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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stress , anxiety , indigestion, low libido , fatigue

I am male 34 years old lean built
I have been in from long time , its like i cant cope up with stressfull situations to be honest stressed in small situations
This has left me with anxiety , (gas ,acidity ) not consipation (hard stools) but bowel movement are not satisfactory.
I am afraid as i dont want to end up being depressed
I am married and having low and ED ( cant maintain erection or loose between intercourse)
slowly came from last 4 years but its now better
I like sweet things
I cant sustain cold weather
Appetite is not constant ( the day bowel movement is good and satisfactory the particualr day appetite is fine and rest of days its low )
I have lipoma ( if this can be related to fat indigestion)

I tried working out but it helps to some extent ( i do weight training i like it but sometimes if leaves me tired )
I do yoga as well

I might have missed mentioning few things or symptoms which can be related .

I know stress is related to everything i am suffering with i want to get rid of it
[Edited by amandeepsingh on 2018-08-21 10:14:20]
  amandeepsingh on 2018-08-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Some one please help
I am suffering with Lipoma as well
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
Take one dose of sulphur 200c in morning on empty stomach

After 3 days take calcarea carbonicum 200c once a day for 3 days

(One dose is 2 drops directly on tongue)

Report back after 5 days

Please do not take anything 20 min before and after the medicine.
Avoid camphor, coffee, garlic, mint, perfumes..
Do not take any other homoeopathic medicine along with this.
[Edited by Mister4 on 2018-08-15 14:52:27]
Mister4 6 years ago
Hi Mister4,

Please allow to share some experience here. In more than 50% of the cases, who is treated with Sulphur in any potency, they is a permanent and long standing damage observed. They get to sleeplessness and irritability and it starts only after Sulphur and never goes away even after antidoting Sulphur.

Hence please remove Sulphur 200 and instead replace with Phosphorus 200 (which precedes Calc Carb very well). This will allow the patient to get the full benefit of Calc Carb.

Careful observation shows that there are few other Homeopathic with similar damage causing properties that every one should stay away, even if well indicated.
Reva V 6 years ago
Hello reva V

Its appreciable that you want to share your experiance..

But as you know the mechanism of action of homeopathy, it can never cause any permanent damage , if there is any homeopathic aggravation, its just the medicinal disease caused by the homoeopathic medicine its not permanent, it subsides by their own..

According to relationship of remedies it is well written in text books there is a sequence of
sulphur - calcarea - lycopodium

Phosphorus should be given after calcarea

sulphur should be given before calcarea

Sulphur must not be given after calcarea

This is the relationship.
[Edited by Mister4 on 2018-08-17 06:27:10]
Mister4 6 years ago

These all symptoms started 10 years back when a doctor gave me these following remedies with respect to the symptoms he observed that time

Mercsol 30
Carbo veg 30

I was told to take them in a day morning evening and night .
Since then all the symtoms came in last decade and despite my effort to explain the provings of any/all of these medicines to number of homeopaths no one actually showed a concern saying homeopthic medicines have no side effect. I know they have proovings .

I am looking for no prooving anymore which have to be antidoted in future thats why i reached out to Dr. Reva with my case .

If its not too late to try antidote for the above mentioned remedies i would not mind to try .. but note its being 10 years

While taking these remedies i developed warts 2-3 , i used to have lot of sneezing and ended up with deviated septum and weakness and fatigue came as we'll

mister4 i won't say that you aren't experienced enough you might be a lot but on this forum you seem new.
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
Dear amandeepsingh,

Homeopathy is homeopathy it's rules are not different for this forum or any other..

You have full right to choose what is gud for you

At my end i told you about the best prescription according to my conscious, its your own choice to take it or not, and your own responsibility...

And by the way excessive sneezing can not cause deviation of nasal septum
Excessive sneezing is a symptom of deviated nasal septum

And its a surgical abnormality its not because of homeopathic medicines

Every qualified homoeopathic doctor is known very well about proving

Any proving can not cause any lifelong change

You must know that most of the homopathic medicines are proved by physicians themselves by taking them daily to prove the symptoms

These are not tested upon animals these are tested upon humans

So according to you those physicians who have proved the medicines should be suffered from all the life threatening diseases..
[Edited by Mister4 on 2018-08-17 12:53:10]
Mister4 6 years ago
Alright i agree with you mister4
The deviated septum still exist , the sinusitus episodes have reduced and they may or may not be related to stress .

I told you what have happened to me
Sneezing started badly once i started using mercsol and it does not happen now despite i still have deviated septum , i have reports and i can share with you the paranasal xrays

My idea of proving might be wrong i agree
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
My idea of proving might be wrong i agree and also Mister4 i did say nothing to prove you wrong .

I respect your contribution towards humanity and helping people with their ailments .
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
Dear amandeepsingh

please create a new post you may get a better advise

Its not about what you said..
Mister4 6 years ago
Hello Dr. Reva

If you can help with this further i would be really grateful
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
I will post my ailment again as suggested by Mister 4
Will keep checking both threads
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
Dear all, you should know that Dr. Hering,could not wear a tie in his neck, throughout his life after the proving of Lachesis. He made proving of Lachesis first and note down the symptoms of lachesis. And unable to wear tie or anything in neck is a characteristic symptoms of Lachesis. Kamrul
kamrul 6 years ago

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