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High Blood Pressure



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

High Blood Pressure

I am male 33 years. i used to take homeopathic medicine 5 years back. then i started taking allopathic medicine for HBP Nebicard 2.5. then now few months back i started having sinus for which i am taking homeopathic medicine Kali Iod and Aconite Nap. Now i want to shift to homeo for my HBP as doctors say for allopathic it is for life long. i was taking aurum met 30 from past 4 months and now i have been suggested to stop it and i am from two taking taking Calcarea Flourica 12x and Gloinine- tincher. Calc 4 pills 6 times in a day and Gloinine 4 drops two times a day. earlier my bp with allopathic was 120/80 from last 3-4 months. but whenever i tried to stop it jumped. now again i have tried the same using homeopathic medicine. is it ok any suggestions pls.
  rajesh singh on 2006-04-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
In my experience the following are the causes of high blood pressure

1. Gastric problem (Technically called it proper assimilation of food in the body)

2. Kidney affections

3. Anxiety and Depression

Find yourself what is the actuall cause may be you have one from the above list but it is not necessary for all patients.

Astonish to read that you are using glonine in mother tincture form. Please stop it in the first step.

Tell us in detail about your sign and symptoms. ABC forum will likely to help you.

Rajar More last decade
why can;t it take glonoine in tincher. i am told it is for hbp. and also it is because of anxiety and depression.
rajesh singh last decade

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