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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cough 6 year old

hi can someone please help me choose which remedy to give my 6 year old son, he has a cough that is dry but not completly dry like laryngitis, at the end of the cough there is a sound like there is a little phlegam coughing up, but he is not spitting anything, he says he has a tinckiling sensation in the throath. The weather here is cold and dry with a lot of fog.
  milentie on 2015-11-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what makes it better, what makes it worse ? impact of eating/drinking/exertion/open air/ 'lying down'/exertion/ 'times of day' ? How does the cough sound ? always there or comes in paroxysms ?

when did it start ? what was happening in his routine when it started?
sameervermani 9 years ago
The more i hear him it is definitly dry cough with no mucus coughing up, the cough is always here, i just put him to bed and he is coughing and i think open air makes it better. Before sleep i gave him tea from marshmallow.
milentie 9 years ago
Please provide more info. I asked so many questions, and you need to think carefully about anything you can notice.

Any other changes you have noticed in him since this started?
sameervermani 9 years ago
He had about a month ago cough that started very dry irritating laryngistis like, when we were indoors he coughed a lot and in open air the cough would stop, from dry cough it went down to his chest so he had to take antibiotis and ventolin inhalations, ever since than he has wet cough like trying to spit up phlegm from deep down, but from today the cough is again dry, from the throath, he coughs and at the end of the cough there is even gagging sound and in the morning he told me the he felt like something was tickeling in his throath.
milentie 9 years ago
You can give him a dose of PULSATILLA 30c, 2 pellets in 250 ml spring water, stir and give a spoon from there ONCE.

Report in 48 hours after the dose.
sameervermani 9 years ago
My pellets are 4g, still give 2?? Also how many stirs should i make only one circle? And from this i should give him only 1 spoon?? small or large spoon? Should i keep the rest of the water with remedy or should i throw it?
milentie 9 years ago
1 pellet, let it melt in water and then stir gently with a spoon. Then give 1 teaspoon from there.

Keep the rest of the solution.
sameervermani 9 years ago
how many times should i stir? how many circles-stirs should i make with the spoon?
milentie 9 years ago
Does not matter.
sameervermani 9 years ago
Just to update - last night when he got in bed he was sleeping and coughing, than i gave him pulsatilla and he didn't cough all night. When he got up this morning he started coughing again, i cleaned his nose and there was only little white catarrh coming out. His cough is constant and is more wet but not yet productive like he has catarrh in his throat trying to cough it up but nothing comes out and again he says that something irritates him in his throat and makes him cough.

Also his eczema show up again on his elbows and inner thigh he scratches a lot and his skin on his whole body is very dry.
[message edited by milentie on Thu, 05 Nov 2015 07:42:34 UTC]
milentie 9 years ago
The eczema coming back is a good sign. Do not interfere with any ointments. Report back in 3 days.
sameervermani 9 years ago
The situation yesterday as the day passed got worse, he started coughing a lot, mainly dry irritating cough he even coughed in his sleep. So I started giving Bryonia 20C and Ferr phos 30 c alternately every 2-3 hours max 3 doses Bryonia and 3 doses Ferr. Will se how he will be today, but in the morning his cough was already more wet.
milentie 9 years ago

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