The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Can any homeopath help me please?
i am 35 male. I have pain in my nape of neck and cervical with headache this became worse if i bent my chin down to my chest, I also feel pain in my back (upper thoracic). eye blur get worse by bright light for example by computer screen, sunlight, white colors, but black colour is little comfortable to eyes. and my mind is not working good this headache with eye blur made me sick, cant do any job or anything else. only sleep relief the headache when I get up in morning blur is there but no headache, but after an hour or so headache starts and remain till I do not sleep again at night, if I don't sleep it remains constant, it is dull headache but constant sometime it gets high when I try to se my eyes like to ride a bike or watch tv, comp or read any book. hope this will help you to prescribe a medicine.seven1 on 2015-12-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
combination of belladona 200, onosmodium 200, gelsemium 200
two times a day for a week.
then two times a week.
two times a day for a week.
then two times a week.
♡ mnaari 9 years ago
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