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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

[Repost] Depression fixed. No more suicidal. But aversion to work remains as much as ever.

This is a thread I made some time ago.


I believe I was given Lycopodium, Coculus Indicia, and Ignatia - by my homeopath.

All my depression and self worthlessness has gone.

However, right now I am feeling as much incapable to work as ever. This aspect has shown no improvement - and I am sure that my depression and other feelings were triggered only because my work capacity started going down to unbelievable lows.

I was an artist who used to LOVE working and could work up to 10 - 12 hours a day because it was so joyous.

But now I can not even bring myself to work for even 2 hours per day. My intelligence has not been affected - and I can still theorize endlessly without getting tired. Conceptualization skills have not gone down - but have gone up significantly.

However, when it comes to "execution" I just become helpless. This is making me unable to execute anything and is so frustrating. I am growing terribly impatient.

Should I take Sulphur?
  Manushya on 2015-09-07
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