Sanguinaria Nitrica
Sanguinarinum Nitricum, Sanguin, Sanguinar, Sanguinarina Nitrica, Sanguinaria, Sang-n.Have you ever used Sanguinaria Nitrica? Yes No
Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Sanguinaria Nitrica in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.
Inflammation; internally
burning externally; internally
pressing; internally
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Benz-ac > general
The gout goes to different parts and in this instance it goes to the stomach; and then Benzoic acid, Antimonium crud. or Sanguinaria is likely to be useful.
Gels > general
The sick headache of this remedy is not accompanied with much nausea and vomiting, as is that of Sanguinaria, Iris versicolor and Lac defloratum, but is accompanied by the characteristic weakness and trembling belonging to this remedy. Gelsemium is one of the so-called fever remedies.
Kali-i > general
In the beginning of my practice I used to dissolve two to four grains of the crude salt in a four-ounce vial of water and direct to take a teaspoonful of this preparation three times a day, until it is half used, and then fill up with water and continue taking the same way until cured; filling up the vial every time it was half used. But several years ago, having a marked case of this description and feeling sure of my remedy, I gave it in the 200th potency as an experiment. This case also made fully as speedy a recovery as the others treated with the crude drug, so since then I often prescribe it in the potencies. There are two other remedies that may dispute the place with Kali hyd. in such cases, viz., Sanguinaria and Stannum. In all the expectoration is profuse and thick, but in Stannum the matter tastes sweet, in Sanguinaria the breath and sputa are very foetid, even to the patient (also Sepia and Psorinum), while in Kali hyd. it is salty to the taste (Sepia). With Kali hyd. and Stannum the expectoration is often thick, green.
Phos > general
As I said when writing upon the tissues, the face of Phosphorus is characteristically pale and bloated around the eyes, but in pneumonia we often find circumscribed redness of the cheek upon the side of the lung inflamed. This is also true with Sanguinaria. About the mouth and tongue I do not know anything particularly characteristic. It has a peculiar symptom of the throat. The food swallowed comes up immediately as if it had never reached the stomach. This is supposed to be due to spasmodic stricture of the oesophagus.
Chel > relationships
Compare: Nux; Sulph.; Bry.; Lyc.; Opium; Podophyl.; Sanguin.; Ars.
Grin > relationships
Compare: Tart-emet. Eriodictyon; Lach.; Sanguinar.
Iris > relationships
Compare: Iris Florentina - Oris-root - (delirium, convulsions, and paralysis); Iris Factissima (headache and hernia); Iris Germanica - Blue Garden Iris - (dropsy and freckles); Iris Tenax - I. minor (dry mouth; deathly sensation at point of stomach, Pain in ileo-caecal region; appendicitis. Pains from adhesions after). Pancreatinum - a combination of several enzymes - (Indicated in intestinal indigestion; pain an hour or more after eating. Lienteric diarrhoea. Dose - 3-5 grains, better not given during the active period of stomachic digestion). Pepsinum - (Imperfect digestion with pain in gastric region. Marasmus of children who are fed on artificial foods. Diarrhoea due to indigestion. Dose - 3-4 grains) ( Diseases of pancreas, gout, diabetes); Ipec.; Podophy.; Sanguin.; Ars.; Ant. Cr.
Kali-n > relationships
Antidote to Ivy and Primula rash (Clarke). Herpes facialis; crops of boils. Carbuncles). Osteomyelitis. Cannab. Sat ( Which contains a large amount of Kali-nit.). Lycop.; Sanguin.; Allium. Sat.; Antimon. Iod.
Lycpr > relationships
Compare: Bell ( follows well); Eup. Perf.; Rhus; Sanguin.; Caps.
Rat > relationships
Compare: Paeon; Croton (rectal neuralgia); Sanguin nit (diseases of rectum); Macuna prurens-Dolichos-piles, with burning; haemorrhoidal diathesis; Silico-sulphocalcite of Alumina; Stag-blast Iron furnace cinder--(anal itching, piles, and constipation; housemaid’s knee); abdominal flatulent distension and lumbago. Analogue to Lycopod.
Epip > relationships
Compare: Iris, Melilot.; Sanguinar, Fagus - Beech-nuts - (headache and salivation; swelling on mouth; dread of water).
Chel > general
Chelidonium is a poppy and therefore allied to Opium and Sanguinaria, with both of which it has many features in common.
Lycps > general
According to Hale Lycopus is mentioned by Rafinesque as "partaking of the properties of Digitalis, Sanguinaria, Cimicifuga, and Spigelia," and as being "one of the mildest and best narcotics in existence." He commends it specially as a substitute for Dig., as having the advantage over it of being non-poisonous.
Rat > general
and he has cured with it since nearly every case of pin-worms in his practice. In a woman, old and feeble, he cured with Rat. 3x internally, and a Rhatany rectal suppository each night, frequent discharges of mucus, blood and pus from the bowels night and day with great pain and burning in rectum almost wholly preventing sleep. Cushing considers that, next to Sang nit., Rat. meets more rectal cases than any other remedy. Rummel (quoted H. R., i. 140) relates the case of a servant girl who had rapid twitching of the lids of right eye to such an extent as to hinder her seeing. There seemed to be also a rotary motion of the ball. Bell. and Calc. failed to relieve. Rat. 12 relieved quickly. The symptoms are agg. By touch (teeth). Pressure amel. pain in chest. agg. Lying down.
Arum-t > relationships
Concordances Laches., Lycop., Ailanth., Arsen., Canthar., Mur. ac., Nitr. ac., Sulph. ac;., Hydr. ac., Iodium, Phytol., Sanguin., Silic., Sulphur.
Sang > relationships
Sanguin. antidotes Rhus rad.
Am-pic > head
Periodic bilious headaches (Sanguin).