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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr Maheeru only. Page 18 of 23

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There has been a full aggravation of symptoms after Pollen 30c's first dose.

Took it last night, this morning, nose was ven more blocked, then runny all day, throat is itchy and hurting, eyes are extremely itchy and red, mood is down, i dont feel hungry because of all the symptoms.

Is it an aggravation due to the introduction of the remedy, or a mere coincidence with the high season and sunny days? It's difficult to tell, but the symptoms are very very annoying.

Will update after 5 doses.
[Edited by syria on 2021-05-30 19:32:31]
syria 3 years ago
Was it dry dose? If the second also feels the same then move to first dilution wet dose.

If it's wet dose, then after one or two doses if you feel annoying aggravation we can try second and third dilution.
maheeru 3 years ago
Yes it was dry dose.
Will do that if same happens after second dose.

I guess that anti-allergy pill is a big NO while on Pollen 30c, otherwise we won't know if it worked or not? Because socially speaking, the symptoms are so handicapping to be honest...
syria 3 years ago
The throat is burning, the nose is blocked at night, runny during the day.

Extreme fatigue from the symptoms, and back has started hurting because of fatigue / not sleeping well.

Shall I go with first dilution, or switch to Sang Nit?
[Edited by syria on 2021-05-31 09:05:34]
syria 3 years ago
I really cannot bear the symptoms anymore

Throat burns
Nose is runny throughout the day making eyes runny too
Nose's skin on sides is irritated from cleaning it so much

The only improvement is that eyes are less itchy

Back was hurting this morning from tiredness and exhaustion

I'm going with Pollen 30c first dilution

Please tell me if I start Sanguinaria now or if I can take one anti allergy pill? Just one? Then it's raining on thursday for a week but atleast until Thursday i need some relief.
syria 3 years ago
Start on first dilution pollen, if it's not adequate use allergic pill and once two to three doses of first dilution Pollen(use two or three doses per day provided there is no related aggravation) has been taken by this time you will know if it significantly improves or not, then add in Sang. nit either stand alone(if Pollen falls way back in help) or as an addition if pollen also helps.

There may be a lag in my communication. So based on my earlier posts you can confidently take decisions. No problem if you have to use that natural formula or even cetrizine or some allopathic medicine in an emergency.
[Edited by maheeru on 2021-05-31 21:03:02]
maheeru 3 years ago
I have taken 5 doses until now
(2 dry doses and 3 wet doses, first dilution)

The symptoms are 60% better today.

Yesterday, they were also 50% better.

Nose was less runny
Eyes were less watery and itchy
Almost no sneezing yesterday
Less fatigued
Slept better

Throat is still burning in throat but less than before. However, a dry cough has installed, irritation in the throat and chest makes me cough and its quite rough.

What shall I do now?
[Edited by syria on 2021-06-02 10:19:29]
syria 3 years ago
Continue wet dose third dilution for two/three days. Take two doses per day. If overall improvement crosses 80% ok, otherwise we may have to add another medicine.
maheeru 3 years ago
Wet dose third dilution, or first dilution? I've not gone above first dilution yet.
syria 3 years ago
Oops reference to third was mistake. If you’re using first dilution then that is it.
maheeru 3 years ago
I took the wet dose bottle with me in my bag today morning and went to work with it.

Does walking with the bottle in the bag impact the succions/energy/dilution of the wet dose?

What are the next steps?

There has been almost no sneezing at all, no itching of the nose

Eyes itch a little from time to time, cough is a better, throat's burning is better, nose is not blocked or runny like before, but there's a constant yellow thing inside it, which keeps coming out when i blow my nose, and blowing it relieves it, otherwise it's irritating, but it's not runny and coming out non stop without blowing like before.

There's a blocked feeling in throat, and it hurts today, but doesn't burn anymore.
[Edited by syria on 2021-06-04 15:09:16]
syria 3 years ago
What would be the number you would put for the percentage of improvement?

How many doses are up for Pollen grass.... Is a week over? This may be continued for a few more days.

Sounds like Puls. with remaining symptoms. We may introduce it in 6c and see in a couple of days.
maheeru 3 years ago
I have taken 2 dry doses (pellets)

I have taken 8 wet doses (first dilution)

That makes 10 doses total.

A week will be over tonight.

If I have to put a number, I'd say 70-75% improvement.

Every day, there has been some improvement upon waking up.

The only symptom left is thick mucus when i blow the nose and stuck in nose and and at the junction of nose and throat, but it blows away easily.

I'm happily surprised and relieved to the way I responded to Pollen 30c. The first two days, it was horrible, but then things improved everday, despite a high pollen count and red alert throughout the country.
syria 3 years ago
Heartening :) Ok continue it for a few more days or may be upto two weeks in total.

Shocks during walk can impact succussion/energy. But I don't think that would interfere with treatment practically.
maheeru 3 years ago
In a completely unexpected turn of events, the symptoms reappeared yesterday.

From 90% improvement, i'm back to 55-60% improvement.

Throat is fine, but eyes started itching yesterday, are red and irritated as soon as i touch them.

Nose is kind of okay, but i did sneeze a little today, and the need to blow is still present, with uncoloured thick mucus coming out, but only coming out if i blow, not constantly like before.

