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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help Needed From a Good Homeopath


I am 26 years old guy suffering from hair loss from past many years. Still alot of hair remain on my head except from the back of crown. In general there are baby hairs not growing in the areas where the hair have been shed. Hairs on my left side do not grow very fast, and on right side they grow fast. My condition is very dry and brittle hair. The hair looks to be curling from mid. I did not have have curly hair before. Also I suffer from dandruff and skin problem. There is dandruff on my face in moustache and beard areas.

Other than than I am an average 5'7 guy. Slightly over weight. I am an active person but my metabolism is slow. I also suffer from lack of confidence. Other than that I enjoy sports and going out.

Kindly suggest a remedy for my hair skin problems.


Nervous Guy
  nervousguy1 on 2016-02-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please reply to quickly Dr Nawaz or any other homeopath.
nervousguy1 9 years ago

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