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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pigment Gallstones


Issue: Gallstones
Type: Pigment Stones
Size: largest 8mm (4 stones in total)
Age: 36 years
Sex: Male
Work: Computer/Graphics designing

I suffered from gallstone pains few times during the night while sleeping. I didn't know it was a gallstone movement pain. As soon as stone moved out from bilary duct, the pain gone by itself. But 5 month ago, I had a serious attack of Pancreatitis and I was admitted in the hospital for 2 days. In ultrasound and through several other tests, they found out sludge in the gallbladder and 5mm multiple Pigment stones. But since then there is no pain as I have reduced fatty food intake and following strict diet.

Now yesterday I went to get an ultrasound and found out that 4 stones are there and biggest one is 8mm in size which means that stone size is increasing.

Tests showed an increase in bilirubin levels. All other things are OK.

Is there anyway I can get rid of these stones? Or surgery is the only possibility to get rid of these stones?

  brokenheart on 2015-04-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
gallstones are curable in homeopathy through medicine. it will stop the formation of new ones and either dissolve or expel the old ones. if you want treatment i can send you a questionairre.
telescope 9 years ago
telescope: Yeah sure plz.
brokenheart 9 years ago
please answer the following with as much detail as possible.

1 Name
2 Age
3 sex
4 Height and Weight
5 Main problem
6 Any other problem
7 The problem is better or worse from (heat/cold/movement/rest/pressure)
8.Appetite and thirst (excessive/ normal/less) with likes and dislikes for different tastes and food.
9 Preference for climate (hot/moderate/cold/dry/wet)
10 quantity and quality of sleep with preffered position.
11 dreams if any.
12 Perspiration (how much and where)
13 Stool (hard/soft/normal) and frequency.
14 Urine (quantity/colour/frequency) difficulty if any.
15 Describe yourself as a person.
16 Opinion of other people close to you about yourself (extremely helpful to the doctor if provided)
17 Family medical history (parents/ grand parents/brothers/sisters)
18 Treatment taken in the past.
19 present medication if any
20. any other information you would like to provide.
telescope 9 years ago
1 Name
2 Age
3 sex
4 Height and Weight
5ft 11in, 80kg
5 Main problem
6 Any other problem
7 The problem is better or worse from (heat/cold/movement/rest/pressure)
No effect
8.Appetite and thirst (excessive/ normal/less) with likes and dislikes for different tastes and food.
Normal, not excessive thrist or appetite. Lik all kind of food. Salty, sweet, spicy whatever. Like them all equally.
9 Preference for climate (hot/moderate/cold/dry/wet)
10 quantity and quality of sleep with preffered position.
8-10 hours of sleep. Quality overall good. sleep on the right side.
11 dreams if any.
sometimes. Dont remember them much
12 Perspiration (how much and where)
more than average perspiration. Mostly on forehead and then cheast/upper belly
13 Stool (hard/soft/normal) and frequency.
Once a day and normal. Not soft , not hard but with gas.
14 Urine (quantity/colour/frequency) difficulty if any.
Quantity normal, color normal white or light yellow if dont drink enough water. no difficulty
15 Describe yourself as a person.
Short tempered. Get upset or angry quickly. but overall calm and friendly person.
16 Opinion of other people close to you about yourself (extremely helpful to the doctor if provided)
Very friendly. People think I am very friendly and nice
17 Family medical history (parents/ grand parents/brothers/sisters)
mother diabetic. Father had stones in kidneys around 15 years ago. High Blood pressure in mother and father.
18 Treatment taken in the past.
19 present medication if any
20. any other information you would like to provide.
Pigment stones with elevated Bilirubin levels (at one time 3.5, but now around 2 in most recent test 1 week ago).

4 stones. Largets one 8mm, while others 5mm and 6mm. 5 months ago, they were at 4mm and 5mm. in 5 months, stone size has increased.
brokenheart 9 years ago
take one dose lycopodium 200 in the morning. do not repeat medicine.
telescope 9 years ago
One dose will be enough, or I will have to report the overall effect on the mood and body?

Thanks for the reply.
brokenheart 9 years ago
One update before taking the medicine which I will buy tomorrow and use it; For last 2-3 days, i feel so much gas in the upper abdomen. Whatever I eat, it creates gas in upper abdomen and as a result, it gives pressure and light discomfort on the stomach. When it passes (even though a little only) then it relaxes the stomach.
brokenheart 9 years ago
one dose will act for around 20 days. no more medicine till then. it covers your gas problem also.
telescope 9 years ago

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