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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

choosing right potency

please advise me how to choose right potency
  vkg1 on 2018-01-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If the medicine in raw form works as nutrition then stay in the lower potency (6c or 30c). You can go to wiki and read about the medicine to find whether it has been in use in the raw form and is safe

Any sources that are recognized as toxic in the raw form (ars alc, phytolacca, Nux vomica,..) should be always30 and above.

Nosodes should be 200 and above

Boericke materia medical has guidelines for potency under each medicine

Others may share their view
Reva V 7 years ago
For purely physical complaints including skin: 6c and 30c and upto 200c if the complaints are intense and don't clear up fully with lower potencies.

For advanced pathology and hypersensitive patients: 30c

For cases with dominant emotional and mental symptoms and also neurological, heart complaints: 200c and 1M

Constitutional prescription: Starting from 200c and moving upwards of 1M upto CM. Nosodes also need to start with 200c except in special circumstances.

Whichever may be the complaint, ideal start point is 30c and can move upto 1M. Beyond 1M, one needs to be very sure of miasm, constitution and matching symptom profile.
maheeru 7 years ago

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