The ABC Homeopathy Forum
For Dr.kadwa plz help - Fistula
Fistula in intersphincterFistula in ano intersphincture
I am sathis, 38,M,H 176cm, w 80 Kg -
fistula surgery did 1 yr before now recurrence not in same place. Mri says T2 Stir intersphinctric fistula 32mm tract traverse linear & terminates rectum , intersphint muscle not affected.3 months problem occurs pus only discharged no blood mix, touch with my finger found a swell inside below intersphincture, opening hole within swell not in outer skin. No pain but itching in anal area due to pus drain i thought. I am a vegetarian,No smoke, No liquor and etc, No Bp, Engineer, please suggest the permanent cure. Thanks
Frib on 2018-02-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Calc Sulph-200 6 pills twice a day
2. Merc Sol-200 6 pills twice a day
Pl keep 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and 2
Pl take this treatment for 10 days and then give feedback
homeo helper
1. Calc Sulph-200 6 pills twice a day
2. Merc Sol-200 6 pills twice a day
Pl keep 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and 2
Pl take this treatment for 10 days and then give feedback
homeo helper
♡ homeo_helper 7 years ago
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