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Posts about IBS, Prostatitis

ibs3Gastritis And IBS2ibs8gastric mucosal prolapse - gerd and ibs3Tuberculinum and IBS7Unable to pass stool completely. Feel lethargic an have headache. IBS28ibs1Chronic IBS1ibs13Prostatitis76


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Ibs .hiatus hernia. prostatitis

Hi doct . I am suffering of ibs with some time loss stool some time constipation type hard stool . Mostly feeling of incomplete evacuations. But it reamin 3 months and when ibs stop . Prostatitis start. Pain while urine even while discharges. Urine 6 time in half an hour . Doctor put me on anti stress. Now days i have feeling that food come out when sleep . Doct do endoscopy it said small hiatus hernia . And very fatty liver. I read in this form homoapthy medicine Nat phos 6x German and arnica 30c . My question is i am taking alopathy for high bp and liver and gastric . Can i take these homopathy medicine with them . I try lot of homopathy . Alopathy and aurvedic doctor but all result is my main problem is depression. I never stick on one medicine .plz help
  lucky11 on 2017-05-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
i can help out. But, patience and proper advice following should be there.
0antivirus0 7 years ago

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