The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Fear help please
Hello,I am 28 years old, married and have a very happy sex life.
I masterbated for 15 years, since my age of 13-28, I am married since 3 months. I usually have sex once or twice a day and the results are very satisfying for me and my partner.
The problem I am suffering with is the fear, I feel excessive fear from people, I don’t feel fear from the darkness or anything else, I feel fear while somebody is looking at me or any politician stop me while I am traveling, I especially feel fear when I am talking my wife outside.
There could be two possible reasons which I know:
1. Masterbation for 15 years 2-15 times a day, almost daily
2. I was 3 years old, my mom send me to the religious hostel, I was very very small and the teachers terrified me and beaten me often times. I been there in the ship hole for almost 10 years, due to that reason my feelings are damaged and can’t feel the complete happiness, fear is all around me.
I have tried several remedies and several homeopaths, other symptoms got cured except the excessive fear. The thing related this, doctor diagnosed my heart muscle are loose, I usually do heavy breathing. One other thing I have experienced, if I don’t masterbate for 15-18 day I feel better without watching any porno, that only happened once when I was in married.
I feel my life is finished and I don’t feel the strength from inside, local homeopaths are unable me to recover from this. I am willing to use any homeopathic or herbal medicine.
rockerhell on 2017-12-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
kali.phos .. 4 drops only in a disposable glass with some water in it. No more.
Next day psorinum 1M .. once in life. 2 drops only in a separate disposable glass with some water in it. No more.
Don't eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after taking medicine. Don't use coffee or mint etc don't place medicine near strong perfumes etc.
Notice changes and improvements carefully and update after a week.
Next day psorinum 1M .. once in life. 2 drops only in a separate disposable glass with some water in it. No more.
Don't eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after taking medicine. Don't use coffee or mint etc don't place medicine near strong perfumes etc.
Notice changes and improvements carefully and update after a week.
♡ healer21 7 years ago
healer21 said kali.phos .. 4 drops only in a disposable glass with some water in it. No more.
Next day psorinum 1M .. once in life. 2 drops only in a separate disposable glass with some water in it. No more.
I used the medicine 20th, 21 December as instructed yesterday I felt little better after using Psorinum, today on 22nd of December I am feeling a lot scared, worse than before, feeling panic attack.
My diet is healthy.
Please suggest me either to wait for a week or use something else.
Next day psorinum 1M .. once in life. 2 drops only in a separate disposable glass with some water in it. No more.
I used the medicine 20th, 21 December as instructed yesterday I felt little better after using Psorinum, today on 22nd of December I am feeling a lot scared, worse than before, feeling panic attack.
My diet is healthy.
Please suggest me either to wait for a week or use something else.
rockerhell 7 years ago
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