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34weeks pregnant Insomnia and persistent heartburn Page 3 of 8
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Much better, thank you :)
—— so just a quick update. Most pressing issues currently: my pelvic area feels like it’s being ripped apart. A lot of pressure down there and nerve tweaking. It hurts to walk. All of my sitting bones and muscles feel sore as if I have been riding a horse. (I am going to the chiropractor in two days; hopefully she will be able to help with some of it.)
I know the cause is a baby’s head moving into the birth canal lol so what can really be done but wait lol
My sleep is very poor. I have to get up to pee every 3 hours or so and it is a lot every time. During the day I do still go frequently but the amount is far less.
I have a hard time waking up and my body is very stiff and achy all night and in the morning.
My mood in general is better. I feel more patient and capable of taking things on, with only a superficial level of irritation when bothered.
No more swelling in my feet, however I do have a lot of itching in the sides of my feet— also on my jaw and neck is very itchy; mostly at night.
—— so just a quick update. Most pressing issues currently: my pelvic area feels like it’s being ripped apart. A lot of pressure down there and nerve tweaking. It hurts to walk. All of my sitting bones and muscles feel sore as if I have been riding a horse. (I am going to the chiropractor in two days; hopefully she will be able to help with some of it.)
I know the cause is a baby’s head moving into the birth canal lol so what can really be done but wait lol
My sleep is very poor. I have to get up to pee every 3 hours or so and it is a lot every time. During the day I do still go frequently but the amount is far less.
I have a hard time waking up and my body is very stiff and achy all night and in the morning.
My mood in general is better. I feel more patient and capable of taking things on, with only a superficial level of irritation when bothered.
No more swelling in my feet, however I do have a lot of itching in the sides of my feet— also on my jaw and neck is very itchy; mostly at night.
rom109 7 years ago
The last two days I’ve had a random burst of energy. I think it’s “nesting”. I’ve gotten so much done, and haven’t felt like I need a nap...I think it’s wearing off now though. Back to extreme lethargy all day...
I went to the chiropractor today and my hip/pelvic pain is down by at least half, so that’s awesome.
I have another appointment next week to make sure everything stays aligned for the birth. Due in 12 days!!
[Edited by rom109 on 2018-02-13 21:27:44]
I went to the chiropractor today and my hip/pelvic pain is down by at least half, so that’s awesome.
I have another appointment next week to make sure everything stays aligned for the birth. Due in 12 days!!
[Edited by rom109 on 2018-02-13 21:27:44]
rom109 7 years ago
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
I did take a dose on the 13th—fourth day since previous.
Do I just keep on doing that then? Every 4 days?
I’ve been feeling pretty good. Still having energy during the day, and my mood is fairly consistently good too.
We received our tax return and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off me. I was stressing about not having the funds to pay our bills this month and also to be able to afford for my husband to stay home for a week after baby is born.
Yesterday I did a little decorating in the kids’ room. I feel like I am able to just be excited for her arrival now. Although I am still nervous about going through labor again.
I’ve been sleeping better, I think. Some days I wake up easily and early, other days I wake up late and feel very sluggish getting moving.
I’ve noticed that on the day I take the remedy my feet and hands itch at night. It goes away the next day though. I’m consistently itchy all over—mostly belly, chest, back, arms.
If I’m giving too many updates let me know. Or tell me what kind of info you need. Everyone is so different
Do I just keep on doing that then? Every 4 days?
I’ve been feeling pretty good. Still having energy during the day, and my mood is fairly consistently good too.
We received our tax return and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off me. I was stressing about not having the funds to pay our bills this month and also to be able to afford for my husband to stay home for a week after baby is born.
Yesterday I did a little decorating in the kids’ room. I feel like I am able to just be excited for her arrival now. Although I am still nervous about going through labor again.
I’ve been sleeping better, I think. Some days I wake up easily and early, other days I wake up late and feel very sluggish getting moving.
I’ve noticed that on the day I take the remedy my feet and hands itch at night. It goes away the next day though. I’m consistently itchy all over—mostly belly, chest, back, arms.
If I’m giving too many updates let me know. Or tell me what kind of info you need. Everyone is so different
rom109 7 years ago
No you won't keep on taking them. After 13th one more dose. Will let you know if you need to stop or change anything.
Updates are ok and let them remain generic for now. If i want specifics will ask.
A couple of specific questions:
How are you doing on that touch sensitivity?
How are you doing on that sensitivity to sugary and related items?
Updates are ok and let them remain generic for now. If i want specifics will ask.
