The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Psoriasis and hair loss
I'm 37 y/o woman and have noticed substantial hair loss near my temples and forehead over the last 6-12 months. I have psoriasis like symptoms, dryness, flaking, itching, heat, and dandruff. I also have dry, flaking skin around my nose and on the sides of the nose near my sinuses. Any remedy suggestions?Krista on 2004-07-15
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i personaly think, this needs a really working out of the case with the totality of all symptoms.
j.n. shinghal in his book "bedside prescriber" however says - and i think of all kinds of books like this, it is a very good one:
falling off hair, due to scaly white dandruff - thuja
bald spots on the side of the head, the head sweats easily - most important remedy is graphites
you might want to take a closer look on these two remedies and compary their remedy pictures
j.n. shinghal in his book "bedside prescriber" however says - and i think of all kinds of books like this, it is a very good one:
falling off hair, due to scaly white dandruff - thuja
bald spots on the side of the head, the head sweats easily - most important remedy is graphites
you might want to take a closer look on these two remedies and compary their remedy pictures
itsme 2 decades ago
Thank you for your feedback! I'm taking Thuja, but haven't noticed much of a difference. Athough I do think Thuja is good for me since I have a wart on my thumb. I'm going to try taking Graphites as well. I saw a dermatologist today and he says I have Seborrheic Dermatitis, and that it's related to fungus. Would either Thuja or Graphites help w/ fungal infections? I also have the dryness on my ear and near my nose. Thanks again!
Krista 2 decades ago
Hi Krista,
I suffered from severe itchy flacky scalp and Seborrheic Dermatitis for over 3 years. I had SD on my sclap , face, cheeks chest and armpits, I hated it so much. So i guess I know what you are going through. I found that stress affected how bad the Sd flared up.
After surfing the web one day whilst I was off work I came across this site refreshedskin dot com seemingly this site is created by people who suffered from SD and Ezcema.
I downloaded the SD Clearance program that they offered and 2 days after starting it my skin was really improved. I am now totally clear thankfully. I hope this site helps you as it has helped me and I wish you best.
I suffered from severe itchy flacky scalp and Seborrheic Dermatitis for over 3 years. I had SD on my sclap , face, cheeks chest and armpits, I hated it so much. So i guess I know what you are going through. I found that stress affected how bad the Sd flared up.
After surfing the web one day whilst I was off work I came across this site refreshedskin dot com seemingly this site is created by people who suffered from SD and Ezcema.
I downloaded the SD Clearance program that they offered and 2 days after starting it my skin was really improved. I am now totally clear thankfully. I hope this site helps you as it has helped me and I wish you best.
annie112 2 decades ago
Hi Krista,
I've exactly the same symptoms and problems what you have. I wonder if you got some help using homeopathy medicines tried thus far. I've started to use R65 (psoriasis medicine)combination medicine since last three weeks.
I've exactly the same symptoms and problems what you have. I wonder if you got some help using homeopathy medicines tried thus far. I've started to use R65 (psoriasis medicine)combination medicine since last three weeks.
vineet2000 last decade
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