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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


For the last few years I seem to be getting Prostatitis. It burns when I urinate and the flow is reduced. What can I do to resolve this? My prostate is enlarges to about 40mm

  Merisel81 on 2018-05-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Thuja 30c, twice daily.
Tui 6 years ago
Thank you I will get on this
Merisel81 6 years ago
I have taken the Thuja 30c for 1 day so far. Today I woke up and there was evidence of blood in my urine. A few weeks ago I had a UTI and was treated with antibiotics for it. Should I stay on the Thuja and or should I introduce anything other remedies at this time? I had this before

Merisel81 6 years ago
Please stop taking the remedy until the symptom subside.
Tui 6 years ago
I stopped yesterday. Urine cleared up. What should I do next for the enlarges prostate and Prostatitis?
Merisel81 6 years ago
Start again with Thuja 30c, twice daily.
Tui 6 years ago
Yesterday I found it very difficult to urinate. I had to force each time I went and it burned slightly. So, I stopped taking Thuja and throughout the night I had to pee and it burned and was still difficult To pee i had to force again. What should I do?
Merisel81 6 years ago
Please take Cantharis 30c, twice a day for 3 days and see how you feel after that.
[Edited by Tui on 2018-05-27 13:23:13]
Tui 6 years ago
I only have 200c will that work?
Merisel81 6 years ago
Tui 6 years ago
I took Cantharis 200c for 2 days and today is the third. For the first day the burning went away and the flow improved, however at the end of yesterday the urine flow was becoming restricted again. No burning.
Merisel81 6 years ago
Please take Medorrhinum 200c, once a day for 3 days.
Tui 6 years ago
Hi,while taking the Medorrhinum 200 the flow improved slightly. At night I wake to pee and I had to strain to go. Some times during the day it would flow better than others. I really need my flow to be so that I don’t have to strain
Merisel81 6 years ago
Start taking Thuja 30c, twice daily again.

And Sarsaparilla 30c, twice daily.

Medorrhinum 200c, once in every 2 weeks.
Tui 6 years ago

I ordered Sarsaparilla 30c from the local health food store and I am in Canada and they are no longer allowed to carry that remedy. Do you have any other remedy to substitute?
Merisel81 6 years ago
Just take Thuja and Medorrhinum for now.
Tui 6 years ago
Okay, I found a homeopathic pharmacy that will make the Sarsaparilla 30c for me I also asked her to make a 200c if needed. I will get on that today. Also, this past Saturday I had troubles through the night going pee. I had to stand there and wait for a while. During the day I started the morning peeing frequently and it improved through out the day and seems fine now. I am certain it is because of my enlarges prostate. My urologist told me that my prostate is not that large but some people get affected differently. If I am to change remedies please let me know what to remove and what to add with the frequencies of use per day or week. Thank you
Merisel81 6 years ago
Continue with Thuja and Medorrhinum for now and when you get Sarsapallila, you can start with that as well.
Tui 6 years ago
I have been on Sarsaparilla and Thuja for 2 days. Tonight I saw a slight bit of blood at the beginning of my urination. Last year I had 4 blades stones at approximately 2.5 cm in size. I may have scar tissue. Please advise?
Merisel81 6 years ago
Any pain or discomfort?
Tui 6 years ago
Just a slight stinging at the top of my urethra when urinating. This morning there doesn’t appear to be any more blood
Merisel81 6 years ago
Take Cantharis 30 or 200c 1 - 2 doses.
Tui 6 years ago
I have been following your recommendation and I am still finding that I strain to pee some times. Today when I peed I saw some blood. So I took a Cantharis 30.

Please advise
Merisel81 6 years ago
Stop all the remedies for now and start taking Copaiva officinalis 30c, twice a day until you see improvement.
Tui 6 years ago
I also have sensativy and some discomfort with a bit of a distended blabber area
Merisel81 6 years ago

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