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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Vertigo, migraines, depression, lethargy

Hello, I live in NYC, very busy. I am from Australia and want to move back there. I am getting vertigo every few weeks to few days. I have Thalassemia Beta, fibromyalgia, joint pain, cold more than others, sensitive to cold skin, sensitive to noise and light and people, some allergies and depression where i want to sleep all the time and not be bothered by anyone. I struggle to be around people, to connect and be involved. I have very little energy for anything. I believe the eustachian tubes are swollen and the fluid is not draining from my ears, causing pressure and fullness and pushing the crystals out of place. do you have a recommendation for the remedy? thank you!
[Edited by Lindasaffioti81 on 2018-06-19 00:03:47]
  Lindasaffioti81 on 2018-06-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Nux Vomica-200 6 pills morning
2. Merc Sol-200 6 pills evening
Pl take above treatment for 10 days and then come back
homeo helper
homeo_helper 6 years ago
Hello, I am returning as you asked. I have not had vertigo since but I still feel the middle ear is clogged, whenI sleep I feel it closes and during the day there is some itchyness inside.
Lindasaffioti81 6 years ago
pl continue Nux Vomica-200 as suggested and in place of Merc Sol-200 , pl take Kali Mur-12x 3 platters twice a day.

Pl give feedback after 10 days treatment
homeo helper
homeo_helper 6 years ago

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