The ABC Homeopathy Forum
gerd or lpr
I feel pain in upper part of my stomach. I was suffering from soar throat for the last 2 months. I tried many antibiotics but no remedy. I consulted an ENT specialist he said that this is due to the acidity. He advised me Omega capsules. Now my throat is better. I feel pain only in my neck now. But the pain in the upper part of my stomach is still there. What could I do?mtaslam on 2006-02-13
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I cannot be able to prescribe any medicine as your details are incomplete. I request you to fill the below given form so that I can minutely study your symptoms so that I can prescribe you the best medicine to cure your disease very soon. Kindly submit the details for evaluation of symptom from your case
1. Name
2. Age
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6. What exactly is happening ?
7. How do you feel ?
8. How does this affect you ?
9. How does it feel like ?
10. What comes to your mind ?
11. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
12. How did that feel like ?
13. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
14. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand. ?
15. current medicine you are taking
16. family back ground
17. qualification of patient
18. Nature of working
19. desire and aversion of food
20. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. If any secret thing or can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on your any forum doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be and try to email of photographs of the diseases part.(if required)
21. Aggravation & Amelioration
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. country
5. climate
6. What exactly is happening ?
7. How do you feel ?
8. How does this affect you ?
9. How does it feel like ?
10. What comes to your mind ?
11. One situation that had a big effect on you ?
12. How did that feel like ?
13. What sensation do you experience in that situation ?
14. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand. ?
15. current medicine you are taking
16. family back ground
17. qualification of patient
18. Nature of working
19. desire and aversion of food
20. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. If any secret thing or can not want to discus at forum then you can share your talk directly to email by clicking on your any forum doctor. For a good prescription mental detail is must be and try to email of photographs of the diseases part.(if required)
21. Aggravation & Amelioration
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
If you get a burning sensation after a meal, this can be due to hyperacidity which you can easily control with Nat Phos 6x (biochemic) tablets dose 2 tablets after lunch and dinner.
Your throat problem seems to be prevalent throughout the world and starts with phlegm in the throat which develops to a full blown infection which in your case and many others have to be treated with antibiotics.
However this virus which causes the throat flu can easily be aborted with Bell 30 taken preferably in the liquid dose every 2 hours as early as possible after you first notice the infection. If you use the Bell early the virus is usually aborted in 3 days. If you use dry globules you can take 2 every 3 hours for 3 days.
Your throat problem seems to be prevalent throughout the world and starts with phlegm in the throat which develops to a full blown infection which in your case and many others have to be treated with antibiotics.
However this virus which causes the throat flu can easily be aborted with Bell 30 taken preferably in the liquid dose every 2 hours as early as possible after you first notice the infection. If you use the Bell early the virus is usually aborted in 3 days. If you use dry globules you can take 2 every 3 hours for 3 days.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
Thank you very much for your reply. I am posting the detail as under:
Name: Muhammad Tanveer Aslam
Age: 36 y
Sex: Male
Climate:Cold (nowadays)
Most of the time I feel pain in the upper part of my stomach. I also feel heartburn, but sometimes. When pain in stomach increases, I feel very uncomfortable and problem increases while standing. For the last 2 months, I am feeling soar throat and used antibiotics. It cured but repeats for 3 to 4 times and I used different antibiotics. But now I was feeling pain on my right side of throat and was not healing by the use of antibiotics. I consulted an ENT doctor and he told me that this is due to the acidity. He advised Omega capsules and after using capsules, my throat pain was healed. When I stopped taking capsules after about 10 days, it started again then I restarted taking capsules and it cured again. Now I am feeling pain in my neck below the throat. I met the doctor again and he told me that this is only the acidity no throat infection.
I have master's degree in agriculture and master's degree in computer sciences.
I am working as Senior software engineer in a software house.
I am very sensitive person and feels even small things too much. I get angry very quickly.
My eating habit is also very disturbed. I take a cup of tea when I wake up in the morning and then smoke (2 or 3 cigarettes before breakfast). I dont like to eat something in the morning because of lack of apetite. No timing of my lunch and dinner. Sometimes I eat at 10 pm and sometimes 11. I am not interested in eating. I rarely use fruits because I forgot to eat :) I smoke about 20 cig/day and 5-6 cups of tea.
I am very loving person especially with my kids. Very caring.
Thank you
Thank you very much for your reply. I am posting the detail as under:
Name: Muhammad Tanveer Aslam
Age: 36 y
Sex: Male
Climate:Cold (nowadays)
Most of the time I feel pain in the upper part of my stomach. I also feel heartburn, but sometimes. When pain in stomach increases, I feel very uncomfortable and problem increases while standing. For the last 2 months, I am feeling soar throat and used antibiotics. It cured but repeats for 3 to 4 times and I used different antibiotics. But now I was feeling pain on my right side of throat and was not healing by the use of antibiotics. I consulted an ENT doctor and he told me that this is due to the acidity. He advised Omega capsules and after using capsules, my throat pain was healed. When I stopped taking capsules after about 10 days, it started again then I restarted taking capsules and it cured again. Now I am feeling pain in my neck below the throat. I met the doctor again and he told me that this is only the acidity no throat infection.
I have master's degree in agriculture and master's degree in computer sciences.
I am working as Senior software engineer in a software house.
I am very sensitive person and feels even small things too much. I get angry very quickly.
My eating habit is also very disturbed. I take a cup of tea when I wake up in the morning and then smoke (2 or 3 cigarettes before breakfast). I dont like to eat something in the morning because of lack of apetite. No timing of my lunch and dinner. Sometimes I eat at 10 pm and sometimes 11. I am not interested in eating. I rarely use fruits because I forgot to eat :) I smoke about 20 cig/day and 5-6 cups of tea.
I am very loving person especially with my kids. Very caring.
Thank you
mtaslam last decade
Dear Md. Tanveer Aslam
Please find the prescription
1. Pulstilla 200C (4tabs thrice a day )
2. Magphos 3x (4 tabs thrice a day)
3. Calc Carb 1M (Every Sunday Morning)
Please inform me after taking these medicine continuingly one month.
Dr. D. sharma
Please find the prescription
1. Pulstilla 200C (4tabs thrice a day )
2. Magphos 3x (4 tabs thrice a day)
3. Calc Carb 1M (Every Sunday Morning)
Please inform me after taking these medicine continuingly one month.
Dr. D. sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.