The main symptoms are in the eyes.

I hope it does not aggravate more.

I'm still taking two wet doses of Pollen 30c a day.
[Edited by syria on 2021-06-08 14:20:42]
syria 3 years ago
Try varying dosage to one dose per day if you think overdosage is problem. If it's under dosage then we may try three dose after trying it with one dose per day.
maheeru 3 years ago
Things are "in control" but symptoms are still present after switching to one dose per day only.

Eyes itch and sneezing happens from time to time, and nose still has transparent kind of mucus.

I would say, it's still stuck at 60% improvement.

Shall I go back to 2 doses, or go up to 3 dosew a day?
[Edited by syria on 2021-06-11 07:37:06]
syria 3 years ago
What have you felt? If you think one dose per day is better then we won’t consider three dose per day. On the other hand if you felt two doses better then we move to two or three dose per day. How many days up with this med. and how many doses are up?
maheeru 3 years ago
I feel that switching from one dose to two did not change much. Things are "stable", but only 60%, 40% improvement is still needed.

I have taken it for 13 days, approximately

2 dry doses
18 wet doses first dilution
[Edited by syria on 2021-06-11 15:51:28]
syria 3 years ago
Ok Continue Pollen grass wet dose for two more days. After that we may give a break for this.

Procure Pulsatilla 6c if you don't have it already and start taking doses two times to three times a day depending on need. [If you usually use Puls 6 in dry form and if you used Sang Nit 6 last time in dry form you could try this time in dry form]

Puls. could be started right away.
[Edited by maheeru on 2021-06-11 17:01:26]
maheeru 3 years ago
I live in the city, and today i went to the countryside, surrounded by nature.

I had the worst allergic attack of my entire life, unbearable eyes itching, eyes swollen and red, teary eyes all day, violent sneeezing, funny runny nose, terrible terrible feeling.

What does that mean? Pollen 30c did not work ( not enough to go in the countryside)?

I'm so shocked about the attack I did seriously...

I had to take an anti-allergy allopathic pill, its the first time I took it this year, things were unbearable, people thought I was crying.

Tomorrow I will get Pulsatilla 6c, do i still go with it considering the attack I just had?
[Edited by syria on 2021-06-13 22:01:43]
syria 3 years ago
Have you gone to those places in height of this season before? If yes did you have same reaction? More or Less?

Were you also taking the pollen doses while you were travelling in the countryside?

Well the medicine has not worked as we'd have hoped. Even otherwise in some entrenched cases we hope to give exposure to the allergen in minute form like immunotherapy in a series of steps to gradually eliminate the sensitivity. So what this suggests is we need more steps and more things to cure.

Yes you can start on Puls 6. If not enough or not available move to Nat Mur 6x.
maheeru 3 years ago
I have never been to such the countryside, but I do go to big forests near the city, and I never had that kind of reaction.

So I stopped Pollen 30c as you suggested, last dose was last Saturday, and started Pulsatilla 6c on Monday, 2 dry doses a day.

It helped with nose congestion and mucus, there's still some mucus and throat dryness in the morning but once I blow it, I'm fine.

There's still itching in the nose which makes me sneeze, around 5-6 times a day, but that is also better.

Itching of the eyes is almost cured, it only itches very rarely (5% left).

Overall, I'd say I'm 85% better.

However, there's some back pain in the morning only, mild back pain, after introducing Pulsatilla 6c. It gets better from movement during the day.

Digestive system is still doing well, I have even bulkier stools than before since starting Pulsatilla, but it did dry my stools a little I feel, because usually I don't have to push, but since 4-5 days, I have to push and stools feel drier, but they are bulky so I guess it's okay.

I also have a drier mouth / more thirst since starting Pulsatilla 6c, but it's very very mild.

What shall be the next steps?
[Edited by syria on 2021-06-21 08:23:50]
syria 3 years ago
If puls. continues to improve you may continue for a few more days else move to Nat mur 6x.
maheeru 3 years ago
For the past 5 days, I took one dose of Pulsatilla 6c daily.

I stopped, as symptoms are 95-100% better. Is it okay?

The pollen I'm allergic to naturally comes down end of june, so the symptoms also naturally resolve by end of june, but Pulsatilla helped, I guess.

It also helped with mood, dwelling, positive thoughts, energy... Do you think it can help on that front?

Very important note :

My upper jaw surgery and chin surgery is planned for july 13th, i will enter the hospital on july 12th that is to say in 12 days. For such surgeries where bones/muscles/tissues will be involved, is there anything you want me to take before surgery? After surgery?
If yes, please let me know what, when, and which potency so that I can have it ready at home, because after the surgery, I will not leave my house for atleast two weeks, so I shall have those remedies ready. :-)
syria 3 years ago
I don't remember you telling me about this surgery. If you are really going to do this--take two doses of Arnica and Hypericum 200 on the previous day of surgery. Immediately post surgery you will have to continue these two. Three doses per day initially for a week. Post surgery if there is bone pain you can add Ruta 30 based on how you perceive bone pain. If not immediately you can add Ruta after two days of surgery.

Also have Bellis perennis 200 handy.

In the first two weeks usually these will suffice.
maheeru 3 years ago

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