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34weeks pregnant Insomnia and persistent heartburn Page 4 of 8

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I have Arnica in 200c ..... would that be OK to dose as you suggest?
rom109 7 years ago
Yes you can use either 30c or 200c based on availability.

If this does not help or only helps partially, then you can switch to Pulsatilla. Again 30c or 200c whichever is available.

Even though it's new---post delivery--- the sweating, chills are expected---it's sort of a compensation mechanism after changes.
[Edited by maheeru on 2018-03-03 19:22:18]
maheeru 7 years ago
Okay. Yeah the Arnica is not helping even a little bit. :(

It hurts to be standing/walking around. Feels like my genitals are throbbing.

I know the sweating etc is to be expected, but it's pretty miserable, and interfering with my sleep! :(

I'll make a wet dose of Pulsatilla as you explained previously. Should I take that twice daily also?

rom109 7 years ago
Took one dose of Puls and within about 10 minutes I’d say about 30-40% of the pain was gone!!

This is why I love homeopathy. When you hit the right note it’s magic!

Just had to come back and share the improvement.
Let me know if I should repeat doses....
rom109 7 years ago
Ok good to know about your relief.

Based on your sensitivity do not repeat doses in a day like once or twice a day.

Go slow and steady ----may be use one/two doses per week up to the maximum of eight doses. When you see aggravation stop.
maheeru 7 years ago
Today the pain is completely gone, I feel totally normal, except for my hips still are sore.
Last night was another miserable sleep with sweating and also neck tension.
Just prior to going to bed I did have an episode of severe itching across the back of my shoulders/neck area, and horizontally across my low back at about tailbone level. Felt like flea bites ...insanely itchy ...prickly hot.
No raised bumps, just itchy. There were also raised bumps on my cheek that were not itchy. Thats all gone now.
So positive, genital pain is 100% gone. Negative, sleeping like crap and kind of grumpy and snappy/impatient with people.
rom109 7 years ago
Just went to the midwife for a baby check up and baby has lost a bit too much weight. She recommends supplementing with formula which I WILL NOT do since formula has terrible unhealthy ingredients, including dairy and soy which we are allergic to.
I am not sure if I’m not making enough milk but it seems like she just doesn’t nurse long enough. She falls asleep fairly quickly.
Not sure what to do —kind of panicking.
I will first try pumping after she is done nursing and bottlefeed that to her so she gets more hindmilk which contains the fats.

But there’s also a possibility that my milk is simply lacking in fat cells.
Any advice?? A remedy for baby maybe?
rom109 7 years ago
OK so the concern is low milk supply for now. What can I do ?
rom109 7 years ago
Low milk supply or low fat content?
maheeru 7 years ago
Puls. itself is a remedy capable of setting right the low milk supply. Do you have the problem from the first day or it's very recent esp. after puls. dose? Also a sore pointer is your reporting about being snappy, impatient after this dose. Any improvement on energy or mood?

You need not do eight doses. May be one or two more but you need to dilute it further for the next and still it's not favourable, then the third dose needs to be done by sniffing.

There is a medicine called alfalfa which needs to be taken in mother tincture form for a few weeks(10-15 drops daily) to improve quantity and quality of the milk which would also increase the fat content of the milk. But would your super sensitive system would tolerate this is a question for me.

Wasn't there any improvement on other symptoms like hemorrhoids, sweating, flushes etc?
[Edited by maheeru on 2018-03-06 21:45:28]
maheeru 7 years ago
In hindsight, I believe low supply has been a problem from the beginning. I never noticed much breast tissue changes during pregnancy, but I attributed it to the fact that I was also nursing my toddler for the most part of the pregnancy. However there was not much colostrum at first either and I was concerned for lack of wet diapers in her first few days also.
But then again, if she isn’t able to suckle properly then there would t be enough milk taken to stimulate more to be made....

