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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Loose teeth HELP!

My husband just called me and said his wisdom tooth is moving right and left. He thinks it will fall out. He has had receding gums and a canine tooth (I think that's what their called) out of place it has come down. Looks longer then the other teeth. He always feels an itch in his gums after he eats. He has A LOT of stress with work. He has trouble making decisions. He always thinks of the others instead of himself. He always thinks he is the victim or slave for others. He has not had a cleaning at the dentist office for two years now. But he is very thorough when he cleans his teeth. He uses mouth wash, neem tooth paste, and rinses with sea salt. A couple of years ago his dentist wanted to pull another tooth because half the root of a tooth was missing, the dentist had no explanation. Please HELP HIM, I will be eagerly waiting for a response and a recommendation.
  penny3 on 2017-07-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Arnica 30c 3pills thrice daily
Calcarea flur 6x 3 tabs thrice daily
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Thank you very much doctor I will get the remedies to him now.
penny3 7 years ago
ok.report changes after 10days

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Hello Dr. Thoufeeque,
My husband has taken the above remedies 4 times. Now he is complaining that his front tooth feels warm around the gum and is moving and is painful. It is one of the main teeth holding onto his bridge. I am also giving him rescue remedy and horsetail herb.
penny3 7 years ago
P.S. I do not have facebook so I am not able to communicate with you on it.
penny3 7 years ago
Which remedy he took 4 times daily.. Give plantago Q 8 drops in half glass water 4 times daily.. in addition
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Hello Dr. T,
He took Arnica 30c 3 pills two times and
Calcarea flur 6x 3 tabs two times daily. He took both for two days. I do have not have plantago Q I am going out now to find it and start him on it. He did take hypericum perforatum two times yesterday because of the discomfort in his front tooth. Thank you for all your valuable recommendations and advice.:)
penny3 7 years ago
There is no Plantago Q in any of the three stores I checked. It is not even sold here. There is however a homeopathic remedy that I have Plantago Major at 30c. Should I start him on that?
penny3 7 years ago
Yes you can.. 1 drop in half glass water thrice daily

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Hello Doctor,
I do not mean to bother you but these Planrago major at 30c are pellets not drops so I will have him take two times a day. Okay?
penny3 7 years ago


drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago

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