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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr kadwa plz help.. About penis girth

Hello Dr.

I m 30yrs old guy, My penis size near 4" while erect which is enough I think but penis is very much thin like my thumb.

Plz Dr help me to increase my penis girth so that I can satisfy my partner. Currently when I insert my penis fully , she doesn't feel anything. :(
[message edited by sadsagar on Fri, 20 May 2016 18:41:28 UTC]
  sadsagar on 2016-05-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Plz help me Dr kadwa.
sadsagar 8 years ago
I have ordered online the remedy named Cydonia Vulgaris 30... Can someone tell me the dosage of it?
sadsagar 8 years ago
Take avena sativa q, alfalfa q for overall health and also antim crud 200 for sexual misuse.
[Edited by Tariqul Islam on 2020-11-29 03:24:43]
Tariqul Islam 4 years ago
Could you please tell about your wife?
Her mind and body condition?
Her behaviour with you, children, relatives and others?
Is she suffering from any health issue?
freehomeoforall 4 years ago

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