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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Tinnitus and dizziness

Looking for insight to help heal my tinnitus/dizziness. Back in January I was involved in a great deal of stressful work. When that work load came to an end, I was in full recovery mode. It felt like it took a long time to bounce back. In the midst of it was flu season. I caught everything that came through the house. In late January, I got a concussion. I took Arnica 200c immediately. Later in February I was taking pulsatilla 30c for the flu/respiratory symptoms/fatigue. that helped tremendously. Over this entire period I experienced dizziness along with increasing tinnitus. Now I'm at a point where silence is my enemy because it magnifies the ringing in my ears. It takes a great deal of mental work for me not to go insane. I've tried what feels like 20 different remedies. Nothing is working. I understand that I've probably taken too much. All have been 30c. At this point I'm at a loss. Any insight is appreciated. Currently I'm taking Kali Mur 12x.

Note* I haven't taken any remediy much longer than a day, 4x daily.
  Kenifer on 2019-05-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Alcohol or no alcohol? How much water? Do I drink all at once? I’ve never used tincture....
Kenifer 5 years ago
K is in India, where liquid is low cost and available.

Go to top of forum, click store and put in remedy name.
Order pills. K will tell you how many to take.
Pills are much less cost than liquid in USA.
simone717 5 years ago
Thanks so much!
Kenifer 5 years ago
Hi K,

Please tell her how many pills to take for each dose.
simone717 5 years ago

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