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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Call for Dr.Deshlok - for Hypertension

Hello Dr. Deshlok.
I have filling this on behalf of my mother.

After my father's death she feels very lonely. She is suffering from high blood sugar levels but not diabetic. High uric acid. High creatnine levels.
The moment she takes any antibiotic, she suffers from loose motions. Motions continued for 2-3 months finally some homeopathy doctor gave her Aloe Soc.200 single

dose. After that she recovered from Loose motions. She was calcium and vitamin d deficient. Took allopathy for both. Havent chkd the levels now.
She took idrofos and pacitane for trembling hands. It vanished gradually but after one year it has started again.
She wants to quit allopathy. Every day she tells me that "today I am feeling like this, today I am feeling like that, today I am not feeling good, today your

wife did not talk to me at all. Today your kids didnot talk to me". She is not complaining but actually she is feeling lonely. She needs someone to sit with her

and talk to her all the time.

I am worried about my mother now. I have lost my father and I dont want to see my mother in this kind of condition. I want to see her happy. Please help and suggest further what needs to be done.

1. Name: -
2. Age: 63 years
3. Sex: Female
4. Married/Unmarried/widow : Widow
5. weight: 85 kgs
6. Height: 5 fts
7. country: India, Kolkata City
8. climate: Moist.
9. Family History: Mother had Diabetes.
10. Qualification of patient: Not educated. Housewife.
11. Nature of working: Retired
12. Complexion: Fair/Wheatish/ Darkish: Fair
13. Constitution: Well built/Fat/Thin: Well built
14. Veg/non veg: Both
15. History of taking Alcohol/Tobacco/coffee/Tea/any drugs addiction: Tea
16. List of your complain first:

1. High Blood Pressure
2. High cholestral
3. High creatnine levels
4. Easily catch urine infection. Sometimes cant hold and some urine comes out while going to washroom.
5. Rheumatic and nerve pain
6. Sometimes she feels that there is something in tongue but when she cleans, she finds nothing.
6. Shortness of breath.
7. Chest pain.
8. When I lie either left side or right side on bed I feel pain near liver (or i dont know what it is) but when I lie flat, no pain.
9. Trembling hands, head when she hold something or sits idle.

17. Since how long you are suffering for each complain: 10 years approx. After my husband's death it has incresaed.
18. current medicine you are taking for each complain: Aten 50 and Stamlo 5 sometimes in the evening if pressure is high.
19. Diabetic or non Diabetic: Not diabetic but Sugar fasting is 130 which is points high than normal
20. Desire sweets/sour/salt: Sweets
21. Thirst –Small quantity/short interval/long interval/large Quantity: Doesnt like to drink much water. Hardly 2-3 glasses in a day.
22. Tongue color: normal
23. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine): With medicine 150/90 -- 140/90 -- 150/100
24. What exactly is happening ? : Headache at frontal lobe which comes sometimes with vomitng tendency
25. How do you feel ? Very bad and lonely. Lie on bed but not relieved
26. How does this affect you ? Afraid of death or haemorrage.
27. How does it feel like ? Painful frontal lobe
28. What comes to your mind ? That I will die just like my husband who dies two years back due to brain haemmorage. He had high BP and infarct in brain.
29. One situation that had a big effect on you ? My husbands death. Post that dont feel like doing anything. Though I am not talketive but want to talk with my

kids and daughter in law all the time. But cannot as they are busy with their work.
30. How did that feel like ? Very painful and lonely after my husbands death.
31. What sensation do you experience in that situation ? That i am left alone and i have no one to take care of me.
32. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ?
33. desire or like and dislike of food - Like sweets, cauliflower, Gravy, sabzi etc. Eat rice also but not with zeal.
33. Name of foods which increase your problem - All foods which creates gas.
34. Body odor ,/sweating/- No sweating or odour
35. Under line the right word for you ---- Shy and lonely
  shahidr100 on 2016-11-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Dr deoshlok sharma does not look at the forum much these days.

And when he does, he does not take
A case. He does information threads.

If you want him as a dr you need to
Find an old thread where he is on it.
Click his name and then email him.
simone717 8 years ago
Thanks for the reply.
If Dr.Sharma is not available, I would request other doctors to suggest me something.

Thanks and regards
shahidr100 8 years ago
try Veretram Viride 30 three times in a day for week and check you BP and report me....

dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok 8 years ago
Hi dr deoshlok,nice to see you on here.

simone717 8 years ago
Hello Dr.Deoshlok.
Thanks for the reply and glad to see you here.

Is the medicine in liquid form or pellets?

How many drops/pellets make one dose?

shahidr100 8 years ago

I got it in powder form.
I have already started the medicine from today. She took it at 2 pm. Next she will take at 6 pm and then at 10 pm.

Will post the results after 5 days.

Thanks and Regards
shahidr100 8 years ago
Hello Dr.Deshlok,

Thanks for your medicine. She is better now. I checked her pressure and it was 120/80.
She does not have to visit washroom frequently.

Should I continue with the same medicine?

shahidr100 8 years ago
ok go on continue...

dr. deoshlok sharma
deoshlok 8 years ago

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