septum of 20 yrs,which deviates slightly to the right side.Around 4 yrs ago got infected sinus,I treated myself quickly with "Vicks Sinex Nasel decongestant" I have seen a specialist and i have no nasal polps.I need to get off the nasel decongestant as i am addicted to it, as a quick fix.I have been thinking about Rhinoplasty also. I have no nasal discharge.It just blocks the left side totally,which cause pressure on that side.
Any help would be mush sort after.

  NIGHTHUNTER on 2006-01-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try Kali bich 30, 2 pills 3 times aday for a week and see if it helps.
new2town last decade

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