The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Watery, pale brown vaginal discharge
hello:I have been experiencing watery discharge from my vagina over the past couple of months. some days it is so high that i need to use a pantyliner so that it does wet my pants. I saw a local homeopathy doctor and he said that i have hormone imbalance problem and put me on sepia 3o c 2 times a day and ferr phos 200 once a day. I have been using them for a week and i see no change in the vaginal discharge. i feel my energy levels are better. Can anyone throw some light on this pls. it is really really concerning.
hope1234 on 2016-07-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can try to find a suitable remedy for you. Before doing that, please click on my username to know about me & my prescription skills. Once you have done that and are willing to proceed, let me know. You can email me also as the forum notification system is not informing about new posts.
Word of Advice: Be sensible about your health, always click the username of anyone giving advice on this forum to know about them first, instead of blindly following advice which is sometimes reckless & dangerous. Also, read this:
Word of Advice: Be sensible about your health, always click the username of anyone giving advice on this forum to know about them first, instead of blindly following advice which is sometimes reckless & dangerous. Also, read this:
fitness 8 years ago
Hi Fitness:
Thank you. Would definitely like to follow your advice. One thing that i would like to mention is that currently i am working in night shift and i hardly get 3 to 4 hours of sleep during night and an hour of afternoon nap in most cases during weekdays.
will await to hear from you. I am desperate to get back to normal life. any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you. Would definitely like to follow your advice. One thing that i would like to mention is that currently i am working in night shift and i hardly get 3 to 4 hours of sleep during night and an hour of afternoon nap in most cases during weekdays.
will await to hear from you. I am desperate to get back to normal life. any help is greatly appreciated.
hope1234 8 years ago
♡ gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Would like to bring this post up. I am still struggling to overcome this situation. Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanking you in advance.
Would like to bring this post up. I am still struggling to overcome this situation. Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanking you in advance.
hope1234 8 years ago
Try borax 200 once a day for three days report after a week
♡ mnaari 8 years ago
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