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Stress , anxiety , indigestion, low libido , fatigue 12Stress , anxiety , indigestion, low libido , fatigue | Please help !!! Dr. Reva , Dr.Kadwa, DR.anuj 1


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Stress , anxiety , indigestion, low libido , fatigue

Hello Dr Reva

I am male 34 years old lean built
I have been in stress from long time , its like i cant cope up with stressfull situations to be honest stressed in small situations
This has left me with anxiety , indigestion (gas ,acidity ) not consipation (hard stools) but bowel movement are not satisfactory.
I am afraid as i dont want to end up being depressed
I am married and having low libido and ED ( cant maintain erection or loose between intercourse)
Sinusitis slowly came from last 4 years but its now better
I like sweet things
I cant sustain cold weather
Appetite is not constant ( the day bowel movement is good and satisfactory the particualr day appetite is fine and rest of days its low )
I have lipoma ( if this can be related to fat indigestion)

I tried working out but it helps to some extent ( i do weight training i like it but sometimes if leaves me tired )
I do yoga as well

I might have missed mentioning few things or symptoms which can be related .

I know stress is related to everything i am suffering with i want to get rid of it

  amandeepsingh on 2018-08-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take one dose of Sulphuric Acid 30, four pills and report back after 2 days or so. Since you are sensitive to Homeopathic medicines, one dose is enough to start. repetitions will be decided based on your response.
Reva V 6 years ago
Dr. Reva ,

Thanks for replying and i apologize that i did not acknowledge.
Please note that i took liquid dose of acid sulph 30 2-3 drops 2 days back.
I did not feel anything much apart from slightly better sleep and i use to have a pain in my lower back which is not sharp but rather dull which i think is due to gas or stress
I felt better in back pain as well .
[Edited by amandeepsingh on 2018-08-28 06:21:27]
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
Dr Reva ,

Please let me know how do i need to go ahead now
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
As an update Dr. reva
I have taken a second dose yesterday evening and in morning i wake up with a headache
Can it be related ?
Any other pointers you might be looking for
Waiting for your reply
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
Please do not repeat. Just let go a few days with no medicine and continue to monitor and write for any changes.
Reva V 6 years ago
Noted and observing now ..
I will not repeat
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
Dr. Reva

Please suggest the course ahead
Things are nearly the same back again
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
Dr. Reva
<br>Please suggest the course ahead
<br>Things are nearly the same back again
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
Please take one dose Sulph Acid 30 only once. Please write after 2 days for any changes. It is good to just enough help for your body to regain its strength.
Reva V 6 years ago
Thanks Dr reva
I will take one more dose and report back in 2 days ( i request you to please keep frequent checks here )
strength regain you mention does not last for more 3-4 days
i got headache too can that be related ?
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
This is a golden one for you. Take it as directed and report every two days. Nerve strength is the foundation for all other medicines to work in your favor. If we skip this step you can seldom get results from other medicines.
Reva V 6 years ago
It is not required to take too many medicine or too many times a day. You seem to be skeptical with a single remedy and waiting for a few days.
Reva V 6 years ago
I note that Dr. Reva
I will take the dose and will report in 2 days .
I definitely agree with your advice to take a single dose and wait for sometime .
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
I took the does today and will be updating in 2 days.
i forgot to mention i have frequently happening mouth ulcers too
they come every 3-4 weeks
[Edited by amandeepsingh on 2018-09-13 13:56:03]
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
Mouth ulcer reinforces that you should take more sulphuric acid. Aphthae is covered by this
Reva V 6 years ago
Thanks Dr. Reva this looks really promising ..
As an update i took one does of Sulphuric acid 30 yesterday below are the updates

- No headache
- improved digestion
- bowel movement is better the next day whenever i took the doeses
- Unexplained lower back pain/stiffness reduced ( PT says it is
dues to prolonged sitting and bad posture etc)
- better energy level
- improved vigour ( not upto the mark but better )
- it has somehow bit helped in ED too
- less feeling of lethargy and Fatigue
- improved sleep
- Still having mouth ulcers ( they come and go )

As you said "Nerve strength is the foundation for all other medicines to work in your favor".
Weak nervous system is what i am presenting as well ?? i have a strong gut feeling that i do , as this might be one of the cause too where i cant handle much stressful situation and get anxious easily ( even when it is just an interview )

I have also observed in last 10 years that a particular medicine may it be homeopathic or ayurvedic or any other pathy works good initially and then my body stop responding to which the nerve strength thing can be related

Please keep checking this thread and i really appreciate your help ..
[Edited by amandeepsingh on 2018-09-14 15:21:25]
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
Please take one dose of Sulphuric Acid 30, only once and wait for further instructions

While the body is recovering, support it with good night sleep, early morning wake up, take bath as soon as you can do comfortably, minimize high exertion like long travels, minimize vigorous exercise, abstain from sex as much as possible to build up your reserve, sleep when sleepy, eat simple digestible food, etc..
Reva V 6 years ago
Noted Dr Reva
I have taken one dose today
Will wait for further instructions while follow the ones you have written
Please note that bowel movement is still not satisfactory and stools are usually not on harder side as said in constipation but kind of loose/ nit formed properly
I hope sulphuric acid 30 and acid suphuricam 30 are same remedy
Thanks again
amandeepsingh 6 years ago
Dr reva

Please suggest next course of dose if any
I am dealing with lot of gas too
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
Please take Sulphuric Acid 30 once more dose. Then repeat once in xx days. xx can be some where between 4 to 10 days, based on when you need another help.

As the nerves get stronger, your body will fix every problem you have. You dont need a separate medicine for each of your problem. What you need to do is to search for how to live naturally and everything will align as you start making life style changes.
Reva V 5 years ago
Noted Dr , reva

I will initially use the Sulphuric acid 30 for about once in 4 days or a week .
Question is how long is it safe/good to use this remedy ??
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
It is given every day for one month with no aggravation even on most sensitive patients. The general rule is, the pull must be within the limit of how much you could yield. The longer the problem is, the larger the inertia.

So you can do this for months, at once in 4 days rate.
Reva V 5 years ago
Thanks a lot Dr. Reva
I will keep updating and would highly appreciate if you can come back and keep a check on this thread

God bless you ...!
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
Hello Dr. Reva

After i took last dose in evening i felt chilly at night.
There is a discomfort or gas or indigestion wherever i take a dose.
So please advice
I have ED also along with all as i mentioned first in my post
Do i need to keep using suphuric acid 30 ?

Just a question, does caladium 30 fit anywhere with my case ?
amandeepsingh 5 years ago
You mentioned "whenever you took a dose". does this mean, you felt gas or indigestion when you took this medicine each time? or this was seen only in the last dose?

Your well being is a pre-requisite before you treat ED.

List the symptoms that you first had and explain what has improved and what has not improved after Sulphuric Acid 30. ED should be last in the list, as you need physical and mental strength built for permanent ED results. If you need ED first, please look else where, not in this thread.
Reva V 5 years ago

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