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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Please suggest remedy with following details
1.Name : Ram Singh
2.Age / Sex : 48, male
3.Married/Unmarried/divorcee : married
4.Weight and height : 170 Cm, 48 Kg
5. Describe your family background, your educational qualification, and occupation : A Farmer family, Graduate, Management system Auditor
6.Describe the events before the complaints started. The events can be related to mental or emotional state or it can be any physical event. Asthma patient from childhood, it became acute after visiting south korea in 1992 in winter season after exposure to severe cold breeze in open air during night hours, Tuberculosis in 2002 and 2013. Fully recovered.
7.How exactly it started? It started in childhood at the age of 14 years, initially when weather changed but it was not acute
8.How do u feel about it? How does this complaint concerns you? And what comes to your mind when you think about it? Currently undergoes asthma attacks frequently after exposure of even little cold, cough, mucus while cough, difficulty in walk, worse at wakeup (morning), BP low (usually at 100, sometime at 90), depression due to weakness and not being able to work, restlessness,
9.Have you taken any treatment or medication for it? List them. Salbutamol, wysolone, prednisolone, betamethasone, various inhalers, nebuliser in allopathy, Reckweg’s r44, R48, R43, R76, Blatta Orint Q, Arsenic Album in homeopathy
10. Describe your main and associated complaints in details. What things aggravate your complaints and things that ameliorate them? At present Asthma, breathlessness ever when sitting idle, Frequent urination (uncontrollable), cloth wetting in winters due to sudden urine pressure before reaching toilet, depression, Low BP, Under weight, frequent mild fever after exposure to cold, acute restlessness during mild fever, body temperature always low (normally 97 degree F, in fever 99 degree F), wake up from frightful dreams in night (BP at time is usually high-130-140) , can not concentrate on studies now. Had a very good study power at a time.
11. Do you have any family history of similar complaints. List them. None of family member has any similar problem
12.Describe any life event that has made major impact on you. What are the issues in your life that's bothering you. Kindly describe the mental or emotional state in detail. My father underwent brain hemorrhage and paralysis two months back. I am deeply depressed. I feel sinking when his condition deteriorates. I am so much emotionally upset that I feel that I shall either undergo in coma or I wil have to commit suicide whenever he will die.
13.Describe you behavior, your mental state with your family members, and outside the family. (anger, irritability, anxiety, fears etc) Explain how do you react to these behaviors. If possible provide some examples to get clear idea of your mental state. I have very rude behaviour to family members and even with outsiders. I frequently quarrel with my near and dear ones. I lost appreciable amount of business and lot of career opportunities due to bad behaviour. A friend of mine who helped me a lot was very rudely behaved by me when I found that he told a lie in a particular situation. There are numerous incidents when people got sudden bad behaviour and they surprised.
14) How do you react when you get angry? Throw household goods, threw laptop, threw computer monitor, usually slap my kids, speak abuseful language.
15) Does empathy or sympathy affects you? How? Yes, I like sympathy and it relieves me. I like praise of my work. It encourages me to work.
16) How do you overcome your mental stress? Walk in open air, deep breathing, meditation, talk to my younger brother on phone (he has lot of sympathy with me and never reacts to my bad behaviour). Never took any medicine to relieve stress.
17)Describe your desires or craving for food, and aversion to food. I like home made simple food containing . Prefer cold and sweet food. Can not eat hot and spicyfood,
18)How is your thirst? How frequently you drink water? Normal thirst, little water at every two hours. Never need during night.
19) Describe your sleep, dreams, appetite and general energy level. Sleep: superficial, full of dreams, appetite: low, energy level: very low. Can not walk and physically work.
Please answer these questions in as much details as possible.
[message edited by rschaudhary on Fri, 03 Jul 2015 14:02:17 UTC]
  rschaudhary on 2015-07-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
is there tuberculosis in your parents or grand parents?
telescope 9 years ago
No, no any family member is affected with any disease described above.
rschaudhary 9 years ago
take only one dose Tuberculinum 1m. do not take more than one dose. do not use any other medicine. take the medicine when breathing difficulty is not there. update every three days or earlier if needed.
telescope 9 years ago
please suggest the number of drops in one dose.
rschaudhary 9 years ago
you can use 2 or 3 drops for one dose.
telescope 9 years ago
Purchased it yesterday, but did not consume it due to feverish condition. Had fever this morning (100F) due to some exposure to cold yesterday. Can you please suggest some medicine for fever. I shall take tuberculinum after getting relief from fever.
Regards: RSC
rschaudhary 9 years ago
what type of cold were you exposed to dry or wet ?
telescope 9 years ago
it was wet.
rschaudhary 9 years ago
take nux vomica 30 three doses at 6 hour interval.
telescope 9 years ago
I took first dose just 30 minutes back (only two drops in half cup of water). First aggravation is high pulse rate which is 120 app. Normally it is 80-90. This is not a new symptom. My pulse rate used to be high (110-120). Two months back, after taking Reckeweg's R44, it came down to 80-90.
Should I take any medicine to relieve these symptoms (high pulse rate).
[message edited by rschaudhary on Wed, 08 Jul 2015 07:07:24 UTC]
rschaudhary 9 years ago
do not take any more medicine. how is your fever now?
telescope 9 years ago
I have recovered from fever. Only then I took tuberculinum. OK, I shall not take any medicine and will wait for three days. I shall write after three days about my experience (aggravations).
rschaudhary 9 years ago
The result of last 2 and half day is as under:
breathlessness: improvement (10%)
Mental status: feeling better, no indication of dispression or sadness in this period
sleep: could not sleep this night. I woke up every half an hour. Lot of dreams while in sleep. Restlessness in sleep. (I usually undergo this situation, I mean these are not new symptoms)
Pl advise me further.
rschaudhary 9 years ago
you are on the path to recovery. the medicine must be given time to work. so we wait roughly for about a month. do not take any medicine in this period.
telescope 9 years ago
Dear sir, I took just two drops. Is this much quantity sufficient for one month? I am confused. Pl explain.
rschaudhary 9 years ago
it does not matter how many drops you took. only one drop would also last one month. if the medicine is taken in globules there would not be even one drop and that would also work for one month.
telescope 9 years ago
I felt breathlessness today and immediately took 4 drops of blatta ori Q. Earlier i used to take 8 drops two times per day but discontinued after your instruction to not to take any medicine.
I got partial relief but i need to take more medicine. Please suggest whether i can take tuberculinum right now or should wait?
rschaudhary 9 years ago
did you eat or drink sour things after taking tuberculinum ?
telescope 9 years ago
No, I did not take it.
rschaudhary 9 years ago
do not take any more medicine now. wait for some days. waiting is very important in homeopathy..
telescope 9 years ago

[message deleted by rschaudhary on Fri, 24 Jul 2015 16:29:56 UTC]
rschaudhary 9 years ago

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