I feel a little less snappy impatient, but still more so than I was before Puls dose. I feel a bit more emotional and needy, but also wanting to be alone because people are frustrating me. I told my family no more visitors for the week.
My energy is about the same. Much better than during pregnancy. I want to get up and accomplish things, and now that the soreness is gone I am physically capable, however the babe is constantly crying for milk, and then falls asleep at the breast before getting enough to eat.

Yes I did have much improvement on soreness and hemorrhoids. The soreness is still 100% gone, and hemorrhoids are maybe 90% gone.
Night sweats improved a tiny bit for one night but are now fully back.

I’ve got the Puls solution- one pellet dissolved in 4oz of water, and my last dose I succussed that and diluted one tsp in 8oz of water and took a sip of it.
Shall I take another, twice diluted?
[Edited by rom109 on 2018-03-07 14:46:47]
rom109 7 years ago
Good to know about alfalfa mother tincture.

It’s also a possibility that baby is tongue tied. My son was when he was born; we had to get it clipped in order for him to nurse properly. It definitely looks like it is.
I have a lactation specialist coming over today to assess.
rom109 7 years ago
Yes take one more dose of puls. with some tweaks.

Reduce the succussion on 4oz bottle to one. Reduce the stir on 8 oz dilution cup to one. If you are transferring more than a drop from 4oz bottle to 8 oz bottle then cut the quantity to a drop.

Instead of a sip from 8 oz bottle just take a drop as a dose.

Let's see how this dose goes.
maheeru 7 years ago
Okay so my appointment went well. She confirmed I have a very low milk supply. She also told me that not having enough fat in my milk is not a thing. I simply just am not making enough for some reason. She prescribed Goats Rue it bring back milk production. I’ve taken four doses so far and I’m already noticing fuller breasts and baby is nursing for longer.
Also my daughter is severely tongue and lip tied. She referred me to a doctor who can perform a frenotomy so that she can begin to nurse properly.

I took the dose of Puls as suggested earlier today.
[Edited by rom109 on 2018-03-08 16:15:35]
rom109 7 years ago
Coming down with a cold that my son caught. Throat is starting to burn a little and eyes feeling a little dry.
No improvement on night sweats...haven’t really noticed much change since last dose.
rom109 7 years ago
which potency are you using for Puls?

If the cold is less problematic and is on it's way out nothing to do now. Otherwise we'll have to do something.
maheeru 7 years ago
The cold is just starting, today my sinuses are starting to burn a bit and I’ve got a headache that’s starting in my neck, my neck and shoulder muscles feel burny, stiff and achy.

200c Puls. That’s all I have.
rom109 7 years ago
If I was to start the Alfalfa mother tincture, ....
Is a mother tincture the same as an herbal extract/tincture? Or is it a specially prepared homeopathic medicine?
Also I’m looking and not many places have the MT available. The lowest dose I could get is 2x. Is that acceptable?
rom109 7 years ago
Yes MT is different to that of herbal extract. It's a base preparation following a set of rules from which further potencies will be prepared.

Yes 2x will be acceptable in place of MT ---just need to pick liquid one.

I think you were doing well with that goat's rue herb right? Any problem with that?


You may go ahead with another dose of Puls. this time drops(number of) stay the same as to that of last dose, but succussion and stirs go up from one to two.
maheeru 6 years ago
No problems with the Goats Rue. I just am impatient and really eager to get her off the formula.

I will take another dose of Puls.

Btw, I’m kicking myself for this, but I think I may have discovered why this whole low milk supply issue happened in the first place. My tooth powder (what I brush my teeth with) has peppermint oil in it. 😖
I’ve been using it just about all through the pregnancy and up until today....I am discontinuing use of it now.
rom109 6 years ago
Just had the procedure done for my daughter. She’s in so much pain :’(
Would arnica be an appropriate remedy for her?