A couple of specific questions:
How are you doing on that touch sensitivity?
How are you doing on that sensitivity to sugary and related items?
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
A lot better on sensitivity to being touched. Only when I am in a lot of discomfort do I really dislike it.
I have been craving sugary things a lot, trying to keep it to a minimum. it does still cause heartburn, but not as much as before. It does make me phlegmy in the back of my throat. And if I have too much I feel just gross and sleepy.
Which reminds me, I have been having a heck of a time with not only phlegm and having to cough or clear my throat a lot, but also choking on things. Like I take a drink of water and a little splashes down the wrong pipe and I’m choking and coughing. I don’t think ever in my life it has ever happened so frequently. :(
I have been craving sugary things a lot, trying to keep it to a minimum. it does still cause heartburn, but not as much as before. It does make me phlegmy in the back of my throat. And if I have too much I feel just gross and sleepy.
Which reminds me, I have been having a heck of a time with not only phlegm and having to cough or clear my throat a lot, but also choking on things. Like I take a drink of water and a little splashes down the wrong pipe and I’m choking and coughing. I don’t think ever in my life it has ever happened so frequently. :(
rom109 7 years ago
Also it looks a bit like I’m proving this remedy in the constipation category. Since starting this remedy, Stools have been very difficult, large hard and infrequent—every other day . This is a real problem especially during pregnancy. This really needs to change and fast. :(
rom109 7 years ago
Ok in that case we will give some time. You need not repeat the dose after 4 days from the 13th Feb. dose.
What are the new symptoms here? Itching and constipation?
What are the new symptoms here? Itching and constipation?
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
Itching has been happening since I had the flu, pretty much. It was all over and has since settled down to mostly areas that skin is stretching. (Belly, breasts)
Constipation is a norm for me but this pattern is more consistent than usual. Nothing I am doing is affecting it. Vitamin C, fiber, Aloe Vera juice, extra water, ....nothing is working.
Constipation is a norm for me but this pattern is more consistent than usual. Nothing I am doing is affecting it. Vitamin C, fiber, Aloe Vera juice, extra water, ....nothing is working.
rom109 7 years ago
Proving is development of new symptoms. But the three symptoms mentioned till now have been there at some point. So we wait to see if they subside and or give some relief ahead.
Good water intake can improve constipation. Also there is something isabgol or psyllium husk that is used traditionally for severe constipation. If it's available it could be made use of.
[Edited by maheeru on 2018-02-19 23:04:42]
Good water intake can improve constipation. Also there is something isabgol or psyllium husk that is used traditionally for severe constipation. If it's available it could be made use of.
[Edited by maheeru on 2018-02-19 23:04:42]
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
I know about psyllium. Like I said, increased water intake or fiber do not change it.
I did a little research and it sounds like I have what’s called “outlet constipation”.
There is no issues with digestion or slow moving colon, the stool makes it down to rectum and sits.
I believe the remedy is wearing off. I have had some relief in the last two days.
I have also had an increase in sugar sensitivity. Tonight I had sweetened cornbread (corn-sweet grain- and added sweetness) with dinner, and right after dinner I began to feel so sluggish, with a racing heart. and I feel like I can’t get enough air. Somewhat feels like a weight on my chest, but more like my lungs just aren’t soaking up oxygen when I breathe, causing me to have to take more breaths.
I felt like I needed to lay down and go to sleep but the racing heart and rate of breathing are preventing sleep.
[Edited by rom109 on 2018-02-20 13:42:39]
I did a little research and it sounds like I have what’s called “outlet constipation”.
There is no issues with digestion or slow moving colon, the stool makes it down to rectum and sits.
I believe the remedy is wearing off. I have had some relief in the last two days.
I have also had an increase in sugar sensitivity. Tonight I had sweetened cornbread (corn-sweet grain- and added sweetness) with dinner, and right after dinner I began to feel so sluggish, with a racing heart. and I feel like I can’t get enough air. Somewhat feels like a weight on my chest, but more like my lungs just aren’t soaking up oxygen when I breathe, causing me to have to take more breaths.
I felt like I needed to lay down and go to sleep but the racing heart and rate of breathing are preventing sleep.
[Edited by rom109 on 2018-02-20 13:42:39]
rom109 7 years ago
Have you had this sluggishness, racing heart with a feeling of weight on chest and accelerated breathing before with this dish? or at any time?
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
Similar when I eat too much sugar. This was a pretty dramatic “attack”, though. Not sure I’ve felt it like that before.
rom109 7 years ago
Ok what all remedies have you got?
