The ABC Homeopathy Forum
9 year old with autism Page 8 of 8
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please buy Arsenicum Album 30c and Sarsaparilla 6c.
Ars Alb in the evening for 2 days
3rd day: Sarsaparilla 6c one dose only
Report if any change of sign is noticed. If everything goes well, you can give Ars Alb 30 in the 4th day and stop.
Please note that Ars Alb 30 is a heating agent and Sarsaparilla 6c is a cooling agent. Alternating agents that heat and cool is the way to wake up the constitution to detox. If he is having any sign of cold symptoms, you should not give Sarsparilla. Since this is winter, you must end the protocol with a dose of Ars Alb (follow one dose of Ars Alb after Sars)
For your notes. This is one of the detox protocols that is suitable for your son, based on observations made on what worked (and what not)
Ars Alb in the evening for 2 days
3rd day: Sarsaparilla 6c one dose only
Report if any change of sign is noticed. If everything goes well, you can give Ars Alb 30 in the 4th day and stop.
Please note that Ars Alb 30 is a heating agent and Sarsaparilla 6c is a cooling agent. Alternating agents that heat and cool is the way to wake up the constitution to detox. If he is having any sign of cold symptoms, you should not give Sarsparilla. Since this is winter, you must end the protocol with a dose of Ars Alb (follow one dose of Ars Alb after Sars)
For your notes. This is one of the detox protocols that is suitable for your son, based on observations made on what worked (and what not)
♡ Reva V 6 years ago
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