There’s no bleeding since they cauterized the site. Lots of swelling and painful for her to move her tongue and lips. She wants to nurse but it hurts too much.
I hate that we had to do this!! I know she will heal quickly and not remember, and it is for her benefit long term....but it’s so awful watching your baby be in pain.
[Edited by rom109 on 2018-03-12 23:37:16]
rom109 6 years ago
Yes arnica and hypericum in 30c. You can give one pill/drop of both two times a day for three days.
maheeru 6 years ago

Ok I’m not really noticing any changes with the Puls.

Night sweats are still pretty bad, and my sleep isn’t great.
My sinuses are swollen now, on top of being sniffly. The burning is gone, though.

I do feel that now that the whole emotional drama about milk supply and babys weight gain has settled down, so has my irritability. Take that as you will, I suppose.

Also I am slightly concerned about the Goats Rue— it sounds like it becomes a dependent supplement, meaning if it brings back my milk, then if I stop taking it the milk will go away too. That’s not cool. I’d really like my body to just do what it is supposed to do.
It’s really stressful. I’m part because I hate swallowing pills, and I hate being forced to stay in a routine. So since I often go on strike from my daily vitamins, it would be detrimental to my milk supply if I forgot to take the Goats Rue at any point. :(
....just venting a little
[Edited by rom109 on 2018-03-14 03:20:18]
rom109 6 years ago
Alfalfa being a MT and not a potency medicine may work like goat's rue. That is once stopped effects may come down but won't happen in every case.

When puls. does not improve milk sit. calc. is a choice.

But before choosing any med. would want you to give a note on current symptom profile after observing for a few days.
maheeru 6 years ago
Currently my energy levels are pretty ok, despite the general lack of sleep. I have been thinking about it lately and I’ve come to the conclusion that I actually feel a little better when I have slightly less sleep. If I make my self get up early and go about my day I seem to have more energy than if I slept in til I felt I’d had enough sleep.
My cold is going away. It’s mostly just some risidual mucous; have to blow my nose a lot — it’s just clear watery, and very loose. At night (last night especially) I have this irritating tickle in my throat making me cough as I’m trying to go to sleep.
Something that’s been bugging me for the last week at least: my joints ache in my feet and hands, also ankles and wrists. Particularly my toes and fingers. It feels hot and swollen and as if they need to be popped but when I try to pop them they are stiff and it’s just painful to stretch them.
Also my back has been extremely tight, particularly mid back and up to my neck, mostly the area in between my shoulder blades. It feels the same as toes/fingers.
My lips have been irritatingly dry lately, mostly my upper lip. That is starting to improve, though.
I’ve been craving sweet foods like crazy, and getting frustrated at myself because I end up eating so much of it, and not much proper food, like protein and healthy fats. I also go to snack out of boredom, not when I’m actually hungry.
I’m not fat or even overweight, I’m petite/average ... I just feel like I’m craving something unknown and I just end up eating sweet things like fruit and ice cream (non dairy) .... also really craving bread.
The weather has been getting warmer and the sun is coming out a bit more so the last few days I’ve felt inspired to get outdoors and do some gardening/yardwork. Really looking forward to summertime when I will want to be outdoors in my garden all the time.

—- I ordered some Alfalfa in 6x (the lowest they had—they were out of 2x) and also I saw that they had Goats Rue in 6x as well. Got it just in case.
I figure it would be a much better delivery system than herbal capsules.
I’m not intending to try them both at once, just to have them on hand in case it seems appropriate to take one route or the other.
I feel like my milk supply is increasing slowly. This morning my breasts were actually full feeling and a little sore.
It seems like there is significantly more milk in the morning and early day, and a lot less in the evening and at night. Judging by the way they feel, and primarily by how my daughter acts. She acts ravenous at night, and needs a bottle of formula. In the daytime she nurses and then falls asleep without taking her bottle. And sleeps for much longer stretches during the day, too.
[Edited by rom109 on 2018-03-16 18:36:31]
rom109 6 years ago
Did I lose you?
rom109 6 years ago

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