How does it feel? medicine wearing off or still having some effect?
How does it feel? medicine wearing off or still having some effect?
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
Welll.... I went into labor this morning at 4:30AM, and came home from the midwifes with a new beautiful baby at 10:30AM. :)
It all went so fast, and really well.
I am doing well, very tired. I will see how things go over the next few days-week and get back to you :)
It all went so fast, and really well.
I am doing well, very tired. I will see how things go over the next few days-week and get back to you :)
rom109 7 years ago
Congrats Rom for the new child BTW son or daughter? . Always when homeopathy is used properly during the last month of pregnancy things go fast and smooth.
If needed ---for general tiredness arnica 30c can be used.
If needed ---for general tiredness arnica 30c can be used.
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
Thank you :) it’s a girl :) :) <3
Yes I am amazed at how well it all went. And how well I feel coming out of it this time. With my first, it was not so easy.
I will try the arnica
Yes I am amazed at how well it all went. And how well I feel coming out of it this time. With my first, it was not so easy.
I will try the arnica
rom109 7 years ago
Ok welcome. It's a little princess then :)
A lot of people are worried about the workload associated with a new child, but the joy, excitement, fulfillment coming out of this phase need not be discounted.
A lot of people are worried about the workload associated with a new child, but the joy, excitement, fulfillment coming out of this phase need not be discounted.
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
Thank you for your kind words. She is a delight!
So I am doing pretty well, recovering quickly, and feel a pretty decent amount of energy.
I am still pretty sore and experiencing hemroids. I had a small perennial tear and that is pretty sore too. It does feel like my insides are falling out, I expect that is pretty average after giving birth....and I do not have the accompanying “Sepia” mental attitude of tiredness and disinterest in my loved ones etc.
Really quite the opposite; I feel more energy and I want to be involved with all of my family and now that my body is not weighed down by pregnancy I really am keen on getting back to my housework and keeping everything in order—caring for my family.
So I am doing pretty well, recovering quickly, and feel a pretty decent amount of energy.
I am still pretty sore and experiencing hemroids. I had a small perennial tear and that is pretty sore too. It does feel like my insides are falling out, I expect that is pretty average after giving birth....and I do not have the accompanying “Sepia” mental attitude of tiredness and disinterest in my loved ones etc.
Really quite the opposite; I feel more energy and I want to be involved with all of my family and now that my body is not weighed down by pregnancy I really am keen on getting back to my housework and keeping everything in order—caring for my family.
rom109 7 years ago
You mean hemorrhoids by hemroids? That was not mentioned earlier. New one or it had existed before?
You meant perineal tear?
Did you take arnica?
Welcome and it's good to hear about energy and good feeling.
You meant perineal tear?
Did you take arnica?
Welcome and it's good to hear about energy and good feeling.
♡ maheeru 7 years ago
Yes hemorrhoids were happening before the birth minimally/moderately, after the birth they have become much worse.
Yes a small perineal tear. Today it doesn’t feel so heavy/dragging down. Probably because it is just morning—might change by the end of the day.
I did take arnica, it may have helped slightly, but I couldn’t say for sure.
Yes a small perineal tear. Today it doesn’t feel so heavy/dragging down. Probably because it is just morning—might change by the end of the day.
I did take arnica, it may have helped slightly, but I couldn’t say for sure.
rom109 7 years ago
I apologize, I am so all over the place with mentioning symptoms. I don’t think of things at the time...or I only think of certain things as they are bothering me the most.
I’ve noticed that since the birth I have been having hot flashes, mostly at night. I have been sweaty in my sleep and want fresh air, but then quickly get chilled.
Also my sweat has a bit of an onion smell.
This is new to me.
Also—post birth— sore urethra. Feels bruised. (Probably is. Lol)
[Edited by rom109 on 2018-03-02 21:51:02]
I’ve noticed that since the birth I have been having hot flashes, mostly at night. I have been sweaty in my sleep and want fresh air, but then quickly get chilled.
Also my sweat has a bit of an onion smell.
This is new to me.
Also—post birth— sore urethra. Feels bruised. (Probably is. Lol)
[Edited by rom109 on 2018-03-02 21:51:02]
rom109 7 years ago
Until Maheeru replies please take Arnica 30 twice a day, preferably in wet dose (google for Arnica wet dose for instructors)
Until Maheeru replies please take Arnica 30 twice a day, preferably in wet dose (google for Arnica wet dose for instructors)
♡ Reva V 7 years ago
I have Arnica in 200c ..... would that be OK to dose as you suggest?
rom109 7 years ago
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