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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

PTSD and depression please help

Hi. I am a 15-year old male, from Kathmandu, Nepal. I am currently suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after April 25 earthquake.
I'm having complications with my sinusitis and acid reflux, which I relieved with homeopathic medicines.
I visited the psychiatrist and she told me that I'm suffering from PTSD, after understanding much of my symptoms. I did not took any antidepressants. Then I had a therapy. like engaging in sports and stuff. Then, I took homeopathy as I had sinus problems after root canal. He gave me Merc-sol 200c and Nux vomica 1M for my acid reflux. 20 days later. he prescribed me Natrum Muriaticum 200c for my frontal sinus inflammation and sad mood and Kali phos 6x for my panic disorder. Kali Phos helped me with my panic disorder but Natrum Mur. only helped with my frontal sinus.
Despite losing most of the anxiety disorder symptoms like panic attacks. confusion and obsessive thoughts. some anxiety symptoms persist. like follows.
• Physical and emotional numbing.
• I feel as if I have no personality.
• Loss of interest in activities that was once interesting to me, like cricket, arts and even in studies.
• Difficulty in remembering what was taught in the class.
• Difficulty in remembering activities of even previous day, forgetful.
• Indifferent to everything.
• Seems like I am in a dream.
• Headaches, proceeded my a dull pain in the nape of the neck.

please help me, I have got a feeling as if I have no life anymore. Hope I can get some help.
  Hakukale23 on 2015-08-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Hakukale 23,

Please have only One thread on the forum and put
everything on that thread.

One person has to monitor you and all your problems
otherwise advice can clash and not help you.

Other thread:

simone717 9 years ago

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