The ABC Homeopathy Forum
vaginal dryness
dear sir I am 28 yr old girl married since 4 and my husband unable to have sexual intercourse because he is feeling some resistance and I experience some pain upon penetration.also there is lack of vaginal lubrication during the intercourse.its very frustrating plz help me sir..rajee on 2015-08-29
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hi rajee,
sometimes in this case the hymen is still intact in vagina so without proper lubrication and goor errect the intercourse seems difficult.. till now he didn't able to intercourse at all?
actually Sometimes newly marraied couple facing this type of issue.. you both need for sex counciler. in your age there is no need of lubricant. my advise don't go directly into intercourse. spend some time in foreplay.
some times due to anxiety and afraid the vagina more contract so intercourse seems painfull.
how is your husband penile errection?
sometimes in this case the hymen is still intact in vagina so without proper lubrication and goor errect the intercourse seems difficult.. till now he didn't able to intercourse at all?
actually Sometimes newly marraied couple facing this type of issue.. you both need for sex counciler. in your age there is no need of lubricant. my advise don't go directly into intercourse. spend some time in foreplay.
some times due to anxiety and afraid the vagina more contract so intercourse seems painfull.
how is your husband penile errection?
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
You should consult a gynaecologist and a sexologist who are familiar with treating unconsummated sex problems.
if u are in india you can just go to a chemist and ask about LOX 2% gel. go to a female chemist or tell your husband to buy
buy a tube of LOX 2%. you should apply half a finger of the cream around the opening of the vagina and wait for 15 minutes. Then wipe off excess cream before intercourse. It will ease the pain. u can try this once after this if u not able to intercourse sex then please don't be late and check with doctor.
tell your husband to read some sex education guide in intetnet about firsr time sex it will give some idea. Sonetimes man in anxiety don't properly try to insert the penis in vaginal hole so it's very much painful.. U both should spend more time before intercourse and relax before sex.I have some pdf files and documents about first sex counciling which I collect from a sexologist and sexexpert I can mail you. please click my username and find my mail Id for this documentation. in this forum sharing phone number, email Id is not allow so..
my advise you don't worry because you almost spend 4 months and if it continues you and your husband may feel depression so you both care your self and go to doctor if that LOX 2% gel not work.
please remember you need to ask chemist that if u really can use it like I said or not because some indian brand use different types of gels. if u outside of india ask chemist to help you by prescribing a gel which can reduce the pain
if u are in india you can just go to a chemist and ask about LOX 2% gel. go to a female chemist or tell your husband to buy
buy a tube of LOX 2%. you should apply half a finger of the cream around the opening of the vagina and wait for 15 minutes. Then wipe off excess cream before intercourse. It will ease the pain. u can try this once after this if u not able to intercourse sex then please don't be late and check with doctor.
tell your husband to read some sex education guide in intetnet about firsr time sex it will give some idea. Sonetimes man in anxiety don't properly try to insert the penis in vaginal hole so it's very much painful.. U both should spend more time before intercourse and relax before sex.I have some pdf files and documents about first sex counciling which I collect from a sexologist and sexexpert I can mail you. please click my username and find my mail Id for this documentation. in this forum sharing phone number, email Id is not allow so..
my advise you don't worry because you almost spend 4 months and if it continues you and your husband may feel depression so you both care your self and go to doctor if that LOX 2% gel not work.
please remember you need to ask chemist that if u really can use it like I said or not because some indian brand use different types of gels. if u outside of india ask chemist to help you by prescribing a gel which can reduce the pain
♡ sabkamalik1 9 years ago
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