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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

dr mohla plz help with gallstones

I am having muktiple gallstones largest 5.2 mm.i found out 2 months back when i was 7 month pregnant. I have delivered via c section 20 days ago.plz help as i am having regular attacks
  ishu1 on 2017-04-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl send more detail pain ,vomiting after food before food time etc.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
Thank you so much sir for replying.
First attack i had at midnight after eating oily food when i was pregnant.dr told me to go on a low fat diet .it helped only for a while coz as my delivery date was approaching i started having frequent attacks even after eating fruits,without oil foods.for that reason i had to deliver at 36 weeks.post delivery i am not able to eat rice, milk,etc.
My pain starts 3-4 hrs after having meal , have unbearable sharp stitching pain in upper abdomen,back, shoulder blades, i feel nauseous and sometimes vomits.my pain increses gradually and after 1-2 hrs it becomes unbearable , i cant lie down as my back pains a lot, i breathing increases my pain. Sweat a lot.have tried to attach my recent LFT report but couldnt.my alkaline phosphatase is little increased 132.7( ref range-- 38-126)
[message edited by ishu1 on Sat, 15 Apr 2017 03:22:05 UTC]
ishu1 7 years ago
Child on breast milk if yes I advise no meds and if no pl have chelidoneum Maj Q 10 drops in two table spoon of water one hour before meal. Ipecac 30 at thr time of vomiting .cholestrium 6x one tab morning and evening .pl donot take fatty spicy fried food.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
Yes sir, i am breastfeeding my baby.homeopathy medicines shouldnt be taken while breastfeeding?
If i cant take homeopathy meds then i have only surgery as ootion to get rid of stonewhat do u suggest sir?
[message edited by ishu1 on Sun, 16 Apr 2017 03:25:22 UTC]
ishu1 7 years ago
Sir plz rply
ishu1 7 years ago
Already replied pl understand as whatever meds you will take will go to your child.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
Sir now my recent usg shows mild thickening of gall bladder wall but the Liver functioning test is normal.dr has asked me to get operated soon nd also prescribed me antibiotics which i sm taking.i am not breastfeeding my baby.plz help
ishu1 7 years ago
chelidonium q 10 drops in one fourth cup of water one hour after every meal along with colestrium 6x one tab morning and one evening time pl report after 30 days.pl avoid fatty fried and spicy food.if pain you can take mag phos 6x with hot water sos.pl observe for one month.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
Mag phos 6x how many tabs??
ishu1 7 years ago
4 tabs with hot water.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
Sir my recent usg report -
Gallbladder shows partial physiological distention.multiple small calculi are seen in cluster In the gallbladder adhered to the anterior Wall and fundus.There are atleast 10-12 in numbers.Largest 5.8 mm.There is mild wall thickening of the anterior and fundus Of gallbladder.
Conclusion- multiple CholelIthiasis With chronic calculus CholeCystitis.

Last month when i met my dr. He said i might develop infection so i should get operated soon.i highly doubt him.and this usg was done before i started taking ur prescribed medicine i.e a month ago.in this month i jad 5-6 attacks which went within minutea when i took ur medicine.also i have mild pain in my gallbladder area that radiate to my right shoulder sometimes. I am still continuing ur medicines.
ishu1 7 years ago
If you donot find any difference pl go for surgery.
akshaymohl 7 years ago
PLnote that to go for surgery in this case is the best solution because it can damage liver due to infection.pl consult your doctor and plan .
akshaymohl 7 years ago

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