The ABC Homeopathy Forum
mast cell tumor
Hello, my dog has a cyst on her hind leg which was diagnosed as mast cell tumor.It is 4 days that I have applied thuja directly to the tumor and also given 2 doses by mouth 30c.
but unfortunately there has been no change except that it has gotten a bit harder.
I am applying as of today curcumin in the hopes of a possible shrinkage.
Wanted to know can I give my dog Dr. Reckeweg 17 ?
or can someone advise as to a remedy that will help shrink this tumor.
Thank you any response would be absolutley appreciated.
cathy3 on 2018-10-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Depending on the grade, it is going to be a different remedy so let me know when you get the result of the scan.
♡ Tui 6 years ago
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