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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I am suffering from chronic asthma for 13 years. I tried homeopathy from different homeopath each having minimum 1year. But problem not solved. Recently I visited remedy finder on abchomeopathy. According to my symptoms arsenic album selected. I took arsenic album 30. 1st day 3 drops, time of asthmatic attack changes from 9.30 p.m. and after midnight to 5a.m. 2nd day I also took same dose, result same but intensity of attack was less. 3rd day I took 2 drops two times in morning and evening, result much better very slight asthma attack .4th day similar. on 5th day i took 2 drops in morning got asthma attack on 8.30 p.m. and I took one drop but does not work forced to take a puff of aerocort inhaler which I use on regular basis before go to bed. On 6th day I didn't take any dose ,no severe asthma attack but slight dysponea and tight chest though I slept without taking inhaler. But on next day I got asthma attack and I took 1 drop of arsenic album but situation deteriorates seemed aggravation forcet to take 2 puff of inhaler. I am totaly hopeless. seeking advice .
  amiracle on 2015-09-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
arsenicum album does not have the power to cure asthma. it can however give relief.
you can try Thuja occidentalis 200 one dose at bed time.
warning: do not take thuja when the asthma attack is on. if you do so there will be severe aggravation. take it when you don't have acute attack.
do not repeat medicine like you did with arsenicum album.
it may take about a year for cure.
telescope 9 years ago

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