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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Good homeopath in Mumbai

Hi there,
Could anyone suggest a good homeopath in Mumbai? I'm new to homeopathy,have always taken allopathic meds, but now tired of side effects. I have heard of one dr parinaz humranwala and dr. Prafull vijayakar. Has anyone availed of their treatments and could share reviews or feedback? Also, I'm wondering if anyone could tell me if homeopathy has solutions for systemic or intestinal candida/yeast overgrowth?

Many thanks,
  Anushka1 on 2016-03-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

I recommend Dr. Rajesh Shah who is the founder of Lifeforce Homeopathy and the best homeopathic doctor in Mumbai.

You can get more information by visiting his website.
abhisheksen 9 years ago

[message deleted by Balaji1 on Fri, 18 Mar 2016 10:34:58 UTC]
Balaji1 9 years ago
I had read about Dr.Rajesh Shah, their website claims there is a cure for my ailment. However, there are loads of negative reports on consumercomplaints forum. Have you personally availed of their treatment.Thanks for responding
Anushka1 9 years ago
Balaji, I'm sorry to hear that homeopathy didn't work for you.actually, I do have faith in ayurveda and homeopathy and believe that they can eliminate the disease from its roots. The problem, however, according to me is finding a skilled, experienced, professional and kind doctor, who can diagnose accurately and prescribe correct meds. These days almost everything is commercialised so finding the correct is very difficult. Haven't given up hopes though :)
Anushka1 9 years ago
Dr Rajesh Shah and Batra are more concerned about marketing than treating patients.
handsomeheart2000 5 years ago

Try emailing jiteshsharma2007 at gmail dot com.

He and his father have a homeopathic hospital
In Odisha, jds hospital dot com- dr jitesh has
A network of other homeopaths he works with
And perhaps can give you a name in Mumbai.
Dr jitesh and his father dr deoshlok have volunteered
Time on this forum for many years.

On candida, you have to change the diet for some time.
Everyone has candida as part of the gut bacteria.
Thru use of antibiotics or diet choices of
Too much sugar, high glycemic foods, the normal
Balance to keep candida in normal amounts is
Out of sync. Basically, you have to eat protein
And vegetables for several weeks, and the
Candida die off. Also USA drs now tell people to take
A good probiotic with 7 or 8 bacteria strains for
2 months after antibiotics to restore gut flora.
Find a probiotic that you like and start slow-
You have to shop around sometimes to find
One that works with your body.
[Edited by simone717 on 2019-08-21 15:13:59]
simone717 5 years ago

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