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Please Tui Help : Mast cell tumor 3mast cell tumor 5


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mast cell tumor

Hello, my dog has a cyst on her hind leg which was diagnosed as mast cell tumor.
It is 2 days that I have applied thuja directly to the tumor and also given 2 doses by mouth 30c.
but unfortunately there has been no change except that it has gotten a bit harder.
I am applying as of today curcumin in the hopes of a possible shrinkage.
Wanted to know can I give my dog Dr. Reckeweg 17 ?
or can someone advise as to a remedy that will help shrink this tumor.

Thank you any response would be absolutley appreciated.
  cathy3 on 2018-10-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
can I have the history of complete dog life
any illness in past
how was dog parents ? how did they die or alive with any disease ?
how is the dog behaviour now. and before illness??

I need all details

Dr.jitesh sharma
drjitesh 6 years ago
I had posted a detail history and no one responded to my thread .
Can someone please advise.
any respose woud be truley appreciated
[Edited by cathy3 on 2018-10-07 16:04:13]
cathy3 6 years ago
Hello Dr. Sharma, first I would like to thank you sincerely for responding to my case.
My dog's name is Prada she is a Maltese / Yorkie mix, spayed, she weighs 8 lbs and she is 10 years of age, born October 6, 2008. She is fed a home-cooked diet which consists of boiled turkey, steak and vegetables. She was diagnosed with Collapsed Trachea which the doctor says its a hereditary condition. I bought her from a puppy store so I have no idea the medical history of her parents.
She is a very happy, friendly dog, she is very affectionate and loving. She loves people and children she plays with children very well, even if provoked by a child she would never bite, but she does not interact well with other animals, she does not like other dogs and becomes very aggressive.
She is terrified of rain, the noise of rain makes her shake and causes panic attacks the same when she sees lightning. She shakes uncontrollably and pants as if she would give herself a heart attack, unfortunately, I cannot calm her because she gets hysterical nothing soothes her and this behavior lasts for hours even when the storm has passed.
She licks a lot , when she comes in my bed she constantly licks my husband's pillow and digs uncontrollably on our bed, if I try to stop her she becomes aggressive so she continues until she tires herself out.

As for her medical history, she has had 3 Rabie Vaccines, 1 Bordatella, and 1 Parvo Vaccine. The first Rabies Vaccine was given at 4 months of age at which she had a bad reaction. She became very ill with fevers and nearly died, she was given high doses of Benadryl to counteract the reaction that was occurring in her body. I do not believe in any type of vaccinations, but here in the States it is the law and mandatory that all dogs get their annual rabies and so for this reason I would refuse to take her for any annual checkups.
Unfortunately, she became ill in 2014 where she was vomiting and had no appetite so I was forced to have her checked by a vet and by law they administered a Rabies Vaccine. She was diagnosed with inflammation of the intestinal tract and in 2016 she was hospitalized because she was bleeding from the rectum due to gastroenteritis which I attributed came from kibbles and dog treats I was giving her occasionally and so again another Vaccine was administered. I gave her 3 doses of thuja to counteract any ill effects from the vaccine and she had no ill reaction, but her collapsed trachea condition had worsened a bit, I then took it upon myself to give her a homeopathic formula from PetAlive called Amaza pet It reduces bronchospasm, tight chest and opens airways, I found that this helps her somewhat with her coughs, but she still chokes and gags when she drinks water and coughs and has difficulty breathing when running. The ingredients are:
Althea 2X, Arsenicum alb 30C, Inula 2X, Kali mur 6X, Mag phos 8X, Phos 30C. .
She always had a little cyst on her right hind leg which appeared after her first rabies vaccine in 2009 the doctor said it was nothing to worry, the cyst remained the same size and shape until July of this year I noticed the cyst was getting bigger and changing shape. And she developed a small wart on her back. I also noticed in Early April of this year her bark had changed the voice has become a bit hoarse and deep.
I was fortunate to find a new doctor in August that was willing to waive Prada's vaccines due to her ill health conditions.

At first, when she examined the cyst she believed it to be a fatty cyst when she sent the aspirated liquid to the lab it was confirmed to be a mast cell tumor. I tried to dissolve the cysts with arnica, calendula, echinacea ointment but nothing worked the cyst just kept changing.
I went back to the doctor because Prada was licking at it and caused an infection so I requested a topical antibiotic which I apply and is helping with the infection.

This morning I made a baking soda/water paste which I applied directly to the tumor as so to see if the alkaline change would help it dissolve but the size remains the same, it did soften it a bit but it became very inflamed. I washed her tumor with a warm compress of water with red root, dandelion, and nettle, the tumor has softened and I applied again the antibiotic.
I am afraid if the tumor touches her bone, as of now it is under the skin and moveable.
I truly appreciate your help, you have no idea how grateful I am.
I await your advise.
Warm Wishes
[Edited by cathy3 on 2018-10-08 04:07:33]
cathy3 6 years ago
send me the thread link then I can advise
drjitesh 6 years ago
[Edited by cathy3 on 2018-10-08 04:08:11]
cathy3 6 years ago
not sure if you saw my link
[Edited by cathy3 on 2018-10-08 04:08:33]
cathy3 6 years ago
will resend
[Edited by cathy3 on 2018-10-08 04:09:10]
cathy3 6 years ago
cathy3 6 years ago
I will email you the link
[Edited by cathy3 on 2018-10-08 04:09:49]
cathy3 6 years ago
should I apply anything on the tumor as well?
[Edited by cathy3 on 2018-10-08 04:11:06]
cathy3 6 years ago
4pills twice a day for 5 days report any change
If possible send image on my mail

Dr.Jitesh Sharma
drjitesh 6 years ago
Thank You so Much Dr Sharma,
I will administer that to her right now, I have Silacea 30c
I am sending you an image of the tumor, please let me know what you think.
Your insight is important Please..
cathy3 6 years ago
sending you a close up
cathy3 6 years ago
Dear Dr. Sharma, wanted to inform you that Prada underwent an abdominal scan and a very small mass was noticed on her liver, I have refused aspiration so we do not know what kind of mass it is, but it is a growth.

Wanted to know if the silacea will work on her liver as well ?

Warm Wishes
cathy3 6 years ago
Yes it will
drjitesh 6 years ago
Ok , I will continue and keep you posted.
Thank You
cathy3 6 years ago
Hello Dr Sharma it day 5 today that she has been on Silacea .
The tumor has not changed in size although it appears to ooze foul smelling liquid, I started applying the antibiotic ointment again in case of an infection.
Should I continue ?

Warm Wishes
cathy3 6 years ago
Hello Dr Sharma it day 5 today that she has been on Silacea .
The tumor has not changed in size although it appears to ooze foul smelling liquid, I started applying the antibiotic ointment again in case of an infection.
Should I continue ?

Warm Wishes
cathy3 6 years ago

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