The ABC Homeopathy Forum
lumbar spondylosis and cervical spondylosis
I am diabetic patients since 5 years.Diabetic is on control.My age is 38 Years.All other Blood Reports are absolutely normal.
Presently I am suffering leg heat, cold and numbness both legs.
MRI Report:
13-03-215 : Board based bilateral foraminal Protrusions C5/C6 intervertebral disc, with subtle compressive myelopathy and bilateral neural forminal compromise (Left>right)
* Screening of thoracic spine revelas disc protrusions of T8/9 and T10/11 intervertebral discs with schmorl's nodes along multiple endplates.
* Screening of lumbar spine reveals a hemangioma in L1 vertebra and disc protrusions of L4/5 and L5/S1 intervertebral discs.
* Early degenerative disc diseases seen involving all cervical and variabal dorso lumbar discs
* Subtle bilateral forminal bulging at L3-4 disc, focal annualr fissuring noted.
* Mild foal posterior central protrusion at L4-5 disc causing thecal compression.
* Focal posterocental bulging at L5-S1 disc causing thecal indentation.
I am traveling totally 120 K.m daily bu bus my duty purpose.
Presently i am using Gnaphalium 200, Mag Phos 200. Silesica 200 but there is no relief .
Please suggest me best medicine for cure of my disease.
Thanking you sir
yabbatam on 2016-03-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The spine is held in place with muscles. Unless you strengthen the muscles, no amount of medicine will help you.
Explore "Planks Exercise" on youtube and do it daily.
Your spondylosis pain will go away within 2-3 weeks without any medicine.
The remedies you are taking at this time are wrong and will make the case worse.
Explore "Planks Exercise" on youtube and do it daily.
Your spondylosis pain will go away within 2-3 weeks without any medicine.
The remedies you are taking at this time are wrong and will make the case worse.
fitness 9 years ago
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